Chapter 55-10
The staff had already walked in front of her, and there was no time for her to think too much, only a momentary panic in her heart.

Yu Ruan thought about it, but she followed them to the exit.

Forget it, since everything has happened, let's face it.

She believes in herself, she can definitely get out from here.

Before losing consciousness, she inadvertently glanced back at the museum, but suddenly found that the inside of the museum seemed to be glowing with light.

Yu Ruan was once again squeezed in front of the museum by the crowd. After entering the museum, her head hurt and her body was full of tiredness.

I felt that I could fall asleep standing up, so I woke up a little bit after being looped by myself several times.

The sense of familiarity was overshadowed by the sense of sleepiness, Yu Ruan didn't understand why she was so sleepy when she just entered the dungeon, she had already slept through it.

She stumbled around in the museum. If she didn't know that she was in the dungeon, she might have fallen asleep right away.

In theory, it's fine for her to not sleep for a day, but the consumption in the dungeon was a bit high before, and now she urgently needs to rest to replenish her energy.

It took a long time for Yu Ruan, who was not so good at thinking, to barely finish visiting the museum's exhibitions, and walked to the last display cabinet.

Fortunately, everything is going well, this dungeon is not dangerous, but how can there be such an easy thing?
Yu Ruan thought about it, and was kicked by herself again. This time, unfortunately, she fell heavily on the ground, and this time she fell completely awake.

Yu Ruan sat on the ground and rubbed her head, and accidentally saw the note that was pressed under the display cabinet, and she stretched out her hand to pull it out.

After unfolding, she looked at the note which read: Loop, the answer is behind the mural.

Suddenly, I realized why I could visit the museum smoothly without using my brain. It turns out that there is still a "circulation" here, all relying on the already skilled body reaction to act
After the mural?Yu Ruan did see the murals on the way here, the resplendent ones are very eye-catching, but can the note be believed?
I also wrote a loop, is it a clue that I tried to leave before?She scratched her head.

Yu Ruan thought for a while and stuffed it into her pocket. Just as she was about to get up, she saw another note in front of her.

It says:

Don't refuse to talk to the staff with the red sash! !

Please help them! !

They need help! !

The last sentence has been crossed out, and only the first word can be seen to be a please.

Yu Ruan took out the plastic guide that had just entered the museum and compared it with it, realizing that she might have been trapped in it before.

Although his condition is not very good, this dungeon does not know if there is a hidden secret, so Yu Ruan stuffed this note into the pocket of his pajama pants, got up and walked towards the mural.

As soon as she walked to the mural, she lifted the mural without looking at it carefully. Looking at the tunnel behind and the cultural relics placed at the entrance of the tunnel, she was a little confused.

The answer is to get out of the tunnel?What are these artifacts?Can't the note be more clear?
While in a daze, Yu Ruan went straight into the tunnel, it's always bad to be found outside.

She took a small cultural relic and crawled into the depths of the tunnel. Fortunately, it wasn't too dark for her, it was still clean, and there were no animals coming out.

After arriving at the exit, Yu Ruan went straight out, just as he was about to take out the cultural relics he was carrying, he found that the things in his arms had disappeared.

Her first reaction was to land in the tunnel. She glanced at the endless grassland, turned around and crawled back, searched the tunnel carefully, but found nothing, until she saw other cultural relics placed in the tunnel. At the mouth of the tunnel.

If it didn't fall into the tunnel, did it disappear?

This time, Yu Ruan hugged all the cultural relics in her arms before turning around and crawling towards the grass again.

This time, she checked the cultural relics in her arms before she got out of the tunnel, counted them carefully and found that they were all there, so she carried them out together, and felt a lightness in her arms just as she went out.

When I lowered my head, I found that there were no cultural relics in my arms.

Yu Ruan looked at her empty arms and didn't say a word, but after a while, she got up and pushed aside the grass that was half a person tall in front of her, and walked a little outside.

The ground was a little uneven, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

She wanted to see what the tunnel she was drilling was like, or what the museum was like.

When she felt that she had gone almost far, she was shocked by the scene in front of her when she turned her head.

The building in front of me should have been a European-style cathedral, with towering spires and sprawling buildings.

But now only the roof collapsed, the spire collapsed, and ash was piled up.

It turned out that the museum had been burnt down a long time ago, but she was still safely visiting the dazzling array of exhibits just now.
The tunnel she climbed out of was buried under the broken wall, covered by grass, very inconspicuous.

If the museum had been burned long ago, were the staff in the museum still alive?

Although for the dungeon, there is no difference between being alive and dead, maybe it's just an NPC.

But for Yu Ruan, if it is dead, it means another creature
She doesn't want to go back to the museum
According to her existing information, she only knew that she was in a museum with two groups of staff.

One group wore blue belts, and the other group wore red belts.

The blue square is the official staff of the museum, hoping that visitors will have a "smooth" visit, or buy some souvenirs to go back?

The red party should hope that the visitors can move the cultural relics out of it as smoothly as she did.
They want to move the artifacts out of this fire?Do you want to save cultural relics?
Doesn't the red side know that the cultural relics will disappear immediately when they are brought out here?

Or is there something else hidden in all of this?
Yu Ruan couldn't figure it out, and went back into the tunnel again feeling apprehensive towards the museum staff.

Trying to make myself forget that this is the scene of a fire, I pushed away the mural at the entrance of the tunnel and returned to the museum.

Yu Ruan, who returned to the museum, didn't feel anything unusual, everything was the same as when she came.

The loss of news makes the cycle bring only mental exhaustion and endless panic.

After she finished delivering the cultural relics, she did some mental preparation before planning to contact the red party.

Unexpectedly, she just walked out of the mural area, and saw a staff member wearing a red belt in the corner who seemed to be waiting for someone.

"Send it away." Yu Ruan said softly to her.

When she heard Yu Ruan's words, her eyes widened, "You sent it? No, no, no, you don't need to talk, we will prepare new ones, and we need to trouble you."

Yu Ruan didn't speak, but just looked at her back as she hurriedly left after speaking.

I don't know if they would feel bad if they knew that all this was futile.

(End of this chapter)

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