Chapter 4 The Daughter of the Sea-03
"Then how did they get in?" Yu Ruan asked.

"It came in randomly. This world will pull people into different domains at twelve o'clock in the evening. Many of the domains have been cracked and have a relatively low death rate." Ning Ning replied.

"Didn't they say that the death rate is fixed?" She didn't know the rules of this world at all.

"Maybe." Ning Ning did not refute.

"This domain is unknown to them." Ning Ning lay down after speaking and looked towards the ceiling.

"Unknown? Did no one come in? Or did no one go out?" Yu Ruan couldn't help asking.

"Who knows?" Ning Ning replied.

Yu Ruan turned to look at him, looked at Ning Ning's eyebrows, seemed a little depressed, and asked involuntarily: "Ning Ning, where do you live?"

"Me? I live in a dark place, I can't see my fingers." Ning Ning closed her eyes.

Yu Ruan directly imagined a picture of Ning Ning being imprisoned in a small dark room because she was too beautiful, and felt distressed for a moment, feeling that the place where this child lived was worse than her garbage dump.

So she also leaned against him, lay down, and quickly changed the subject, "Ning Ning, Your Majesty, she looks like a fragile glass doll, delicate and a little fake."

Ning Ning opened her eyes, turned her head to look at Yu Ruan, "Really?"

"Hmm." For some reason, he looked like a lonely soul.

"Then your eyes are not good." Ning Ning sneered.

"Ah?" Yu Ruan turned to look at Ning Ning, who happened to meet Ning Ning's eyes.

"That's right, that's an NPC that can kill people~" Ning Ning said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's be more careful." Yu Ruan thought that this dungeon is not like a resort, but an abyss, but she really doesn't feel any danger, only full of peace of mind.

She felt that after she came here, she was in a very strange state, not at all like herself, but she couldn't find anything wrong.

The sense of fragmentation made her unwilling to take the initiative to speak. If Ningning hadn't said that she wanted to have a chat, she would just have to get under the quilt and go straight to sleep.

Yu Ruan doesn't want to find out what kind of person Ning Ning is. She relies on her inner thoughts to do things.

"Ningning, let's go to bed, we don't know when the dance will be tomorrow morning." Yu Ruan just wanted to ignore these things that she still couldn't figure out.

"Okay, Sister Ruanruan." Ningning sat up obediently, and went to the bed next to her to lie down.

"Good night, Ruan Ruan." Ning Ning said.

"Good night, Ningning." Yu Ruan replied.

I don't know if it was Yu Ruan's illusion, but when they stopped talking, the surroundings seemed to fall into a deathly silence, and the air became heavy.

I don't know if the people who came together have found their own dormitory.

She turned off the desk lamp, thinking about the clues she got today. She just had some thoughts, but she couldn't bear the tide of drowsiness, and slowly fell into sleep.

Ning Ning turned her head and looked at Yu Ruan's side face on the other bed for a long, long time, until she was sure that Yu Ruan had been asleep for a long time, then she murmured.

"I'll protect you, Ruanrou."

Yu Ruan woke up and turned on the desk lamp beside her.

If you stay in the room for too long, you will completely lose your sense of time.

She looked at Ning Ning at the side, thought about it, and decided to go out together after he woke up.

Unexpectedly, Alice's voice appeared at the door, "Dear guest, it's time to wash up, put on the dresses we prepared carefully, and go to the ball."

Yu Ruan was startled, she had dinner with Ning Ning last night and then fell asleep, no matter how long she slept, it should be only early morning, so early?
Ning Ning sat up from the side, rubbed her eyes, and said in a soft voice, "Sister Ruan Ruan, let's go wash up."

Yu Ruan felt her heart melted when she heard this, and wished that Ning Ning could sleep a little longer.

She pulled Ning Ning to open the bedroom door together, the corridor was still the same as before, the spar on the top was glowing, the whole palace was like this, it was impossible to distinguish between day and night.

Yu Ruan looked around and saw Alice waiting for them at the end of the stairs.

Soon the doors on her side were opened one by one, and everyone came out of the room, all with deep tiredness.

The closest ones are Ms. Jiang and Mr. Qiu, followed by celebrity couples, and the farthest ones are the young couple.

Everyone who got up early complained quite a bit, Yu Ruan didn't listen very clearly, she was more curious about the connection between these people and the painting on their bedroom door.

When the group of them came down from upstairs and returned to the hall on the first floor, they found that there were already many maids waiting for them. There were exactly 8 maids, which seemed to correspond to the 8 of them.

"Okay, you guys take the VIPs to wash and change."

So the maids came to the crowd, Yu Ruan squeezed Ning Ning's hand, knowing that they had to separate later.

In the dungeon, it is obviously not a wise thing to openly violate the NPC.

The maids brought them into the room one by one, and Yu Ruan and Ning Ning became the last two.

Yu Ruan followed the maid and walked to the side of the hall on the first floor. She saw a gradually darkening corridor in front of her, spreading into the depths, with no end in sight.

Fortunately, soon, the maid stopped at the door on the side, and the light from the hall could still be seen here.

The maid opened the door, and Yu Ruan followed her in.

The room inside is very simple, just some large cabinets, these cabinets are next to each other, and there are no cabinet doors.

There are many gorgeous dresses hanging in the largest cabinet in the middle, with all kinds of gorgeous accessories on both sides.

Yu Ruan stepped forward, picked up the dress in the cabinet, and found that there were still wearable fishtails hanging under the dress.

"Do you want to wear this too?" Yu Ruan pointed to the fish tail and asked the maid beside her.

"Yes, honored guest." The maid replied respectfully with her head bowed.


Among these dresses, Yu Ruan chose a long black satin dress without any decoration. She didn't want to stand out in the crowd, so she also chose a matte black fishtail.

Then I took a black hairpin from the cabinet beside me, "That's it, you go out first, I will change the clothes myself."

Then the maid walked out.

Yu Ruan took the clothes and placed them on the low cabinet with high heels on the side.

If you must wear a fishtail, why put so many high heels?

Yu Ruan felt weird, but looked down at the fish tail. After looking at it for a while, she decided to put on the fish tail after putting on her clothes.

The clothes fit unexpectedly, much better than the clothes she wore.

After she put it on, she sat on the low cabinet and tried to put on the black fishtail. She had never put on anything like this, so she thought it would be very difficult, but she didn't expect that the fishtail would be very snug when it touched her skin. snuggled up to her lap.

From her appearance, the tail seems to be one with her.

Yu Ruan looked at the fish tail attached to her legs, it was obviously dark black, but unexpectedly had an absurd beauty.

She immediately tried to take it off, and took it off easily.

Yu Ruan looked down at the high-heeled shoes in the cabinet, then at the fishtail on her hand, and decided to put on the fishtail.

She can swim, and even if the fish tail can't be taken off, it can be used as flippers, but she really can't wear 13cm high heels unimpeded in this strange place.

(End of this chapter)

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