Chapter 42
Qiu Zi still couldn't bear to give Yu Ruan a period of rest.

"Strengthening the physique" will make the body have a very comprehensive improvement, and this effect needs stimulation to play better.

This is her experience, but she doesn't want to explain it to Yu Ruan. It's cute to see her follow her with a pale face.

Yu Ruan also felt that her psychological quality still needs to be strengthened. Although she was uncomfortable, she could still accept it. She knew that Qiu Zi would not make herself suffer for no reason.

She had to be worthy of Qiu Zi's expectations of her.

After resting for a while, Yu Ruan pulled La Qiuzi, "Okay, let's go."

"Okay, my sister will show you the fireworks."

Qiu Zi rubbed Yu Ruan, then walked to the side room, the door of the room was also face recognition.

"Welcome to Airship G011, Investigator."

"Double free flight."

"Good investigator, we are planning a derailment route for you."

The door opened by itself, and inside was a huge white airship, engraved with runes and patterns.

Qiu Zi led Yu Ruan to the inside of the airship, touched the door of the airship, and it opened by itself.

Yu Ruan sat on it obediently, Qiu Zi put on the helmet for her, adjusted the seat, and then sat in the driver's seat on the other side.

Qiu Zi inspected both of them carefully, and then started the airship, and the front wall slowly opened.

"The airship G011 is at your service. The derailment route has been planned for you. Please follow the route and have a smooth journey."

Yu Ruan nervously looked at the route on the virtual screen, her palms were sweating.

"Ruanrou, let's go."

Qiu Zi said with a smile.

Yu Ruan closed her eyes, and before she could say "OK", the airship flew out of the room at high speed.

The airship was with its hood open, and the wind that was several times stronger than before roared towards her.

"Ruban, face it."

Qiu Zi's voice was cut by the huge wind, but it rang directly in Yu Ruan's ear through the helmet.

Yu Ruan slowly overcame the fear in her heart, opened her eyes, and the countless neon lights of high-rise buildings shone on them and also on the front.

The sci-fi feel of a different world is even stronger in the sky.

There are thin mechanical tentacles on the track, and between the tentacles, the building that merges virtual and reality is rapidly retreating.

"Is it okay?"


"Then we're going off the rails?"


Obviously, Qiu Zi didn't intend to prepare Yu Ruanjian mentally, so she pressed the button in front of her.

"It's derailed, I wish you a good time."

The airship flew up rapidly, and Yu Ruan felt that she was about to be thrown out, and the protective devices on both sides of the seat were slowly raised to fix her.

With her eyes closed, she tightly held the metal rope similar to a safety belt in front of her to protect her chest, so that she could feel a sense of security.

"Soft, take it easy, it's okay."

The dizziness and nausea originally caused by excessive nervous tension are gradually subsiding, and the body is getting used to it one step earlier than Yu Ruan.

After the stress response subsided, joy slowly surged to the apex of my heart.

In a trance, she felt as if she had passed through the clouds, and when she opened her eyes, the sky was full of stars.

"Are the fireworks beautiful?"

The stars in front of me are like fireworks sprinkled on the black screen, "It's beautiful." Yu Ruan heard her own voice.

"This is invisible on the ground. The clouds in this world are too thick."

Qiu Zi explained to her that she was driving an airship through the clouds. This is not an acceptable height for ordinary people, but it is one of their best training grounds.

The airship sailed out of areas D and E, and there was a vast ocean below.

"Okay, we're leaving."

After Qiu Zi finished speaking, she drove the airship to dive down at high speed.

The feeling of weightlessness that she had never experienced before made Yu Ruan close her eyes tightly, and she heard Qiu Zi say lightly, "Don't close your eyes, just feel it."

The airship broke through the resistance of the wind, and the thick clouds swept quickly to both sides.

The thinning of oxygen made the dizziness more obvious, but it didn't hinder Yu Ruan's vision. She saw the dark ocean that was gradually becoming clearer in front of her eyes.

"Ah!" Yu Ruan still cried out, expressing the pressure in her body.

Qiu Zi heard Yu Ruan's voice and smiled, "Do you want to skydive?"

Yu Ruan looked at the deep sea in the distance, "No way"

"Hahaha it's not easy to dance here, I'll take you there next time."

"Yes," Yu Ruan silently refused.

After saying a few words, the body has gotten used to it, and Yu Ruan's tense nerves have also relaxed.

Qiu Zi accelerated her descent, and when she was about to hit the sea, she turned and drove towards the city.

Yu Ruan looked at the deep sea that was close at hand, feeling inexplicable waves in his heart, and suddenly felt that falling into it was not a very scary thing.

When the airship turned around and was driving on the sea level, Yu Ruan was quite speechless about the pity in his heart.

Am I stunned?Why do you still want to fall into the deep sea?Don't know what's in it yet.
Yu Ruan couldn't help but think that there might be giant beasts in the deep sea, which could swallow countless airships in one bite, and couldn't help trembling.

"We'll go on the track and show you the scenery."

Yu Ruan, who heard the word orbit, felt moved to tears, "Okay."

Soon they sailed out of the sea and entered the city.

Yu Ruan watched the sea area leave his sight, and thought of the boundless sea in the last dungeon.

"Are there other cities on the other side of the sea?"

"do not know."

how come?With such high technology here, how could you not know?

"Continue to drive to the sea area, there will be great signal interference, and you will lose contact."

"Is there no artificial satellite? Can't you overlook the entire planet?"

"Sputnik? What's that?"

"It is to launch an unmanned spacecraft into space, which can transmit information back."

"It's not going to work, we can't send anything out of here, and there will be a lot of signal and magnetic interference at high altitude."

"Then why is there navigation?"

"The route is provided by us, with the help of AI algorithms."

Yu Ruan was completely confused by this series of information, and no longer considered revealing her identity, she asked one question after another.

"Little idiot, have you never been to school? Why don't you know anything? There are so many strange ideas."

Qiu Zi found love for Yu Ruan. After surviving the dungeon this time, she no longer wanted to investigate further.

"Well, I don't like studying very much."

"Then should I find you a school to go to first? How about a high school?"

"With you here, forget it." Yu Ruan, who had graduated from high school for a long time, was tricked by herself again.

The orbit brought her a full sense of security. She looked at the vast sky, but at this moment she felt that this world was more virtual than the copy.

"Don't think about it, I know what you are thinking, but this is the world in which I really exist."

Qiu Zi paused for a long time and said, the world was like this when she could remember.

Since childhood, many experts and scholars have said that there are many strange places in this world, like a large cage, hindering development.

But for her, she exists here, and this is real.

(End of this chapter)

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