I was forced to become a god in the horror infinite stream

Chapter 1 The path of the villain begins?

Chapter 1 The path of the villain begins?
When Yu Ruan woke up from the endless ruins, she still maintained the posture she was sleeping in the university classroom a second ago.

She really couldn't figure it out, she just stole the billionth laziness in her life - taking a nap in the water class.

Why is it so unforgivable that it is thrown into the garbage dump?
However, what I didn't expect was that this was just the beginning of "unforgivable sin".

Yu Ruan rubbed her eyes, and found herself lying on a very clean desk, which seemed to be the desk where she had just attended class... There was still a textbook on it, and a little bit of her saliva was still on the cover...

She looked around and found that she was on the only flat ground in the depression, surrounded by ruined walls, cables, giant scrap iron, liquids, clothes, inexplicable debris, these things spread, seemingly endless.

Yu Ruan just wanted to stand up, but found that she was glued to the stool and could not move.

At this time, a "shooting star" fell vertically, landed on the book in front of Yu Ruan, and turned into a black card.

The card reads in golden font, "Hello, Ms. Yu, welcome to World 378, please read the Survival Manual. At the end of the manual, there is a beautiful gift from this system."

After reading the slip of paper, it disappeared.

no?Burn after reading?

Yu Ruan looked at her empty palm, and had no choice but to open this introduction to Western philosophy, which she hated so much, with countless questions.

"Welcome to World 378—the mechanical wasteland, where the truth is immortal."

"The more you hate it, the more likely it is that you rely on it for survival."

Yu Ruan couldn't help pinching her temples, it was the first time in her smooth life that she felt the strong malice of the world.

"This world is far beyond your imagination, and as a primitive man of the old planet, you may only rely on this book to gain a chance of survival."

"The following is the survival guide, please read it carefully."

Yu Ruan turned a page of this nonsense.

And the next page is the preface to a long and boring theory...

"Pa—" he closed the book.

Also, if it was going to be a good thing, she wouldn't time travel...and fall into the trash.

After Yu Ruan took a few deep breaths, she still decided to open the book—at the end, look at that "beautiful gift".

But I didn't expect that when I opened it, it would be her personal information.

Name: Yu Ruan

Gender: Female
Intelligence: 6/10
Mental Power: 8/10
Force: 2/10
Explosive power: tentatively one star

Luck: four stars tentatively

Faith value: 0
Skills: To be explored.

Below is a large blank space.

Then I flipped to the back and found it was still blank.

So she turned to the second page, the mission introduction.

As soon as Yu Ruan read a few lines, she felt dark in front of her eyes. Is this a mission?Or just pretend I didn't wake up?

Task 0: Remove some residents.Contents: Completely destroys 1000000/[-] creatures.

Task 0: Restoring part of the ecological environment.Contents: Destroy buildings 100000/[-].

Task Three: Reduce stress and reduce biological reproduction.Contents: Destroy couple 0/10000.

Task 0: Establish an organization and increase followers.Content: 100000/[-] followers are required.

Task Five: Collect Faith Points.

...The task content is uncertain, and there may be branch content, please pay attention at all times.

At the bottom of the paper, there is also a [core task]: Please be sure to complete the continuation of the faith.Contents: Tentatively rated 0/100 for kissing creatures.

For Yu Ruan, any of them is like a catastrophe.

But when it comes to death, she can't easily give up her life.

But even if she could understand the previous missions of destroying the world, the last core mission would be too ridiculous, wouldn't it?What kind of Pacific system still cares about whether people kiss or not?And the font is actually pink?Also drew two little hearts?Is it too unorthodox?

Forget it, this task may not necessarily need to be completed, and for such a "high hope", she may not be worthy of living a few more lives.

She flipped through the task and looked at the last page. It said "warm warning" on it. She didn't know what warmth had to do with warning.

Warning [-]: Complete the main mission of your life (to be explored), do not commit suicide, do not commit suicide, do not commit suicide.

Warning [-]: Do not destroy this book at your own risk.

Warning [-]: Please take this world seriously, this world is not a game.

Warning Four: You have one and only one chance to be resurrected.

Hope you have a smooth and happy trip.

Yu Ruan felt that after reading this book, she found that it became more and more profound, and it was no longer a realm that a mortal like her should touch.

Closing the book, she was full of thoughts. She looked at the sunset pouring out of the sky, and with a pragmatic attitude, she decided to find a place to spend the night first.

Yu Ruan stood up for a while, staggered, had no choice but to support the table for a while, sitting for too long.

Let me swear first that I will never sleep in class again, if there is still class.

When she stood up, she realized that among the ruins, the outlines of some buildings in the distance could still be seen, but only sparsely.

But that doesn't matter, it must be difficult for her to go to the city tonight, and she can only live in the garbage dump to rest.

Yu Ruan slowed down and began to look for a suitable foothold in the garbage dump.

The more I searched, the more I found that this place was not like a garbage dump, and valuable things abounded.

She suddenly came up with an idea, is it possible that in this world, no one is in the business of recycling waste?
Yu Ruan decided to wait until he found a place to rest, and then he must find some time to sort out the "how to become a king of waste recycling" plan to get rich.

She walked around and finally found a row of unremarkable old pill-like devices before the sun went down.

According to her "reading" experience, this thing is more like the rumored dormancy cabin. She reached in and touched the inside of the big pill. Yes, it was indeed a mattress, and it was very soft.

"Is the new world so wasteful? It's not bad." Yu Ruan tried to lie on her side while muttering. When she lay down completely, she realized that she could directly see the stars in the sky.

"Forget it, after all, it's in the garbage dump, just find something to cover it." Yu Ruan thought, and came out of the cabin, planning to pick up some rags and cover it. If you can find a needle and thread, it would be better to make a curtain .

She searched for some fairly clean cloths in a nearby circle, and picked up some glass-packed potions, which said great medicine, improve medicine, and strengthen medicine, which should be drinkable.

While drinking, she thought that she might not be able to find anything to eat in a short period of time, and she also had no money to buy it, so she planned to search the neighborhood the next day before heading on the road.

Yu Ruan also moved some parts to cover her whereabouts, and picked up some garbage and put them on these big pills, making the big pills even more inconspicuous.

Only then did she cover the cloth again with peace of mind, and lay down on her side.

Before going to bed, stuff the remaining potion in the crevice of the bed.

It was too late for her to conceive of her plan to get rich. For some reason, her heart was jumping and jumping from the very beginning, thinking that the night might not be so peaceful.

Before the real night, let's catch up on sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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