Chapter 29 Under the Spotlight - 12
Yu Ruan brought Quan Wei back to the hotel, and asked the brown wolf to send more bathrobes and clothes, and threw the only bathrobe that can be worn in the hotel to Quan Wei.

She has scales on her body to hide from her body, and clothes are actually more dispensable, and it is obvious to those who need clothes more at this time.

After she wanted to send Quanwei to the hotel, she went out again to look for a farm. According to Brown Bear's remarks, when she first entered the instance, she should have been in the farm.

Unexpectedly, after putting on the bathrobe, Quan Wei knelt down directly, "I am willing to be your believer."

As soon as Quanwei's voice fell, a virtual screen appeared in front of Yu Ruan's eyes, which displayed, "Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for completing the task of establishing an organization, the completion rate is 1/10000, unlock the skill [Strange Power and Chaos God] Lv1: Make A follower does one thing within his power."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for triggering the faith value. This value will be related to whether you can return to the original world. Please continue to work hard. The current faith value is 10."

This series of changes made Yu Ruan's CPU dry up in an instant, and he was stunned for a while before asking Quan Wei, "A believer?"

Quan looked puzzled at the creature in front of him, "Don't you need believers?"

What should Yu Ruan say, she needs it, but why does the person in front of her say this so abruptly?And how does the person in front of you know what you need?
Quan Wei thought that his behavior was too sudden, which frightened the other party, sorted out his logic and said: "I voluntarily became your believer, and now may be the most dignified time since I came here, I hope I can get For your protection, I also sincerely dedicate my faith to you."

"I come from the deep sea and have been ashore for a long time. I don't know about it. Do the lords here need believers?" Yu Ruan said after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, Quan Wei understood, and also understood why this one in front of her was so special, she said patiently, "The lords here all have their own churches, and they need the worship of believers, although I don't know how much faith affects them. What's the use of it." These are all the information she got in the coffee shop, so faith is the only thing she has.

"Then why do they still treat you like this?" If belief is so important, why is it so humiliating?

"They both want our beliefs and disdain our beliefs. To them, we are only a tool, a product, and a pet." Neither is worthy of existence as a life, so there is no dignity at all, Quan Wei thought to himself .

After Yu Ruan listened to it, she had mixed feelings in her heart. This copy is too big, and too many people have suffered from it.

She was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at Quan Wei who was still kneeling on the ground, and immediately pulled him up, letting her sit on the side of the bed.

Seeing the big bed, Quan Wei couldn't help but began to tremble. She had a little bit of luck at first, but she didn't expect this thing to happen. She sat on the edge of the bed and closed her eyes, waiting for the misfortune to come.

But she didn't expect that there was no follow-up. After she opened her eyes, she saw Yu Ruan sitting on the sofa again, holding her chin as if thinking about something.

After Yu Ruan figured out Quan Wei's behavior, she turned her attention to "returning to the original world". She didn't expect that the key to going back was on this, and thinking of the virtual screen that had just appeared suddenly, she couldn't help but look up at Quan Wei. , but happened to be looking at the other party looking at her.

Yu Ruan coughed twice and asked, "Did you see anything strange just now?"

Just as Quan Wei was about to say "you", he swallowed the word and shook his head.

Is this virtual screen invisible in the copy?It is true that no one has ever called out Sir, so what exactly appeared before her eyes?
Quan Wei saw that Yu Ruan was lost in thought again, she thought for a while and then said: "You said you don't understand this place, do you have any questions about this place?"

good chance!This is also a way to get news, but Yu Ruan had to maintain her mysterious identity, and after thinking for a while, she asked, "Do you know the origin of the upside-down status in this world?"

Quan Wei didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, and half a year was enough for her to figure it out, "Well, from the mouths of animals, I heard that a god appeared a hundred years ago, it seems that that god was born at that time. It is the only animal, but it survived as a strange species because it resembled a human being. This god has experienced a lot in this world. I heard that he has been regarded as a rare thing for a long time. In the exhibition, after he turned into a god, he scattered his body on the ground, and so many talking animals appeared."

god?There is also a god in this world?Yu Ruan couldn't help but think of her previous world, the boss who claimed to be a god.

The story itself also made Yu Ruan sigh, "the only animal", "strange species", "rare thing", "exhibited".
She understands where this copy's malice towards humans comes from.

Yu Ruan suddenly thought of the gold-pasted portrait she saw before, and couldn't help but look at the coffee table, picked up the painting she put aside, and asked Xiang Quanwei, "Does it look like this?"

After seeing the portrait, Quan Wei opened his eyes wide and was stunned for a while before saying, "I don't know, but I have seen such a painting at Xiang Wang's place."

That's very likely. No wonder the painting was mixed in this pile of old materials, but it was wrapped in a big envelope. It turns out that the most valuable thing is not the gold leaf on it, but the painting itself.

Yu Ruan put away the painting carefully. If this person is a god, then there must be a church belonging to him, and it must be very important there.

Although the dungeon does not intend to give Yu Ruan a rest, Yu Ruan feels that he still needs sleep very much. The amount of information harvested today is too large, and after sorting out, there is only a deep sense of tiredness left.

Yu Ruan looked at Quan Wei who was sitting by the bed. Although she had a lot of questions to ask him, she felt that now might not be the right time to break the casserole and ask the end. After thinking about it, she decided to put her own questions to her. Write it on paper and let the other person write it to themselves the next day.

It just so happened that she still needed to go back there to prevent the other party from being at a loss here.

Quan Wei looked at the creature in front of her and wrote something on the coffee table, but her mind was full of thoughts about whether something would happen at night. She didn't think that she would be able to escape the catastrophe because of her devotion to her faith.

After Yu Ruan finished writing, she read it carefully, making sure that what she had written was very similar to a believer questionnaire, full of mysterious hints, and then she got up and said, "You fill this out tomorrow, I'm going to sleep. "

After she finished speaking, she walked towards the bathroom. As soon as she stepped into the bathroom, she thought of her special physique, poked her head out of the bathroom again, and said to the girl on the bed with her eyes closed, "You rest there alone, don't disturb me."

Okay, that's it, Yu Ruan changed the water in the bathtub with confidence, and lay down in it. For the girls who are scared outside, she believes that it will be fine after a long time.

And this girl sat on the bed worrying and frightened for a long, long time, and fell asleep until she was too sleepy.

 In the past two days, I have been worrying about whether my grades will be too bad, but in fact my grades are indeed not good.

  But today I finally calmed down, and decided not to ask about world affairs, and write my own novel with peace of mind.

  After I calmed down, I found that my writing state was much better~~
  Thanks to the precious readers I met, who gave me great encouragement! !
(End of this chapter)

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