Fu Chen could only swallow his breath for the time being when Jiang Yuan gave him such a slap, and fled away in despair with his confidants.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan stared uncomfortably for a while.

After confirming that Fu Chen and the stranger had left, she took the sniper rifle and rifle back to the space, and continued to work in the space station.

It wasn't until the evening that she saw Fu leaving the scooter and returning.

"Why did you come back so late?" She opened the door suspiciously and greeted her, "It's really rare, you came back later than me."

Hearing this, Fu Li parked the scooter first, and then replied: "I encountered some special circumstances, so I came back later."

Seeing that Fu Li's clothes were covered with dust and blood, Jiang Yuan knew that Fu Li must have encountered some kind of attack when he went out today.

So she didn't have too much yin and yang, and just helped Fu Li pour all the fish in the cargo box into the prepared fish pond.

Immediately afterwards, the two returned to the space station to talk slowly.

"When I went to the fish pond today, I seemed to meet people from another base." Seeing that Jiang Yuan was really curious, Fu Li briefly described what happened to him today.

He originally planned to go to the fish pond to catch fish first, and then put the fish back before going to the gathering place of black households to inquire about news while buying supplies.

Unexpectedly, they met the team from Nanhe base on the way. They just bumped into Fu Li who was going to the fish pond, and wanted to ask Fu Li for information.

But Fu Li has always been extremely cautious with the outside world, so he rejected the team's request.

The leader of the team was quite friendly at first, but when he saw that Fu Li refused the request, he changed his face instantly, and took out weapons and threats with the team members.

Fu Li was not easy to pinch, so he took out his weapon to confront him.

"Those people's skills are not bad. It can be seen that they have been specially trained, but the basic skills are not solid for a short period of time, and their reaction is slower than real fighters."

"I reckoned that they should be here to carry out the mission, so I wanted to force me to ask about the eastern camp."

Hearing what Fu Li said, Jiang Yuan became confused.

Because she didn't understand how this matter was linked to the eastern camp.

"Well, according to their people, it was because the eastern camp destroyed one of their businesses, so they were sent to teach the eastern camp a lesson."

After Fu Li killed all the team members, only the half-dead team leader was left for questioning.

The team leader was quite stubborn at first and was unwilling to say anything, but after being tricked by Fu Li, he recruited him cleanly.

A little backbone, but not much.

"The Nanhe base is quite far from the eastern camp, and it will take at least four or five days to arrive. To say that the eastern camp has destroyed the business of the Nanhe base is somewhat outrageous."

Although Shen Pianpian said so, she still believed it in her heart.

After all, she didn't know much about the four small bases, and she only had business dealings with the eastern camp.

It is really possible to say that the eastern camp has destroyed the business of the Nanhe base.

So she said again: "Forget it, don't care about the love and hatred between these bases, just take care of our own affairs. We both have to do tasks to survive, how can we have so much time to care about this?" Never mind."

She was not a nosy person, so she had no intention of going to Zhou Jiarou and telling him about the matter.

"Well, what you said makes sense." Fu Li didn't want to care about this, and simply changed the subject, "Have you had lunch? I left the food in the refrigerator."

Jiang Yuan nodded after hearing this, "I've eaten, you don't have to worry about this, I'm not a three-year-old child, I can find food for myself."

She remembered that Fu Li said that he had gone to the gathering place of the black market, so she asked if the other party had any information.

It is a pity that the black households in the black market gathering places are very wary of outsiders.

Even though Fu Li had gone there many times, he couldn't find a way to enter the black market.

Whenever he asked insincerely, those black households would all be vigilant.

Some black households who are extremely wary even refuse to do business with him.

So Fu Li stayed at the gathering place of black households for half a day today, but he still couldn't find the entrance to the underground black market.

Jiang Yuan frowned when she heard this. If Fu Li's task is so difficult, then hers should not be so easy.

She has gotten to know Zhou Jiarou now, but the other party's affection for her is very low.

If you want to complete the task, you must find a way to gain favor.

The problem is that Zhou Jiarou, as the ruler of the eastern camp, is definitely not as easy to gain favorability as the He sisters.

So she had to seriously think about how to reasonably gain Zhou Jiarou's favor.

This is a disaster for a socially unsocial person like her.

It seems that the main quests and side quests given by the system are gradually increasing in difficulty, and this reward is indeed not something that can be obtained casually.

"It's okay, it's still early before the requested time, so you don't have to worry too much." Seeing Jiang Yuan frowning tightly, Fu Li comforted her.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan couldn't help but sighed, "The main reason is that the cold season will arrive in seven or eight days. At that time, it will be much more difficult to go out than it is now, and it will be even more difficult to complete the task."

"If possible, we should try our best to complete the task before the cold season comes, and try to stay in the space station to keep warm after the cold season comes."

Fu Li didn't have any objection to this, so he chatted a few more things about the gathering place of black households, and then packed up and went to cook.

Since he caught four or five baskets of live fish today, he decisively caught some fish from the fish pond and used them for today's dinner.

First choose two smaller fish and cut them open, remove the viscera, wash and scrape the fish scales, then marinate them with green onion and ginger for a while to remove the fishy smell.

Then turn on the heat and heat the oil, throw the fish in and fry for a while, until both sides are golden and fragrant, then pour in water and add some ginger slices and scallions to cook.

After boiling the fish soup over medium heat, Fu Li went to the field to pick some fruits and vegetables.

Carrots, radishes, tomatoes, lettuce, pumpkin.
Wash the white radish, peel it and cut it into thin shreds. After the fish soup is cooked, throw it in and cook for a while.

In this way, the taste of the fish soup will be richer, and there will be a faint fragrance in addition to the fish fragrance.

Then wash the carrots and pumpkins, peel them and cut them into shreds. Stir-fry them in hot oil and cook them on a plate, which is also a delicious side dish.

It is estimated that the fish soup is almost ready to come out of the pot, and then throw a few slices of lettuce in, and blanch it for a while at high temperature, then take it out and eat it with the fish soup.

As for the tomatoes, wash them, make a cross on them, and scald them with boiling water to remove the skin.

Then cut it into fine velvet, fry it with fried golden eggs, and a tomato scrambled egg that goes well with rice is ready.

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