Love complex as a demon, ask that I am doing part-time job

Chapter 82 But, I Don't Have a Home!

Chapter 82 But, I Don't Have a Home!

The slightly drunk Qin Qing leaned against Yan Mo's arms, counting her fingers quietly, but she still couldn't tell what was playing tricks among the guests.

Pouting his lips in distress, he started to be in a daze, and asked in a low voice, "Am I too stupid? Why can't I figure it out?"

With a ruddy face, moist eyes, high pouty red lips, the dull Qin Qing pushes down her shrewd and sharp appearance, she is extraordinarily innocent and lovely, in fact, she should be such a girl in the first place.

She is very expensive, and she is destined to have no worries about food and clothing, but she doesn't know where she went wrong. She met the kind of patriarchal and mercenary parents, which made Qin Qing's life difficult. She learned how to look at people and how to protect herself since she was a child.

A happy childhood can heal a lifetime, but an unfortunate childhood needs a lifetime to heal.

Yan Mo rubbed the top of Qin Qing's head, leaned his chin on her head, and chuckled softly: "Except for being a bit stupid sometimes, you are still very smart, you have worked very hard, do you need me to praise you? "

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhwh ! !Enough, enough, I'm dead! ! !Help, it's too sweet! ! 】

【Qin Qing must be drunk, otherwise she wouldn't be so obedient and still make trouble...】

[Enough, let go of that female doll, let me pinch it! ! 】

[Qin Qing is so cute when she is obedient, like a doll, seeing her dumbfounded, she is so wronged, I will give you my life...]

[Handsome men and beautiful women are eye-catching, and they are a good match. I agree to this marriage! 】

【Ma Ma asked me why I was drooling while holding my phone (﹃)】

The dumbfounded Qin Qing protested dissatisfiedly. She wanted to push Yan Mo away, but she couldn't push the man away. In the end, she could only continue pouted with her head dejected, and muttered: "Boasting is useless, why not be more realistic? Here I have a lot of longevity, I want to live a long life, I want to live healthy and healthy until I am old, I want to..."

As she spoke, Qin Qing's eyes turned red and she buried her head deeper.

What does she want?

She is alone, so what if she lives a long life?
Her thoughts were a little messed up, and there was a strange feeling in her heart that kept churning, which made Qin Qing's chest tight. She didn't understand why the world would criticize her so harshly and let her experience so many bad things!
"Yanmo, I don't have a family. The sky is big and the earth is big. I seem to be alone!"

Although he didn't lower his head, Yan Mo could still feel the moisture on his chest, which was extraordinarily cold on a hot summer night.

After a long silence, when Qin Qing stopped crying, Yan Mo spoke out, his deep voice seemed extremely gentle to the ears.

"You will live a long life. Not only will you be healthy and happy, you will have a lot of things, and you will have a lot of family members."

For Yan Mo, the underworld is his home, and those ghosts are his family and Qin Qing's.

"Even now you have a lot of family members, that stubborn judge, he is most worried about you, Fan Ba ​​is willing to waste time every time to help you torture the prisoner, and wants to help you earn more life, because you robbed Xie Qi of many tasks, He is still happy to accompany you, and there is a bull's head and horse face, and the soul lock chain is what they deceived and insisted on giving it to you."

Cui Pan was stubborn, and every time Yan Mo refused to give him more life, he had to mutter beside him for a long time, in case something happened to Qin Qing, and gave him a book of life and death.

His life and death book was originally not allowed to be held by the little devil, but the judge said that it was an old version, the pages were broken, and he insisted on replacing it, so Qin Qing snatched it away. She was so stupid, she didn't know it was Cui The sentence was left to her on purpose.

Fan Ba, who is in charge of all kinds of ancient books, always chases Qin Qing to learn more, for fear that she will suffer losses in future missions.

No matter Xie Qi's status, unless he is the ghost king, there is no need for him to do ordinary tasks, but he just went to Qin Qing's house to scare her and tease her, in fact, he was afraid that Qin Qing would be lonely.

Niu Tau Ma Nian also dotes on Qin Qing, and the soul lock chain can be given away if she dares, not to mention those little ghosts. Wherever they go, they will grab rare things and grab them back to the underworld. They squat at the intersection of Huangquan and wait for Qin Qing to rob them. .

Qin Qing has been playing this kind of boring and childish game with Guicha for three or four years, and she still enjoys it.

One threatened to rob, the other cried and begged for mercy, and after grabbing the things, Qin Qing began to ask the other party's name, burn things for the other party, the old ghost messenger, where is there any family, where is there any offering, it is Qin Qing In the wilderness, car after car was burned.

Thinking of these people, Qin Qing laughed through tears. She knew that Cui Pan's acting skills were the worst. How could the book of life and death be broken? He threw it on the ground blatantly, and Qin Qing picked up the leak behind him, smiling like two idiots.

Fan Ba ​​responded to every request, and Xie Qi often visited her. It seemed that everyone in the underworld was playing childish games with her. Everyone was very kind and treated her very well.

"Yes, I actually have a lot of family members, they are all very good, very good to me..."

Qin Qing seems to be tired. This kind of fatigue and sleepiness comes from the depths of her soul. She hasn't rested for a long time. Around, she is a little indulgent.

"Yanmo, do I have a family too? Right?"

Like a child having a temper tantrum, she insisted on asking Yan Mo for the answer, but he could only answer yes over and over again.

Smelling Yan Mo's scent, Qin Qing closed her eyes, finally calmed down and fell asleep.

Yan Mo didn't push her away, but still hugged her in his arms, and sighed softly on top of her head: "You still have me..."

The gears of fate started to move on that rainy night. That day when Qin Qing met Yan Mo, that delicate young man stretched out her hand to pull her out of the dark life. Qin Qing was also crying that day, and the fate of the two people was completely entangled. Together.

Because Qin Qing was drunk and fell asleep, Yan Mo sent her back to the tent, found a place at the very edge, and carefully set up various restrictions to prevent anything from getting close.

Before leaving, Yan Mo looked from afar at Ruan Yingying who was happily chatting with Wei Yaozu at this time, and Feng Rushuang who was staring at the two with gloomy eyes while drinking.

Human emotions are really complicated. It seems that love is to occupy or destroy, and it is violence that does not hesitate to destroy if you can't get it.

However, love should be from the beginning to the end, stay together and know each other, even if there is no perfect result, because there is no regret when meeting, and I would rather rely on all the good things to go through the restraint of a lifetime.

He knew what those things were, but he didn't tell Qin Qing directly that these experiences would make Qin Qing grow up.

 Woman, are you satisfied with what you see?

  ( ̄_,  ̄)
  [I want to carry the greasy to the end, hahaha]

(End of this chapter)

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