Chapter 58-13
Under "it"'s random changes to the guide, the people who came here gradually disappeared.

The museum was closed for another period of time before a new group of people came.

With the injection of fresh blood, the biggest change is that some dolls have their own thoughts.

They no longer do some things mechanically, but discuss some "irrelevant" issues, such as:

"Are we working here?"

"When will you get off work?"

"Why do I feel like I've been working for a long time?"

"I want to rest!"

Gradually transition to:

"who are we?"

"Why can't I remember my name?"

"Why are we here?"

"What the hell happened?"

At first "it" seems to be happy to see all this and let things go, but when "they" start talking about "it", they suddenly get tired of this game.

Those mechanized puppets will grab these puppets with their own thoughts and bring them into a room for "brainwashing".

Yu Ruan went in together. She called it "brainwashing" because the process was really brainwashing and torture.

They will try their best to torture those thinking dolls, using various instruments of torture while whispering in their ears: "You are just a staff member here, you don't need to know anything else. "

Until those thinking puppets become dull and just repeat this sentence.

As things like this continued to happen, the previously thoughtful dolls became mechanistic dolls.

But "it" is bored and dissatisfied with it again.

Some dolls will be destroyed by "it" at will, crushed on the ground.

New dolls were produced again, but at this time, the remaining soil became some cultural relics, of all kinds.

These cultural relics are very similar to those in the display cabinet, and "it" ordered the puppet to put them away and place them in a room near the exit.

Yu Ruan followed "them", and probably understood the source of the cultural relics he transported before.

This time "it" didn't overly interfere with the puppets with their own thoughts, but occasionally let the mechanically obedient puppets catch a few and brainwash them to prove that those are controllable.

The thinking dolls spent a lot of time understanding all of this, and "they" began to learn to hide, blending in with the mechanical and obedient dolls, to secretly discover the truth.

From time to time in the museum, a group of people will come in and enter the cycle. The people who come in are the playthings of "it" and the nourishment of the dolls.

"It" seemed to have some ideas suddenly, and began to separate the thinking puppets from the non-thinking puppets, each forming a camp.

It would be interesting to start revising the guidelines and let people choose their own death, preferably in the middle of which they still believe in it.

It was during this time that Yu Ruan saw that the dolls were wearing their own belts.

In order to add some fun to itself, "it" even drives the thinking dolls into a dark place, allowing "them" to develop freely.

The guide issued when entering the museum is more and more like what Yu Ruan saw, with landmarks and even mentioning clay sculptures.

It's just that it doesn't say to follow the landmarks, everything is more like "it"'s temporary intention.

Yu Ruan followed one of the visitors around the museum at that time. She remembered her route at that time and knew that she had chosen the wrong route at the beginning. Sure enough, after a while, they entered a room together.

The room is full of clay figurines, just like the clay figurines made of ashes before, but more detailed, and each one is very lifelike.

As soon as the visitors who came in stepped into this room, they went straight to a clay figurine, hugging and crying.

Coincidentally, Yu Ruan had seen this clay figurine, and it was the visitor who came in last time.

Not only that, she has seen every single one in it, and the clay figurines in it are all visitors who have been to the museum, and they disappeared one after another before.

Unknowingly entered such a room, Yu Ruan has stayed in this dungeon for so long and has never seen it before, but so many clay figurines show that this place has always existed, only now it is placed in the museum's visit process .

It was very much like the room full of gold statues, only now they were clay figurines, thrown aside like garbage.

Yu Ruan watched the visitor holding the clay figurine immersed in grief, she didn't leave, but just watched quietly, until he recovered, he picked up the clay figurine and tried to go out together.

Yu Ruan originally thought that the clay figurine would be heavy and motionless like a golden statue, but she didn't expect that it would take no effort at all to hold it.

But the moment they touched the door, he turned into ashes all over the place.

Right in front of Yu Ruan's eyes, the ashes on the ground stood up again, and began to condense into a body, which was the same as his just now, but turned into a clay figurine.

As long as you try to leave with a clay figurine, will you turn into a clay figurine?
What if you don't try to leave with the clay figurine?
Yu Ruan stayed in the room, waiting for others to come in.

After waiting for a while, someone came in, but this time the person who came in was startled by the clay figurine at the door, and went out directly.

Just as Yu Ruan was about to go out with her, she saw a puppet come in. She stopped where she was and watched him move the clay figurine to the side at will.

It appears that "it" is monitoring what's going on in the museum in real time.

When Yu Ruan went out, the person who had just entered had long since disappeared, so she had no choice but to return to the room full of clay figurines.

Unexpectedly, the person who had just left panicked and entered the room again. The more anxious he became, the more he panicked, and the more he circled between the room and the museum, shouting "Where are the staff? Where are the staff?"

When he left the room and was about to collapse, only the puppet came late, "Do you need any help?"

"I want to get out of here! I want to get out!" I could only hear him yelling towards the puppet.

"I'll take you to rest." The wooden puppet replied.

"I'm not going to rest! I'm leaving!"

"I'll take you to rest."

In the end, he was led by the puppet to the previous rest room. Yu Ruan had been to the place where the rest room was before, but there was still a thick wall there at the beginning. Unexpectedly, the rest room was also placed by "it" at this time into the copy.

It's just that the current lounge is very dilapidated, it's empty and there's nothing there.

But the person who came in still calmed down, he stopped talking and just stayed inside quietly.

The puppet stayed here with him, and Yu Ruan was also watching. Fortunately, time passed quickly.

He didn't speak, he didn't leave, and neither did they when it was time to leave the museum.

The puppet didn't urge it, but just stayed inside. Yu Ruan went out for a while, watched the figures of the rest of the people leave, and returned to the lounge.

Only watching him disappear directly in front of her eyes, the puppet walked out of the lounge.

(End of this chapter)

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