Chapter 6 The Daughter of the Sea-05
Everyone's complexion was very bad, but they couldn't stop. As time passed, once they stopped, they would feel severe pain in an instant, as if their legs were about to be crushed.

After Yu Ruan managed to calm down, she felt more and more hunger in her body. What she couldn't accept was that Ningning in front of her looked like a moving delicacy.

She looked at the other people on the side, everyone looked unnatural, and some even smelled the neck of the dance partner.

"Everyone, wake up!" Yu Ruan couldn't help shouting.

"The tragedy happened in front of us just now, we can no longer kill each other!" Lin Cheng on the side also shouted.

The others couldn't help looking at the young couple, and then quickly looked away.

The young man didn't know if he heard what they said. He buried his head on the girl's neck and didn't look up.

The girl's bones are the best warning.

Others desperately held back their hunger, but couldn't stop.


After a long, long time, there was only deathly silence.

Yu Ruan closed her eyes, and she no longer looked at Ning Ning. Although the hunger was stinging her body, it was not so strong that she lost control.

The mechanized rotation of the body and the dizziness can even offset a little hunger.

"Lin Cheng, I can't help it anymore, can I take a small bite, that's enough." Mingyu raised her head and looked at Lin Cheng with red eyes.

"Mingyu, Mingyu, wake up, it will be over soon." Lin Cheng shook her.

"When will it end! When will it end! I really can't stand it anymore! Do you love me? Do you really love me?" Mingyu asked with a sharp voice as she became more and more excited.

Lin Cheng didn't know what to say for a while.

On the other side, Professor Qiu and Ms. Jiang did not move.

"Guests, you can go back to your room and have a rest. I'm going to prepare dinner tonight." Alice suddenly shouted to everyone.

Everyone stopped, and Yu Ruan felt that the hunger was subsiding. She was still hungry, but she was no longer so hungry that she wanted to eat randomly.

After Alice left, everyone returned to their dorms.

Yu Ruan led Ning Ning, and was at the end of the line as always.

In front of her was Ms. Jiang, and when she lowered her head, she could see the bloodstains on her hands hidden behind her back.

At the front of the line is still the young boy holding the dead body tightly.

After returning to the room, Yu Ruan felt completely relieved. She looked at Ning Ning who was sitting opposite, and asked involuntarily, "Ning Ning, were you hungry just now?"

At that time, she wanted to ask, but her body seemed unable to withstand any exhaustion.

"Hungry, but not so hungry that I can't control it, it's a bit like I haven't eaten for two or three days."

Well, the feeling of the two of them is actually similar.

"I looked at you at the time, and you looked like a top-notch delicacy." Yu Ruan said jokingly.

"Hahaha, it just smells delicious, but I can restrain it." Ning Ning lowered her eyes while speaking.

"Yes." Yu Ruan lowered her head and was thinking about what caused her appetite.

While thinking about it, Yu Ruan tried to slough off the fish tail. After touching for a long time, she couldn't touch the edge of the fish tail.

She couldn't help being surprised, she didn't have time to think again, and quickly lowered her head to look at her skin connected to the fish's tail. Sure enough, the fusion was very natural, and it couldn't be peeled off.

"Ningning, this fishtail." Yu Ruan raised her head and asked Ningning.

"Sister Ruanruan, I can't take it off." Ning Ning also frowned and looked at her waist.

Thousands of thoughts floated in Yu Ruan's mind.Is it a mutation?Is it assimilation?Is the strong hunger brought by the fish tail?What else does this fishtail bring?


"Guests, the dinner is ready." It was Alice's voice, but then there was no more voice.

It seems that it is not mandatory to eat, but I believe that no one will hold back the hunger and not go.

When everyone came to the second floor again, the gathering hall had returned to its original appearance.

Everyone looked at the sashimi piled on the table, and immediately took their seats.

The young boy grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth before he even got to his seat.

After taking a bite, he couldn't stop, and frantically grabbed the food on the table.

His face was puffed up by the food, even covering the physical tears he shed due to the deformation of his face.

The others seemed to be stimulated, and they stopped eating with their chopsticks, stood up, and grabbed the food with their hands to eat.

For a while, the scene became extremely chaotic.

Yu Ruan looked at Sashimi, and in the midst of hesitation, she hesitated between being allergic and starving to death.

Ningning on the side didn't move his chopsticks either.

Fortunately, just like yesterday, Alice walked over carrying an unattractive cake, followed by a line of maids carrying red wine.

Yu Ruan sighed, and finally had something to eat.

Like yesterday, Ning Ning cut some sashimi for herself, and then cut a large piece of cake for Yu Ruan. She tasted it and found that it was even tastier than last time.

But other people only saw the sashimi, and no one chose to touch the cake.

Yu Ruan didn't think it was strange, compared to the luxurious seafood sashimi, this cake really seemed too much of a failure.

She found it strange that the young man's stomach was getting more and more bulging.

Also, until the end of the dinner, I did not see that Majesty.

After Yu Ruan finished eating, she held her chin and looked at Ning Ning who was next to her, taking small bites of seafood sashimi.

He took a few bites, picked up the towel on the table, and wiped his mouth.

Yu Ruan couldn't help but rubbed Ning Ning's head, led him, and was about to get up and leave.

But I don't want to hear everyone discussing dungeons.

"I think so. I think we have been in this dungeon for a long time, and something like that happened again today. I hope everyone can have a chat." Ms. Jiang lowered her head as she spoke.

Yu Ruan looked at the young boy who always interrupted everyone's conversation before, and saw that he was still busy stuffing food into his mouth, and he didn't intend to talk to anyone at all.

"Let me make a sample first. I think this dungeon is really strange. Since the dungeon appeared two years ago, Mingyu and I have entered the dungeon three times in a row. We have always paid attention to the summaries of those big guys on the Internet. I've never heard of a mermaid copy." Lin Cheng said.

"Yes, I have done some data collection, and I have never heard of a copy about mermaids." Mr. Qiu echoed.

"And you can't bring weapons in." Mingyu said.

Lin Cheng scratched his head and added: "Because of the 'holiday' brought to us by the last dungeon, we spent a lot of money to buy a lot of weapons during the period."

"So, this is most likely an unknown dungeon." Yu Ruan said, um, thank you Ningning.

"In this dungeon, are you... willing to share your personal skills?" Ms. Jiang on the side said after struggling for a long time.

Unsurprisingly, the audience fell silent.

Even if Yu Ruan wanted to agree, she really didn't know what her skills were, so she could only obediently keep her mouth shut.

(End of this chapter)

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