Chapter 23 Under the Spotlight - 06
As soon as Qiu Zi finished speaking, the door of the room opened from the outside.

They were here to deliver lunch. After the two of them entered the door, they left two buckets, porridge in one bucket, and some apples in the other bucket.

After seeing the two of them, Qiu Zi's eyes lit up. Isn't this a good opportunity to go out?
So she immediately stepped forward, knocked the two unconscious with a hand blade, and placed them beside the barrel.

Everyone inside the door was startled, and just wanted to cry out.

Qiu Zi looked at the crowd, put her finger on the mouth of the nearest person, and said, "Whoever makes a sound, I will kill him~" After speaking, she smiled, her eyes curled up.

He reached into the bucket and took an apple, put it in his mouth, and turned around to go out.

Yu Ruan followed immediately, and took three more apples into the bucket, holding them in her arms, and followed Qiu Zi with small steps.

"Little idiot, are you capable of protecting yourself?" Qiu Zi gnawed on an apple, stopped and leaned sideways on the wall, looking at Yu Ruan who was following her.

"No problem." Yu Ruan nodded, she ran pretty well, and with skill interference, there shouldn't be any problem.

"Okay, then let's go separately, try to memorize the way, go back if you feel something is wrong, find a place with information and try to leave a mark." Qiu Zi stretched out her hand and poked Yu Ruan's head, and said with a smile: "No It's been too long, there is still a chance at night."

There is too little information, so they can only look for as much favorable information as possible while ensuring their own safety.

After finishing speaking, Qiu Zi ran forward, Yu Ruan covered her head and looked at Qiu Zi's back, and also walked to the other side.

She still hopes to find some paper or books. She has not given up on her previous ideas, and also hopes to see if her "textbook" has changed.

Before Yu Ruan took a few steps, she saw other people delivering food. Those people were very numb. Even if she stood in front of them, she would not attract their attention.

Like puppets on a string, they don't seem to have any thoughts of their own.

People will not notice her, but animals will. What Yu Ruan is most afraid of on this journey is encountering animals and not avoiding them in time.

Fortunately, she only encountered pigs a few times. They made a purring sound, and they could be spotted very early in the rather quiet corridor.

When Yu Ruan walked and felt that she had walked out of this area, she found that she seemed to have entered a new area.

She first saw an unclosed door lying horizontally in the middle of the corridor, and when she opened it, she saw no difference inside.

After Yu Ruan walked in, she looked at the rooms on both sides, and it turned out that there were men inside.

No wonder there were only girls in her place before, she thought that only women in this dungeon would suffer such a big humiliation, but she didn't expect to separate men and women.

Looking at the naked men in the room, she didn't have time to feel embarrassed, she just felt goosebumps crawling all over her body.

People are locked in like livestock, no clothes are needed, food is only given casually, and the sexes are separated, just like preventing animals from going into heat.

Yu Ruan only glanced at it for a few times, and then stopped looking at it. She already understood that the situation of human beings is no different from that of livestock in the original world, and this place is just a pet house, and there is no real core information. in it.

But she still planned to take another walk, wanting to get a rough idea of ​​the layout here, and pave the way for the "explosion scene" behind her.

Unexpectedly, a man ushered in the front, um, no one was wearing clothes.

Yu Ruan could only protect her important parts first, although her sense of shame had subsided after staying there for a day, it was the first time in her life that such a big scene happened.

In front of him was a tall, fair-skinned, red-haired boy with sharp edges and corners, and good black eyes. He was not a foreigner, so he didn't need to speak English.

The little brother was also shocked when he saw her, hurriedly covered his important parts, lowered his head, and leaned straight against the wall.

"Uh, you came out to investigate too?" Yu Ruan hesitated for a moment, but decided to ask, in case the boy had any clues.

The little brother was stunned for a moment, looked up at Yu Ruan, then quickly lowered his head, "My name is Wuwu, I came out to find clues."

Fifth fifth?The name is quite individual, as expected of the red-haired brother.

"I also came out to look for clues. Our side is full of girls, and they are also locked up one by one. There are about a dozen people in a room. I walked all the way and there are hundreds of rooms before I come here." Yu Yu Soft is not stingy with news, and then added, "It seems that we were all moved from one place to participate in some draft. We participated this morning and escaped while someone was delivering lunch."

Fifth Wu lowered his head, listened to Yu Ruan's words, and knew that the encounters on both sides were the same, "Our side is also the same."

It seems that there are really no clues, "Do you have any plans for the current situation?" Yu Ruan planned to ask again and left. In fact, he passed many forks before, but he was afraid that he would get lost and did not dare to go in, so he kept walking along the corridor. I'm walking, I can take a look when I go back later.

"Because there are no casualties so far, everyone doesn't really want to take action, but I always feel that something is wrong, and the result of the draft must not be a good thing. I want to come out and find some clues." Fifth Wu said with his head down.

"Yes, my friends and I think so too." The current casualties are indeed very few, although most people choose to wait, but Yu Ruan feels that sitting still is a pain.

"There are too few clues, and I don't have any good plans right now, but if you need me, I can definitely help." Wu Wu just wanted to raise his head, patted his chest to reassure, and silently lowered his head even harder .

"Okay, okay, I hope we are all safe." The atmosphere was too awkward.

A "click-click-click-" broke the embarrassment.

Yu Ruan's complexion changed instantly when she heard it, she knew what the voice was, she didn't care about being shy, she just grabbed Wuwu and ran forward.

Fortunately, the corridor is covered with carpets, and because of the bare feet, there will be no noise, so there is no need to worry that the footsteps of the two of them will attract attention.

After hearing the sound of horseshoes and not approaching any more, Yu Ruan stopped after gradually becoming inaudible.

Wuwu guessed that there should be animals behind him, so he was very obedient all the way, and after he stopped, he lowered his head and asked, "Is this voice familiar to you?" He remembered that when Yu Ruan pulled his arm, he raised his head For a moment, I caught sight of Yu Ruan's pale face from the corner of my eye.

"Well, this voice spoiled two girls when we first came to this dungeon." Yu Ruan calmed down her heartbeat, but her face was still pale, and she clenched her fists hard.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." Fifth Wu didn't expect such a reason.

"When you first came, there was no such thing as 'you will die if you make a sound'?" Yu Ruan asked involuntarily.

"After I entered the dungeon, I also heard someone making a sound, but he is still alive and well." Wu Wu said while recalling, and finally added repeatedly: "I have not encountered any casualties."

Yu Ruan heard Wuwu said it before, but she just thought it was their good luck, but now after hearing the news, she couldn't help being stunned.

Is there no death condition of "make a sound and die" at all?

(End of this chapter)

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