Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 103 My best friend's son insists on falling in love with me

Lulu was crying, and wanted to go forward to beg Qianli Xunai's forgiveness, but she tried to hug Qianli Xunai several times but was ruthlessly pushed away.

He picked up his hidden phone and said to Lulu, "Stop pretending! Netizens all over the country know your real face!"

After Lulu learned that Qianli Xunai actually live-broadcasted her embarrassing side, a wave of anger rolled in her chest.

She never expected that a man whom she loved so deeply would humiliate her in this way.

She stared her eyes round and round, as if her eyeballs were about to burst, and shouted hoarsely at Qianli Xunai:

"Yes! What's wrong with me stealing her face? Obviously, I knew you first, and I walk around in front of you like a dog every day, doing all kinds of things to please you! But you just can't see my love for you ah!"

"Why? Why did you fall in love with Xue'er as soon as she appeared! Aren't you superficial men just looking at faces? I did use some means to break up you, but if the relationship between you is enough It’s solid, no matter what I do, it won’t come apart, right?”

"If I don't use her face, you probably don't think I'm a woman at all in your heart, do you? Blame me? What face do you have to blame me! You men are superficial animals who only look at appearances! You can't see my love for you at all. How deep is love!"

Qianli Xunai snorted coldly, and turned her gaze to the river.

After a long time, he looked at Lulu very calmly, "Okay, I don't want to argue with you anymore, the relationship between us is over, and I'm going to find Xue'er."

"Ha ha ha ha!".

Lulu suddenly let out a very frightening laugh, making Qianli Xunai a little at a loss.

"What are you laughing at? Are you crazy?"

Lulu couldn't stand up straight with a smile, and finally supported her waist. The wise man Qianlixunai said: "You are such a fool! Want to go back to find her? Go ahead! You will feel uncomfortable when the time comes! Do you think you Besides me, who else really cares about you?"


After Lulu forcefully smeared Qianli Xunai's face, she picked up her bag and left.

Qianli Xunai looked at Lulu's back and cursed a few words.

Then he picked up his phone and returned to the live broadcast room, "Master, thank you for helping me expose her true colors! But what did she mean when she just left? Why can't I understand?"

Sang Luo smiled and replied: "I advise you not to go back and get back with your girlfriend. She is already engaged to your good brother."

After hearing this, Qianli Xunai's eyes sank, "Xue'er is engaged to my brother? How is this possible! My brother hates my girlfriend the most. He keeps saying in front of me that my girlfriend is a gold digger, so I can't have it! I have to find her." a housekeeper."

Sang Luo was not in a hurry to refute Qianli Xunai, but said calmly: "Is it true? If you call your brother yourself, you will know everything?"

【I go!Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible! 】

[Brother, your brother didn't decide to be good friends with you after seeing your girlfriend, did he? 】

[When I saw your girlfriend, I knew I was committed to your brother]

[This story is really full of twists and turns!At first I thought the villain was Brother Xunai’s girlfriend, then I thought the villain was Brother Xunai himself, and finally I thought the villain was Lulu, only now did I realize that all the members are villains]

[This small group has its own ideas!Simply wonderful]

After watching the barrage in the live broadcast room, Qianli Xunai took a deep breath, "Wait! I'll call and ask my brother!"

Then, he switched the phone interface to the dial interface and got through to his brother.

beep - beep - beep -

When the phone was connected, it was very noisy, and there was music, it sounded like some kind of banquet was being held.

Qianli Xunai pretended to be calm and said: "Bozi, I want to ask my ex-girlfriend to get back together, do you think it is feasible?"

"What? You asked Cher to get back together?"

"Yes! I don't think I can forget her."

There was a disdainful gasp from the other end of the phone, "Brother, I advise you to save yourselves! Xueer will not get back with you, and we are having an engagement banquet now! You are her ex-boyfriend, so it is not suitable to appear, so I didn't invite you! Don't mind! I will definitely invite you to drink next time I have time."

After Qianli Xunai heard what Bozi said, she clenched her fist and slammed it on the table, "So you really fell in love with Xue'er? I tm treat you as a good brother! And you! That's how you treat me ? Didn’t you say that Xue’er is a gold digger who asks for 20 dowry? Why don’t you think she’s a gold digger now?”

Bozi chuckled, "I don't say that, didn't you just marry her? I don't think asking for a bride price is worshiping money. It's not easy for her parents to raise their daughter. Besides, Xueer's family also married a car. What is 20?"

"you tmd"

Before Qianlixunai finished speaking, the other end hung up the phone.

He sat down on the chair a little tiredly, leaning against the backrest and panting heavily.

The boss came on tiptoe with the dishes, put them on the table and left.

The guests at this table today are very strange, a girl who can change her face, a violent man who likes to smash the table.

After Qianlixunai took a breather, he switched back to the live broadcast room.

At this time, Sang Luo had already told the ins and outs of the matter to the netizens in the live broadcast room, and the netizens sent condolences.

[Brother Xunai, don't be sad!Just remember not to be fooled by your good brother next time]

[This good brother's city is really deep!While persuading others not to give the betrothal gift, at the same time, he gave the betrothal gift readily]

[Has the current marriage and love market rolled into this?Have you used all the tactics? 】

At this time, searching for love from a thousand miles away was exhausted to the extreme, and he was in no mood to say anything more.

He waved his hand, "Okay, I won't say any more, I'm upset now, so I'll hang up first! Thank you Master!"

After Qianli Xunai hung up the live broadcast connection, Sang Luo quickly sent out the third lucky bag.

After 30 seconds, the lucky bag opened, and a user with the nickname Chunbuwan applied for a connection in the background.

Sang Luo clicked to connect.

The screen was divided into two, and a middle-aged woman with a rich appearance and a very elegant temperament appeared on the screen.

The background wall behind her is full of luxury bags, which quickly attracted the attention of the girls in the live broadcast room.

[Good guy, top rich woman!There are more than [-] bags from the H family alone]

[This is more complete than the goods in the counter]

【Sister, I don’t want to work hard anymore】

[Sister, look at me, a 20-year-old male college student, obedient and easy to support, if you say east, I will not go west, think about horses? 】

Chun Buwan looked at the ridicule from the netizens in the live broadcast room, smiled lightly, and didn't respond, but looked directly at Sang Luo.

"Master, I have some emotional problems recently, can you help me figure it out?"

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