Chapter 8 The Daughter of the Sea-07
Yu Ruan is supportive of inherent goodness, and understands that some people have their own difficulties, but she cannot refute that there may be inherently bad people in the world.

When they stopped talking, the air became heavy.

Yu Ruan wanted to go out to have a look, but found that the door could not be opened at all.

So, Yu Ruan had no choice but to sit back on the bed and continue chatting with Ningning.

Fortunately, Ningning is a good boy who answers all questions.

"Ning Ning, what's the outside world like?" Yu Ruan asked while holding her chin.

"If you want to know, I'll tell you." Ning Ning looked at her seriously.

Two years ago, the most prosperous urban area collapsed on New Year's Eve and turned into ruins.

Some people went to the ruins to investigate, but those who went basically never returned.

In other places, there are always news of people missing one after another, until the first person who disappeared and reappeared on the Internet and shared his experience on the Internet, after that, it sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and countless people began to Share your own experience under that post.

Only then did people understand what kind of earth-shattering changes had taken place in the world.

The high-speed development of science and technology has been suspended by people.

As information grew, they started calling such events "duplicates" because the survivors were "rewarded".

"Rewards" are divided into two categories: one is to obtain or improve personal abilities, and the other is to obtain a one-year "vacation".

Since then, human beings have been roughly divided into two factions: one is the survey faction, which accounts for 10-15% of the population, and the other is the reproduction faction with the largest number of people.

The former is responsible for actively entering the ruins on a regular basis, fighting against dungeons, collecting information, and sharing their experiences online after surviving.

Under the information brought by the former, the latter obtains ample living space and is responsible for the reproduction of human beings.

The division of the area also came from this. The area closest to the ruins is Area A, where the current top investigators live. From the inside out, there are B, C, D, and E.

The first three districts are investigators of different ranks.

Area D is more like a buffer zone. It is the most chaotic area, but it has gradually become the second most populous area. There are not only escaped investigators, but also escaped breeders, as well as a lot of uncontrolled individuals.

In the following six months, many changes have taken place in these areas. The most unexpected thing is that Area D has become the area with the best technology maintenance.

Area E is the safest area among them, where 70% of the Reproductive School live.

"Where did the people in the ruins go?" Yu Ruan couldn't help asking, and then couldn't help asking: "Did all the people who disappeared in the first place die in the domain? Why did it take so long for that post to appear? "

"No one knows." This matter, no one really knows.

"Okay." It seems that there are still many unsolved mysteries in this world, but she also has a preliminary understanding, and finally has the right to speak!
Quiet again.

"Sister Ruanruan, should I ask you instead?" Ningning broke the deadlock.

"Okay." As long as it's not so quiet.

"Sister Ruanruan, how are you doing?"

"Fortunately..." Yu Ruan was afraid that she would appear to be showing off in his eyes, but seeing Ning Ning looking at herself curiously, she couldn't help adding, "They are very traditional parents, strict and Gentle, she will take care of every aspect of my life and arrange everything for me."

Although it's only been a few days since I came to this place, the image of my parents in the original world has faded from my memory, no matter how hard Yu Ruan thinks about it, I can't tell many details.

She had no choice but to cite a few examples from her school days. She felt that what she said was extremely boring, but Ning Ning on the opposite side listened very seriously.

"As long as you live well, I hope sister Ruanruan is happy."

Yu Ruan felt comforted by the child's Nunuuo voice again.

Ning Ning had nothing else to ask, so she thought about it on the bed, so she took the book and got out of bed.

Get into Yu Ruan's bed.

Yu Ruan felt that Ning Ning was leaning towards her, and the fear of silence in her heart was greatly reduced, and her heartbeat gradually stabilized.

She looked at the book in Ning Ning's hand. There was an illustration on it. The illustration showed a carefree little mermaid blowing bubbles.

Can't help sighing, it really is a child.

Feeling at ease, Yu Ruan even took a peaceful nap beside Ning Ning.

When Alice knocked on the door, she actually felt that time passed quite quickly.

When she walked out the door, she found that everyone was in the corridor, as if they had been fished out of the abyss, dejected, and even Professor Qiu and Ms. Jiang had signs of fighting.

But at today's dinner party, everyone was unexpectedly quiet, as if they had already exhausted their words within the day.

That His Majesty still did not come to the dinner today, only Alice was waiting by the side.

When someone had almost finished eating, she said: "Your Majesty has run out of crystals to decorate the wedding, and I would like to trouble all distinguished guests to collect 8 crystals of different colors in the next two days. The more the better, the palace The door has been unlocked, please search carefully."

Everyone had just listened to Alice's words, and before they had time to do anything, the young man with a big belly had already left the restaurant.

"Is he looking for the crystal stone?" Mr. Qiu just finished speaking firmly, and Lin Cheng and Mingyu who were beside him followed closely and left the restaurant.

Yu Ruan looked at Mr. Qiu and Ms. Jiang walking out of the restaurant in a hurry, and was still thinking about what Alice said just now. She didn't seem to say what the consequences would be if she didn't collect the crystals.

But when she thought of Ningning at the side, she felt that she couldn't take risks randomly, and it was better to follow along to collect some crystals.

Yu Ruan pulled Ningning and left the restaurant.

Alice was at the end, looking at the backs of everyone, her eyes became more and more empty.

The spar was much easier to find than Yu Ruan imagined. There were various black stones scattered around the palace, but those stones refracted a ray of light in the gaps.

She saw that the young man who came out first had already broken a stone and took out a purple spar.

He cracked it open with a large bone.

The later star couple didn't expect a good way to break the stone, and they were holding the stone, quite melancholy.

Without hesitation, Mr. Qiu walked up to the young man and asked if he could borrow a bone.

Obviously, Lin Cheng and Mingyu had considered this idea and agreed that it was impossible to succeed, so they crossed their hands and planned to watch his joke.

Unexpectedly, that young man simply took out a big bone from his clothes and threw it to Mr. Qiu.

The expressions of the two changed instantly, and Lin Cheng hurried to ask the young man for it.

"No, you can take your own." The young man didn't even lift his head.

This was the first sentence he said after the accident, and his voice was so hoarse that he could barely hear it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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