Chapter 93 Unhappy
Everyone's story is different, only Qin Qing is sitting opposite Yan Mo at this time, behind him is Mao Maoshen, who is still bound by the soul chain, kneeling in the corner obediently and sensiblely.

Qin Qing, with a flattering smile, rubbed her hands at Yan Mo, "Boss, what should I do with this thing? The sky doesn't take it, the earth doesn't care, it's useless for me to keep it..."

In addition to the cat hair god, there must be many spirits who escaped on this island. Does she want to keep them all?
Whoops, thinking of these guys, who don't do good deeds, have to watch and control them every day, and leave it to Qin Qing to handle, she feels a pain in the head!
Yan Mo spread his hands, saying that he had no better way.


"If you don't want to let them go, you can let them go. I've said it all. The sky doesn't accept it, the earth doesn't care. They, these monsters, don't belong to my management."

Seeing Yan Mo's expression, Qin Qing slapped the table angrily, and roared, "How can you say such irresponsible words!"

This group of guys are particularly good at deceiving people, and in the end they will withdraw and leave when human beings are going to perish.

But Yan Mo didn't care at all, the underworld only accepts all kinds of ghosts, but these spirits are not included!

Playing a rogue?
She was angry, but it was useless to be angry, and she couldn't beat Yanmo, and she became even more angry after thinking about it, so she kicked Mao Maoshen again.

"You can also help me think of a way..."

The innocent Mao Mao God was not only kicked, but also forced by Qin Qing to tell him how to deal with himself.

"Beautiful sister, I don't have anything to do. We are a group of spirits who don't want to be taken in. At most, they will be suppressed by the seal. With the vicissitudes of life, no matter how strong the seal is, it will lose its effect. We will come out sooner or later."

Except for the Wufang Tiangui, all other little spirits belong to spirits. Although they are weird, they are not enough to promote righteousness (positive energy).

He relied on understanding people's hearts, helping to analyze those emotional things, gaining a little power of faith, and continuing to practice and survive.

He didn't do many bad things, even if he saw Shao Ting's golden light and wanted to borrow some luck, it was just a harmless thing. People with good luck can recover from minor illnesses in a few days, but for him, it is a great remedy.

"Just keep them, maybe I can help you in the future. I can teach you the imperial seal and imperial spell, so that they can show their original shape, and you can enslave them like domestic servants. If you manage them well, you can avoid causing trouble."

Hearing the imperial seal and the imperial curse, Mao Maoshen's eyes widened.

This... is not an ordinary curse seal, it needs ancient blood. Looking at Yan Mo, he still couldn't see through the identity of the other party, without any smell, like an ordinary human being, but Qin Qing kept calling him the boss.

Being stared at all the time, Yan Mo turned his head slightly and looked at Mao Maoshen, with a strong death intent in those cold eyes.

It was as if countless innocent souls had caught the cat hair god, and his chicken paws trembled, causing him to keep shrinking back, even if the ghosts would not stop him, but just now he felt that he was going to die, and if he looked at him one more time, he was going to die.

Qin Qing, who didn't pay attention to the god of cat hair at all, continued to complain, "I knew you had a purpose. You wanted to leave this mess to me and let me accept these careless guys, so that it would neither cause harm to the world nor cause trouble to the underworld!!"

The crazy Qin Qing was yelling, if Yan Mo didn't think of a way, it would turn into crying, making trouble and hanging himself later.

This kind of drama has been staged from time to time during the few years he has known Qin Qing. He has long been used to it, and skillfully took out his mobile phone and said, "I will give you a task. You have a lot of lifespan. Do you want to take it?"

Shut up instantly, the whole world became quiet, Qin Qing lay on the table, stretching her neck to look at Yan Mo's phone.

"Give me more, don't search and search, you are like this every time, I feel ashamed when I go out to do missions, this kind of mission, except for me, who is outstanding and good, who would dare to take it, hurry up..."

Under Qin Qing's urging, Yan Mo gave the task.

Smilingly, he took out his mobile phone, took over the task, looked at the rich life yuan rewards, showed a flattering look again, and asked Yan Mo: "Boss, do you want some supper? It's late at night, and your old man has to go down to deal with business. It's too hard. I'll get you some supplements."

Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, I got many gifts from Ye Kuilingang's parents before, this time Qin Qing took out a lot of supplements from the suitcase and handed them to Yan Mo.

"You've worked hard, you've worked hard, just leave these small matters to me."

When Yan Mo returned to the main hall of Fengdu again, with several boxes of beautifully packaged gifts in his arms, Judge Cui, who had been waiting for a long time, was covered in black lines.

Whose Master Pluto still needs to eat human junk food, don't think about it, Qin Qing must have taken it down.

After sending someone away, Qin Qing completely occupied the small wooden house, looked at Mao Maoshen's frightened virtue, curled her lips and said, "Did you see my boss? You dare to provoke such a brave little devil like me, you really cast yourself into a trap!"

Huge doubts arose in Mao Maoshen's heart, the boss of the little devil?

Could it be Fan Ba, Xie Qi?

It doesn't seem to be the case, people who know imperial seals and imperial curses cannot be of ordinary blood!
"How many brothers and sisters have you escaped from?"

Now that she has accepted the task, Qin Qing must make good use of the time she stays on the island and get it done as soon as possible, otherwise she will be in trouble after the filming ends.

This time, all the well-behaved cat hair gods were very cooperative, and said: "I know there are three more people, and the other guys may still be trapped inside. After I leave, I don't know if anyone will break free..."

According to the observations in the past few days, Qin Qing can be sure that there is one in the sea, and there is another one beside the guest, but it is not clear whether there is another place.

"Okay, okay, you can reflect on yourself, reflect on yourself, and follow me obediently in the future, and you will be rewarded!"

Mao Maoshen, who still wanted to explain a few words, didn't even have a chance to speak, and was imprisoned in Huangquan Stone again.

Listening to the sound of the waves, Qin Qing happily turned on the air conditioner and jumped onto the big soft bed. She didn't know how the other four would stay together. At least she wasn't afraid at all. Yan Mo had to work in the underworld and didn't need to sleep, but she could enjoy it alone. It was so beautiful!
When Qin Qing faced the sun again, opened the window, and saw the four neighbors, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit delicate...

Qin Qing was very upset by the sour smell that seemed to exist between everyone!

Family members, who knows, a group of close friends suddenly have a little secret behind her back, this feeling is really uncomfortable!

 Family members, who knows, friends are falling in love behind their backs!
(End of this chapter)

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