Chapter 10 The Daughter of the Sea-09
Lying on the bed, Yu Ruan slowly opened her eyes. She felt the soft sea water wrapping her exposed skin like a veil.

Although she is very adapted to the deep sea environment and can see without obstacles, her body actively turned on the desk lamp and habitually looked at the bed next to her.

Surprisingly, he didn't see a familiar figure.

It seemed that there should have been someone important to her there, but she couldn't remember it.

She only remembered that she was a little mermaid who came to the king's wedding.

After getting up, I stayed in bed for a long time, and found that I couldn't even remember where I came from, and there was only one thing in my mind, "go to the wedding".

She got out of bed, opened the door of the bedroom, and found a gorgeously dressed woman standing outside.

"Please, distinguished guest, follow me to the banquet." The woman said while bowing.

"it is good."

When Yu Ruan passed a row of doors, she stopped and looked at some vague patterns on the door, feeling familiar.

"Who lives in these rooms?" she asked the woman leading the way.

"The king's medicine is stored in these rooms, and they are not allowed to enter." The woman bent over and explained.

"Okay, let's go then." Yu Ruan suppressed the panic in her heart, wondering if she was nervous because of attending Wang's wedding.

"Yes." The woman continued to lead the way.

When Yu Ruan saw the woman leading him upstairs, she felt some doubts again, isn't it going down?

But he obediently followed the woman upstairs.

I am so strange, I am obviously not familiar with this place, but I have a lot of wild thoughts.

Is this the legendary "I seem to have been here?"

While thinking silently, Yu Ruan followed the woman forward until he bumped into her.

She rubbed her head, feeling that the touch was cold and smooth.

"Guest, please come in." She lowered her head and said.

Yu Ruan glanced at her, then opened the door and went in.

In the middle is a road, filled with ice crystals on both sides, and the key point of the road is a throne on which the king sits.

Before Yu Ruan could see clearly, she lowered her head and walked towards the tables on both sides, found a random place and sat down.

"Wang" can't look directly at it, and it will cause mental disorder.

The idea came directly to her mind.

She didn't dare to look up after she sat down, she just glanced around from the corner of her eye, and there was no one else here.

She sat for a long time, the stool made of ice crystals gave off a chill that pierced her soul.

"Shouldn't you start?" Yu Ruan thought silently in her heart, then slowly raised her head.

Sure enough, there is no one else here, only her a fish, oh, and the king fish on the stage.

Yu Ruan took a peek at Wang's figure, and slowly moved towards the door.

If I had known that everyone would not come, then I would not come either.

Yu Ruan cried silently in her heart.

Until she touched the doorknob and pressed down, sure enough, it couldn't be opened.

So she had no choice but to retreat back to the original sitting position silently.

A long, long, long time has passed.

It was so long that Yu Ruan felt that a whole day had passed.

But the door was still closed, and she couldn't get out.

She had no choice but to sneak a glance at the king, and then she walked towards him slowly.

"She's so beautiful." Yu Ruan looked at her blankly.

The king in front of him closed his eyes, but he could still see his soul-stirring face.

She was as white as a sculpture, and she couldn't help but make people reach out and touch her.

So Yu Ruan couldn't help touching it, feeling the smooth and delicate skin, and couldn't help but become more obsessed.

She got closer, closer, until she pressed her lips to hers.

"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the kissing task, the completion rate is 1/100, unlocking the skill [disaster for the country and the people] Lv1: Make creatures within a radius of 50 cm lose their minds for 1 minute. And trigger the system to broadcast."

A virtual screen appeared in front of her eyes, and following the voice of the mechanical female voice, fonts appeared.

There is also an option to use skills below.

Yu Ruan froze in place, all memories began to recover. is she here?

And the king she kissed had already opened his eyes, looking at her indifferently.

Yu Ruan's scattered eyes looked at hers before they suddenly gathered, and immediately pressed to the screen, choosing to use the skill he had just acquired.

"The skill was used successfully. Due to the opponent's special physique, the effect of the skill has been reduced. Please pay attention."

Yu Ruan looked at the person in front of her and closed her eyes again, only then did her violent heartbeat recover a bit.

"This is the boss"

"I'm really going to die now"

"What's the situation, now"

"How about... before you die... let's kiss a few more..."

She immediately closed her eyes and kissed the boss in front of her fiercely.

"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the kissing task, the completion rate is 5/100, unlocking the skill [disaster for the country and the people] Lv2: Make creatures within a radius of 1 meter lose their minds for 2 minutes."

Use skills!
"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the kissing task, the completion rate is 10/100, unlocking the skill [disaster for the country and the people] Lv3: Make creatures within a radius of 2 meter lose their minds for 4 minutes."

Use skills!

"Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the kissing task, the completion rate is 100/100, unlocking the skill [disaster for the country and the people] Lv7: Make creatures within a radius of 32 meter lose their minds for 64 minutes."

Use skills!
"Ding~ Congratulations on the successful completion of the kissing mission, reward the upgraded version of [Disaster for the Nation and the People] - [Please Kiss Me]: It can make the opposite creature fall in love with you completely for 1 minute.", don't use!

"Ding~ It has been detected that the host has a "kissing" phenomenon. Please continue to complete the kissing task. When using skills, this task will not be counted."

...Yu Ruan looked at the rewards she got with "Fate", and couldn't help but feel the malice of the world again.

Also, her mouth is so swollen that she can't speak, yet she still wants to finish it...

What the hell is this... home!
Yu Ruan looked at the sleeping fish in front of her again, and suddenly remembered that she couldn't get out from here...

In order to verify it, she swam to the door again, broke the handle, and it was still closed.

white kiss...

She had no choice but to sit down obediently in the restaurant, waiting for the fish to wake up.

After sitting down, her mind started to run at high speed, thinking about these days.

She found the following six things:


1. She seems to have been demented. She is not sure when she entered the dungeon, or after entering this place.

2. She believed in a weird child very easily, and the child had disappeared, he had problems, and prevented her from discovering the problem.

3. She has not communicated with the person she met in the dungeon alone, so she is not sure of its real existence.

4. Dinners, dances, fishtails, and spars are all tricky things, which may be similar to anchor points involving the core.

5. Her resurrection is a very strange thing. I don't know if it has anything to do with her memory loss just now.

6. Finally, the effect of the skill she just triggered is to lose her sanity... sanity? !

She couldn't help but looked up at the king in the middle, he was looking at her with a smile, looking... very horrified.

Damn...this broken system is playing word games with me! ?
(End of this chapter)

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