Chapter 50-05
This proves that the three avenues to get the memento are what the blue party intended, other guides, figure collections and joining them.

There is also the way to buy souvenirs itself.

The guideline on the third note, more like it would have been on the first guideline, is a completely blue sided one.

And the second and third pictures always appear very appropriate, as if someone is watching her all the time and throwing them at her.

Is it the red square?So why lean towards the blue side?
But it seems that the red square only appears after she "does something wrong".
If you strictly abide by the first guideline, you will not see the red side, and there will be no problems. These 5 hours may be spent safely, if you don’t buy souvenirs or there are no problems with souvenirs.

Yu Ruan, who had no idea, looked at the empty display cabinet in a daze, and either obediently followed the first guideline, or deviated from the guideline and approached the red square, or continued to test like this
Her eyes converged, and she was about to leave when she suddenly noticed a white point under the display case.

Yu Ruan knelt down and pulled it out. It was a note:
Don't refuse to talk to the staff with the red sash! ! !
Please help them! !

They need help! !

The bottom sentence has been crossed out, and only one word please can be seen, which should be a specific request.

Do you want them to tell the person who wears the red belt about their collection of dolls?
What is there to cross out? I have already written about it before, or is it true that the real intention of the red square is not to collect dolls?
After thinking about it, Yu Ruan decided to put the note away first. Since the museum visit is over, there is not much time left, so it is useless to think about it.

She carefully checked the display cabinet in front of her, and found that there were no other clues, then walked along the wall and listened against it.

There is obviously something wrong with the lounge, you can find a chance to check it out first, Yu Ruan was thinking while listening to see if there was any movement in the wall.

Unexpectedly, she really heard some sounds at the foot of the wall, including the sound of collisions and suppressed whimpers.

When she first heard the sound, Yu Ruan thought she had heard it wrong, but after listening carefully for a while, she found that there was a real sound, as if it was on the other side of the wall.

"Do you need help here?"

The blue square staff standing beside Yu Ruan asked her with a smile.

"I'm just leaning against the wall for a rest, please don't disturb me." Yu Ruan guessed that reasonable requests would not be blocked.

He didn't speak either, just stood beside Yu Ruan motionless.

Yu Ruan ignored him and leaned against the wall to listen to the sound. As she listened for a long time, the sound became clearer.

It was indeed a whimpering sound, as if his mouth was blocked by someone, but he didn't know what kind of "person" it would be.

She got up and wanted to go to the lounge to find opportunities, and looked at the staff standing in front of her, "I'm a little uncomfortable."

"I'll take you to have a rest." The boy took a step forward when he reached Yu Ruan's side, and waited for her to follow.

Yu Ruan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, and suddenly felt that the staff in front of him looked like a robot.

"Hmm." She thought that there was something else she wanted to ask, "How long until the visit is over?"

"Ten minutes left."

The time is very short, and I don't know what else to discover in this time.

Or, is this museum just the beginning of this copy?
Yu Ruan followed him into the familiar lounge again, and after he finished saying, "You take a rest here, I'll bring you a basin of water." After that, she pretended to sit on the sofa.

When he opened the door, she immediately followed and used the skill "Disaster for the Nation and the People" Level [-]. While his body was sliding down, Yu Ruan looked into the room he had just opened.

The room is like a small bathroom with only a large sink and a door next to the sink.

Yu Ruan stepped forward and turned on the faucet of the pool, and he could see clear water flowing down.

She didn't have enough time to waste, so she immediately opened the door on one side and looked inside.

It was a dark room with all kinds of instruments of torture on the wall, and in the middle of the room were a few people wearing wires all over their heads and sitting on chairs with red belts around their waists. Beside them were A staff member with a blue belt around his waist, holding a long whip that was still dripping with blood, was looking sideways at Yu Ruan who broke into it.

"You went to the wrong room." He said with a smile.

"I'm sorry." Yu Ruan immediately closed the door.

After closing the door, they pulled the staff who were still lying down out of the small bathroom together, leaned him against the door, walked to the sofa and sat down.

That room is huge, so it should be the voice she heard in the corner, is the blue side punishing the red side?

It seems that during this period of time, many visitors have taken their olive branches and are helping the blue party to obtain information and even grab it.

So why was he safe and sound after he broke into it?

They weren't afraid at all that she knew all this, and they weren't worried that she would choose to help the red side?
time!The time is coming!

Yu Ruan got up immediately, intending to make a mistake on purpose to see Fang Hong, have a chat, or ask some questions.

As soon as she opened the door, she heard the person behind her say, "I"

"Pa--", my sister doesn't have time to listen to your nonsense now.

He looked at Yu Ruan's leaving back with a smile, and continued, "I haven't helped you wash your hands yet."

"Besides, I have to take you out of the museum."

Yu Ruan ran wildly with her eyes closed, trying to break into a space without landmarks, but this time it didn't go well.

When she opened her eyes, there were only a few staff members wearing blue belts standing in front of her like a wall.

"Please let us get you out of here." They said in unison.

Yu Ruan understood that she had delayed too much time and had no chance, so she obediently followed them and walked towards the exit.

The route is the route she visited, and the exit is next to the empty display cabinets, but the door is integrated into the wall, which is not obvious.

They led her to the exit and opened the door for her.

Outside the door is a sun-shrouded, tree-lined road leading directly to an unknown distance.

Yu Ruan turned around and saw them surrounding her, looking at her with the same eyes and smiles.

She wanted to use the skill, and as soon as she said the name silently, she saw the words on the virtual screen in front of her, "The skill is cooling down, and the cooling time is 23 hours and 55 minutes."

She had no choice but to walk outside the museum, but she lost her will as soon as she walked out of the museum.

As soon as Yu Ruan opened her eyes, she was in the crowd, being crowded by the crowd and moving forward in one direction.

She was surrounded by people, she couldn't move at all, she could only move with her.

"The museum is actually open!"

"I heard that they are still recruiting people!"

"No, it has been closed for more than half a year, and it is said that it needs to be repaired?"

"I didn't expect to see it open the door! It's really rare!"

"I heard that not everyone can get in this time! We need to be numbered! Only the prescribed numbers will be allowed in!"

"Then we have to move faster!"

"That's right, you can't let others catch up first!"

(End of this chapter)

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