Chapter 33 Under the Spotlight - 16
It was the pig, which commanded the two to pull away all the other girls in the room.

"There is no food delivery at noon, and there will be in the evening. You don't have to live here tomorrow." As he said, he shook his hoof, disgusted with the smell inside.

After the other girls were taken away, it looked at the remaining six people inside, said, "Eat less, the judges like thin ones.", then closed the door and left.

In these five days, apart from eating porridge, it only eats fruit. I really don't know how it has the face to say such a thing.

Yu Ruan knew that today she had to go out no matter what, she planned to talk to Qiu Zi about the situation later, if the pig came back at night, they would try their best to kill it.

But they have lost their best chance.

At night, when Qiu Zi knocked out the food deliverers, Yu Ruan looked down at the bucket they brought, and it was actually full of fruits—oranges, oranges, grapefruits, and pineapples.

This makes people quite suspicious of the purpose, but it can only be eaten obediently.

Yu Ruan and Yu Ruan placed them side by side next to the door. After searching for the key, Qiu Zi leaned against the edge of the door to prevent the door from closing, and ate fruit with Yu Ruan.

Since there were only six of them left in the room, these two barrels of fruit were enough to fill their stomachs.

It's just that the fruit gets hungry very quickly, and I don't know when the next meal will be.

Yu Ruan ate several tangerines and oranges in a row, and felt that her teeth were going to be sour. She really couldn't understand why they were all sour fruits?

After the two had finished eating, they planned to go to the filming location first, and if there was any noise, they would go in later.

I didn't shoot all day today, so there should be no one in that place.

The two of them slowly came to the door of the shooting location, and before they touched the door, they heard screams from inside.

It was also mixed with the howling of bears, and there was more than one of them, and the roaring sounded one after another.

This door has some sound insulation effect, but it can't stop these unpleasant sounds at all.

Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi looked at each other. If there was only one black bear inside, maybe they could kill it, but there was obviously more than one.

Although Yu Ruan has the ability to lower her sanity, if she uses this ability, it will affect the large area around her, including Qiu Zi.

Qiu Zi took Yu Ruan to the nearest alleyway, and she whispered, "We may not be able to enter now under the situation inside. I've thought about it for a long time. Taking this opportunity now, maybe we can tell each other about our abilities. ? Well, you don't need to talk about the most important thing."

There was a lot of hesitation in Qiu Zi's tone. She hadn't asked this kind of question or made such a request for a long time, but if the two of them couldn't cooperate, if they couldn't find an exit, would there be any hope for them?

And facing such a situation, Qiu Zi couldn't help clenching her fists.

"Okay, I think so too." Yu Ruan looked into Qiu Zi's eyes and said seriously.

"I can make all creatures in the vicinity lose their sanity for a period of time."

"I can give some healing effects to people who are on the ground and dying."

The two spoke at the same time, and after they finished speaking, they both froze for a while, then looked at each other and smiled.

"Ah, did the incident you encountered last time be caused by you triggering the skill?" Qiu Zi poked Yu Ruan's head.

Yu Ruan smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject, "I seem to have other abilities, one that inflicts damage on linear objects for 1 second."

"Oh? Do you have other abilities?" Qiu Zi lowered her head and approached Yu Ruan after hearing the words, and said in a strange tone.

"What... what's wrong?" Yu Ruan couldn't help shrinking her neck.

Seeing that Qiu Zi didn't speak, she suddenly realized that she seemed to have told Qiu Zi before that she had only passed one dungeon, and a dungeon seemed to only get one ability?
Yu Ruan, who was cheated by the task, scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I don't know how I got it."

She couldn't say any more, and besides, she felt that the trust they had built up with great difficulty was about to collapse.

Qiu Zi just frightened the child, but she didn't expect the child to be frightened bitterly, "I don't blame you, your last dungeon is special, and I have already said it, needless to say the most important thing, the little trust between us is still some."

As Qiu Zi rubbed her hair, Yu Ruan was so moved that she was about to cry.

"But." Qiu Zi approached again.

Before Yu Ruan could react, she pinched Yu Ruan's face with her other hand and said, "Little idiot, you are really amazing."

Looking at Qiu Zi's dark pupils, Yu Ruan couldn't help but her eyes turned red, she...she seemed to have never been praised like this
"Okay, I also have other skills. I can replace the original genuine product with a defective product. There is also a practical ability that can see the traces of what happened around me."

Yu Ruan stared blankly at Qiu Zi, she didn't expect Qiu Zi to have so many skills.

"These can be upgraded, but only after one of them reaches level 7 will it be the turn of the next skill, and after passing the dungeon, it is very likely that some special enhancements will be brushed, for example, my physique has been enhanced several times, So it's pretty strong."

So, so this means you have at least 2 skills maxed out?
Qiu Zi explained, and seeing Yu Ruan who was even more stunned, she couldn't help rubbing her head again, "Don't think about it, I have been in the investigator for a long time, and I have been in Area A for half a year."

However, hearing that Qiuzi's skills seemed to be the same as her own, she remembered the names of her skills, and asked curiously: "One of my skills is called Disastrous to the Nation and the People, and the other is called Killing Like Hemp. Is your skill also called Such a strange name?"

"Hahaha my main skill is saving lives and healing the wounded. The last two skills are called dog tail and sable, and the other is called clues. They are indeed quite strange." Qiu Zi smiled dotingly.

Yu Ruan said it only after suppressing a great sense of shame, but she didn't expect that her own skill name was the more mentally handicapped.

After Qiu Zi laughed, she stopped laughing. Their skills were like this, which meant that they were powerless to deal with the status quo.

In their silence, there was the sound of a door being opened, followed by the sound of a heavy object falling.

They looked at each other, guessing that the black bears might have come out, so they walked lightly to the depths of the path and stuck to the wall.

But after a long time, I didn't see the black bear, and I didn't hear any other voices.

After they stayed on the trail for a long time, they walked out of the trail. As soon as they came out, they saw several dead bodies lying in the doorway of the photography place.

It turned out that the sound of the heavy object just now was caused by the corpse falling to the ground. Yu Ruan couldn't help thinking that after the dinner party, she had some ability to accept such a tragic situation.

Just as she was about to move forward, she heard Qiu Zi ask in a hoarse voice, "If... if I come out earlier, can I have a chance to save them?"

(End of this chapter)

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