Chapter 122 Who Are You Calling?

[The people in the comment area are sour. Anyway, as long as Chi Weiwei releases a new song in someone's way, he will be slammed badly, but it should be explosive or explosive. Our girl has been getting better, only you are behind the screen sour to sour]

[To be honest, beautiful people will only be more anxious, because they will always want to maintain this kind of beauty. I have a friend who is very beautiful, but because she contacts with richer circles, she also feels that she is not enough Because she is beautiful, she still keeps getting plastic surgery. It is no exaggeration to say that she has changed from head to toe now. The anxiety behind these glamorous people is even more bottomless.It can only be said that we are all people who have been coerced by the Internet age. No matter whether you are ordinary or outstanding, you have your own anxiety. I don't understand what you are attacking. ]
[Anyway, Chi Weiwei is really speaking out for girls, I am not the wrong person. ]
[I said you really don't hate women too much. ]
After Chi Weiwei finished eating the melon, he called Zheng Shilin back in a daze, "Has Zhao Yiyang quit the show?"

Zheng Shilin hung up the phone, switched to a voice call and immediately pulled Sun Yue into the discussion group.

"It seems so. I just heard it this morning. It is said that the last time you leaked the video, people from her father's company were used as guns by Zhao Yiyang and his daughter." Zheng Shilin lay on the bed and ate melons.

"Wow," Sun Yue was eating breakfast, and was surprised when he heard that he swallowed the milk, "Then can he agree?"

"I must disagree! So let's do it!" Zheng Shilin was as excited as if he had given Zhao Yiyang a shuttle on the battlefield.

Chi Weiwei was confused, "How?"

"I heard that it was that person who was not convinced and wanted to expose Zhao Yiyang's immoral deeds. In the end, he was threatened by Zhao Yiyang's father." Zheng Shilin said one sentence after another.

"What happened later?" Sun Yue asked curiously.

"Originally, that person was threatened and couldn't make any splashes, but guess what?" Zheng Shilin said mysteriously, "The boss of that super awesome entertainment company, Chi Yu, came forward and helped that person behind the scenes. "


Chi Weiwei feels that she is a little too sensitive, there are many people with the same surname in this world, and she is not the only one who can be surnamed Chi.

"Later, Zhao Yiyang's father really couldn't do Mr. Chi, and the program crew was afraid that this would have a bad impact on the show, so they made Zhao Yiyang pretend to be seriously ill and quit the show."

"Huh?" Sun Yue frowned, "Then she still said that on Weibo, as if we forced her to quit."

"That's right, I heard that the program team is mad..." Zheng Shilin paused, and said, "Weiwei, why don't you talk?"

Only then did Chi Weiwei come back to his senses, "Ah, I was thinking about a question, why did Mr. Chi help us?"

"Maybe I just can't understand their father and daughter," Zheng Shilin let out a breath of anger, "Anyway, I was so excited, she should have been punished a long time ago, and it would be good if she didn't have the capital to suppress people and eliminate them in the first round. gone."

"That just made her quit," Chi Weiwei snorted coldly, "Her retribution is still early."

You really think she is easy to bully if you drag her into the water even though you are doing something small by yourself?
All the unexplained scolding she endured will be returned to Zhao Yiyang one day.

Just when Chi Weiwei was about to speak, Lou Qi's voice suddenly sounded from behind, "Who are you calling?"

Chi Weiwei "..."

Zheng Shilin "..."

Sun Yue choked on the milk, "...cough cough cough!"

(End of this chapter)

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