Chapter 46-01
What Qiu Zi didn't expect was that she received a message from the headquarters on the fourth day, asking her to cooperate with Gong Ye three days later.

She watched Yu Ruan fighting beside her, and hesitated to speak many times.

"Ah Zi?" Yu Ruan looked at Qiu Zi, who was cooking and then stopped, and asked worriedly.

Qiu Zi noticed that the vegetables in the pot were a bit burnt, and quickly turned them over, "Sorry, sorry."


After the two of them finished the meal, they brought it to the table and started lunch.

Yu Ruan looked at the thoughtful Qiu Zi and didn't speak, but waited until the lunch was over.

After she took the initiative to put away the bowls and chopsticks, she pulled Qiu Zi to sit on the sofa and looked into Qiu Zi's eyes seriously.

"Azi, if you have anything, you can tell me directly."


"Azi, you should take a good rest when you are resting, don't think too much, let's face it together."

Qiu Zi looked at Yu Ruan in front of her, her eyes were full of worry, and she also understood that there was no way to change this matter.

"Ruan Ruan, Quan Wei and I are going on a mission, so we may not be able to accompany you to the next dungeon."

Qiu Zi spoke slowly.

Yu Ruan didn't expect it to be just such a thing, "It's okay, I can go by myself, is the mission you participated in dangerous? Will it be okay? How long will it take? Can I see you when I come out of the dungeon?"

Qiu Zi breathed a sigh of relief after speaking, but she didn't expect to face a series of problems.

"It shouldn't be dangerous. We have a lot of people, but I don't know how long it will take. I will definitely come out as soon as possible. I will contact you as soon as I come out, okay?"

"Do you want to download a copy too?"

"Yes, but it may be dangerous, so I want to take you on an adventure together."

"It's okay, Zi."

Yu Ruan didn't have much confidence in herself, she was worried that she would hold Qiu Zi back, and it was a task, so she didn't want to go with her.

"Ruan Ruan, or I'll send you to another area? You can enter the copy later."

Qiu Zi thought about it for a long time, and still felt that this was the safest way.

"Ah Zi, it's okay, it's really difficult to encounter dungeons, I will meet them everywhere, it's just sooner or later."

Although Yu Ruan is not the kind of energetic person, since she realized that no matter where she goes, she can't escape, she doesn't want to escape, she just worries about Qiu Zi in front of her.

Facing Qiu Zi who said "sorry" from time to time, Yu Ruan hugged her, "Sister, I will be safe, and you will be safe, too."

Qiu Zi listened to the words in her ear, and also hugged Yu Ruan.

"Well, we'll all leave the copy safely."

Ever since Qiuzi told Yu Ruan that they wanted to pass the dungeon, Yu Ruan never expected that Qiuzi would be called to the headquarters in the afternoon and never returned.

She was lying at home bored, eating casually, and never going out except for a trip to the training ground in the morning.

If life is like this day by day, it is actually better to stay in the dungeon.

Yu Ruan nestled on the bed, thinking casually.

Qiu Zi seems to be entering the dungeon on the seventh day of rest, and it is not known when she will come out.

Originally, Yu Ruan got up and wanted to ask Siri to send some messages to Qiu Zi and ask about the situation, but in the end she was worried about disturbing her, so she lay down again.

What if she came out and Qiu Zi didn't come out yet?Qiu Zi doesn't know the return date, the "task" must be a "spiritual dungeon"!
After thinking about it, the troubled Yu Ruan suddenly got up and decided to go to the training ground for a soak.

She can think here and there, but Qiu Zi must go all out to complete the task, she can't hold back, she has to work hard.

In the last two days, Yu Ruan spent at the training ground, leaving only one afternoon and one night for himself to rest.

I didn't expect to over-train, and this rest went too far.

She vaguely heard the phrase "Good evening, it's twelve o'clock at midnight, today is the day" before she suddenly woke up.

What?The copy is about to start?I haven't prepared anything yet?
Yu Ruan got up in a hurry, ignoring washing and changing clothes, and hurried downstairs to find some defensive weapons. Although she experienced two "spiritual dungeons" in a row, "non-spiritual dungeons" were the most common Yes, she should have some weapons with her.

She went straight to the kitchen, took some knives, and then she breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the dining table to sit down, but froze in place.

There are all kinds of weapons on the dining table, with sticky notes on them, writing their names and how to use them.

It turned out that Qiu Zi had come back quietly a long time ago, and had prepared so many weapons and equipment for her.

She has used several weapons in the training ground, and the weapons appear randomly every time, but the stick is still the most convenient.

So Yu Ruan took two metal long sticks that looked very special without hesitation, and stuffed the dagger into the pocket of the pajama pants.

Let’s forget about hot weapons like guns. She doesn’t know how to use them, and she doesn’t want to use them. After all, it’s illegal to own a gun.
It was too late for Yu Ruan to think, and the mechanical male voice said, "The journey begins."

As soon as Yu Ruan opened her eyes, she was in the crowd, being crowded by the crowd and moving forward in one direction.

She was surrounded by people, she couldn't move at all, she could only move with her.

"The museum is actually open!"

"I heard that they are still recruiting people!"

"No, it has been closed for more than half a year, and it is said that it needs to be repaired?"

"I didn't expect to see it open the door! It's really rare!"

"I heard that not everyone can get in this time! We need to be numbered! Only the prescribed numbers will be allowed in!"

"Then we have to move faster!"

"That's right, you can't let others catch up first!"

Yu Ruan was forced to listen, and understood almost everything.

In front of her is the largest museum here. After something happened, it closed for more than half a year. Today is the first day of opening, and there are some activities. They plan to recruit a few people from customers to be museum administrators. The salary is very good. is good.

A variety of reasons are intertwined to have such a phenomenon.

Yu Ruan, who has no intention of employment for the time being, said, can I not go in?

Obviously, this group of crazy people would not care about her, they kept pushing forward.

When Yu Ruan was able to catch his breath, he was already at the entrance of the museum, and there was a tall boy standing at the entrance with a blue belt around his waist.

"This is your number, you can go in." The boy handed Yu Ruan a number plate with 100 written on it, and turned sideways to make room for him to enter.

When the people around Yu Ruan heard this, they became more and more excited, and some even snatched it from Yu Ruan's hands.

"You can go in now." The boy reiterated to Yu Ruan again.

Yu Ruan looked at the number plate that was snatched from her hand, and obediently walked in from the boy's side.

"Sir, this one has been scrapped, this is your number."

A boy's voice sounded from behind her, mixed with the noise of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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