Chapter 38 Under the Spotlight - 21 (End)

Although Yu Ruan's previous actions didn't work, but at the moment she is extremely happy. Together with Qiu Zi, she finally left this ghost place successfully!

When she stepped into the studio, she saw that the door was open, the ground was full of wreckage of photographic equipment, and Qiu Zi was standing by the door waiting for her.

"How did you know I was coming out of here?"

Yu Ruan said while walking towards Qiu Zi.

Qiu Zi also walked towards her, stretched out her hand and rubbed her head, "It depends on feeling, little idiot, you are so brave and amazing~"

Hearing this, Yu Ruan became even happier, she reached out to Qiu Zi's hand on her head, and held it, "A Zi, thank you."

Qiu Zi felt that her hand was wrapped softly, and she couldn't help poking Yu Ruan's forehead with the other hand, "Okay, it's time to go."


The two walked together and left this so-called "draft arena".

A group of girls were waiting outside the door, and in the corner, who wanted to bury their heads on the ground, was still the most conspicuous red-haired boy Wuwu.

As soon as Yu Ruan came out, she was praised by the girls.

Wuwu shouted with his loudest voice, "Yu Ruan! Boys, let me say thank you!" After speaking, he turned and left.

Yu Ruan immediately shouted, "Wait a minute. You wait."

Wuwu stood on the same spot without daring to look back, Yu Ruan's side immediately became quiet.

"The dungeon is not over yet, the problem may appear in the church."

After Yu Ruan finished speaking, she looked at Wuwu who was still standing there, and said loudly, "Okay! Let's go!"

Seeing the red-haired boy walking out, Yu Ruan turned his attention to the group of girls around him.

"What church are you talking about?" Yu Xiu asked directly.

"This is also what I dreamed about. I was inside before, and it was useless for me to talk about things outside, so I didn't say it. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's okay." Yu Xiu and the others said quickly.

"The churches are scattered on this island, uh... they are dedicated to the various lords of these animals? I guess it may be the key to the high status of this dungeon animal, because ordinary animals do not actually have special abilities."

Yu Ruan hasn't had time to use tricks against the church, so she's actually not very sure.

She also hopes that they can do this part of the work, and she still has things she wants to do.

Of course, she won't ask others to do it, or after she finishes what she wants to do, she can find a way to deal with the church.

Obviously, the mountain of corpses in the center of the arena stimulated everyone's nerves, and this fear would also become their revenge blade.

The girls dispersed separately, but before leaving, they all thanked Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi.

Yu Xiu and the others hesitated for a moment, then followed the crowd and left, leaving Yu Ruan and Qiu Zi behind.

This is exactly what she wanted. She pulled Qiu Zi and planned to walk towards the hotel. As soon as she took a step, she realized that she didn't know the way at all!
Yu Ruan hated all the big-name behaviors she had done in the past. Facing the criss-crossing roads, she once again felt that she was useless.

Qiu Zi looked at Yu Ruan with a changeable expression, and suddenly understood that her little idiot, who became a great hero once, is still her little idiot.

"Comrade Yu Ruan, I really want to go with the big army." Qiu Zi tactfully proposed a plan.

"Ah, is that so? Or let's follow the big army."

I can only apologize to Quan Wei first, since I clearly agreed to go back to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, just after they walked a few steps, a familiar car stopped beside Yu Ruan.

Quan Wei got out of the car from the driver's seat, looked at the girl with long curly hair in front of her, and instantly understood everything, she never expected to have such an ability.

Yu Ruan looked at Quan Wei with bright eyes, and was about to ask her how she came here, but just uttered the word Quan Wei, she was interrupted by Qiu Zi beside her.

"Senior Quanwei! You are still alive?"

Looking at the short-haired girl wrapped in a bathrobe in front of her, Qiu Zi blurted out in surprise.

"Qiu Zi? You also came to this dungeon? We are really destined."

Seeing this girl who almost became his student, Quan Wei sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the two who were still naked, he immediately took out a large towel and a bathrobe from the back seat and threw them to them.

Obviously, the bathrobe that was intended to be brought to Yu Ruan was thrown to Qiu Zi by Quan Wei.

But Yu Ruan didn't mind at all, she felt happier when she saw Qiu Zi holding a bathrobe and looking surprised.

Sure enough, it's better to be alone than to be happy~
But facing the two people who put on their clothes and hooked their shoulders, she couldn't ask the question she wanted to ask for the time being.

After they chatted for a while, Qiu Zi saw Yu Ruan who was squatting beside the car planting mushrooms, "Ruan Ruan, what did you want to take me with?"

Yu Ruan was not grieving alone, let alone planting mushrooms, but suddenly realized that everything else in this dungeon is perfect, why are there no bugs?No ants, no mosquitos, no flies
And she did the operation just now, so many animals must have died, but the task of "destroying creatures" was not triggered. Could it be that there is a bug?
After hearing Qiu Zi's words, Yu Ruan broke away from her wild thoughts, raised her head and said, "I want to open the farm."

Qiu Zi doesn't know what a breeding farm is, but she understands it literally.

Quan Wei was a little surprised, she didn't expect Yu Ruan to remember this matter.

"Sister Quanwei, will you help us?"

Yu Ruan asked this surprised Quan Wei, and asked with a smile.

"Of course." It really was a glutinous rice ball stuffed with sesame seeds.

Quan Wei drove the two back to the hotel, she greeted them, and then went upstairs to find the marked map.

But she didn't expect Yu Ruan to follow behind her with Qiu Zi.

Before Qiuzi told her all her abilities, Yu Ruan decided to tell Qiuzi all this.

She pulled Qiu Zi directly to open the bathroom door, and walked to the bathtub.

Qiu Zi looked at the "person" lying in the bathtub with eyes closed, who looked exactly like Yu Ruan.

The long jet-black curly hair flows down against the fair skin, and sinks to the sides of the waist. She has a cute bun face, but has prominent facial features, except for the addition of pointy ears, which are covered all over her body. Scales, and a huge tail that dangled from the tub almost onto the tiles.

"This is my ability, and it is also the way for me to know the outside situation. When I fall asleep, I will wake up in this corpse and become the 'mermaid king' as the animals call it."

Qiu Zi guessed something when she saw the figure in the bathtub, but she didn't expect Yu Ruan to tell everything.

"Okay, you don't need to say it, I know you are really happy to have the ability to protect yourself."

After Qiu Zi finished speaking, she wanted to reach out and rub Yu Ruan's head, but she grabbed her with both hands.

"I want to tell you that a lot of things have happened. What dinner party did I go to, and the table at that dinner party was piled up like today!"

As Yu Ruan spoke, her tone was a little sobbing, and she still felt aggrieved about what had clearly passed.

"Also, thanks to you, I learned to use my weak ability. I went to kill the Black Bear King by myself last night."

"Also, I also put the key under the rug, but it was too late, and it was useless in the end."

The more Yu Ruan said, the more sad she became. Qiu Zi looked at Yu Ruan who was holding back her tears, stepped forward and hugged her, bent slightly and put her chin on Yu Ruan's shoulder.

"Okay, let's talk slowly later, okay? Don't we have important things to do?"

Qiu Zi's gentle voice and warm embrace made Yu Ruan hug her, and couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

She rested on Qiu Zi's shoulder for a while before letting out a "huh".

Quan Wei leaned against the wall next to the bathroom, she was planning to smooth things over, but she didn't expect to see this kind of sisterly love, which reminded her of her own sister.

She has disappeared for half a year, and her baby sister doesn't know what happened.

Waiting for the three of them, oh no, it's been a long time since the two of them packed up their emotions and set off.

Fortunately, this task is not very difficult, it just takes some time to run around, and the order may have been disordered now, so it is the right time to do it.

They started from the nearest circle, released the people inside one by one, and spiraled outward.

Yu Ruan has read the information, and she also asked Quanwei about the meaning of those words in English, so she knows that the last situation has something to do with human beings.

But the human beings who caused this situation have all died long ago, and some human beings now have been kept in captivity, just like animals.

Yu Ruan couldn't turn a blind eye to the thought that the world is still run by human beings working to provide energy.

In addition to this draft, I don't know how many people died in total to build such a high mountain.

It's like a big stone firmly pressing on Yu Ruan's heart. Only after finishing this matter can he really breathe.

When the night became darker, Yu Ruan and the others finally opened all the cages.

Among them, in order to increase efficiency, I also deliberately stole a car to let Quan Wei and the two of them split up, and it was barely completed.

When everything was settled, they parked the car by the sea, adjusted the seats and lay down, looking at the deep sea outside the window, blowing the cold sea breeze.

Yu Ruan looked at the sea that couldn't see the edge, and couldn't help thinking whether there was another shore on the other side of the sea.

The three of them planned to rest here for a while, and they didn't know what was going on on the other side.

"Let's take a nap here."

"Well, then go help the others."



"Elephant King should be dead, I paid attention."

"Yeah." Quan Wei paused for a long time, "It's already passed."

"it is good."

Without her suffering, no matter what Yu Ruan said, it might be a second injury to her by an outsider.

Everything is silent, only the sound of the waves crashing on the shore.

They didn't fall asleep for long before they were woken up.

The announcement suddenly came and sounded.

"The journey is about to close with 800 people entering, 742 dead and 61 alive.


"Please prepare your players."

Yu Ruan felt that she was suddenly pulled into the air, looking down at the entire island, unexpectedly saw a continuous sea of ​​fire in the center of the island.

And on the building where the fire was most fierce, a leopard stood.

It raised its head, as if it was looking at the sky where Yu Ruan was.

Yu Ruan felt that it seemed to be looking at her, otherwise how could she still feel that sinister gaze like a poisonous needle from such a far away place.

And this ferocious fire explained to Yu Ruan why so many people still died.

Yu Ruan left here completely.

The fire is still spreading.

(End of this chapter)

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