Jiang Wuchen patted his forehead when he heard it, "Please God? Is it the Guan Gong statue that was in the living room downstairs before? The one that Uncle Wang gave to Dad."

Mrs. Jiang nodded when she heard it, "That's right, you know that your father likes to talk about brotherhood the most."

Then, Mrs. Jiang turned around and told Sang Luo and Zhang Tianshi about her husband's past.

"Originally, when our family is rich, I have always wanted to move to a villa area with complete supporting facilities in the city, or to live in a high-end community."

"But Jiang Dongfei said that when he was a child, his family was poor, and he grew up eating a lot of food from the villagers. When he is rich, he can't forget his roots. He wants to stay in the village."

"I also promised that the folks in the village can come to him for help no matter what happens at home, and he will definitely help if he can."

After listening to Mrs. Jiang's narration, Sang Luo understood why the Jiang family built the villa in this small mountain village.

At the same time, it is also understandable why the Jiang family's glass exterior wall is so dazzling, but it will not attract objections from the villagers.

"Is the Uncle Wang who your son said to give the statue of Guan Gong also a villager in this village?" Sang Luo asked Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang nodded, "That's right, Jiang Dong accidentally fell into the river when he was a child, and he was about to drown. It was Old Wang who picked him up from the water."

"But my husband didn't treat him badly. He has been taking him to do business together, and he always thinks of him when he has good things."

"He is my husband's best friend. He became a good brother in the mountain temple when he was a child. So, he gave my husband a statue of Guan Gong, hoping that the brotherhood between the two will last forever."

Zhang Tianshi twirled his beard, and a look of doubt suddenly flashed in his eyes, "Then why, Yuanzhu's husband suddenly wanted to smash the statue of Guan Gong?"

Mrs. Jiang glanced at Jiang Dong lying on the bed, and a look of fear gradually appeared on her face.

"Because the statue of Guan Gong suddenly opened his eyes."

When Mrs. Jiang said this, she lowered her voice, as if Guan Gong could hear her.

"What?" Jiang Wuchen asked incredulously, "How is this possible? That Guan Gong statue has no eyes at all?"

Mrs. Jiang frowned, and stretched out her right hand to support her forehead, "It's true! One morning half a month ago, when your father came together, he found that Guan Gong, who had no eyes, had opened his eyes."

"He was too scared at the time, so he just smashed the statue of Guan Gong."

After Jiang Wuchen heard it, his face was ashen.

"It's over. When Guan Gong opened his eyes, there must be blood! And my father actually smashed the statue of Guan Gong. It's over, it's over, it's really over."

There has always been a saying among the people.

A Bodhisattva will not save the world if he closes his eyes, but Guan Gong will kill people if he opens his eyes.

Therefore, when people build statues of gods, they generally don't draw eyes on Guan Gong.

Sang Luo raised his eyebrows, "The statue of Guan Gong who didn't have his eyes suddenly grew eyes. This is the first time I've heard of such a rare thing."

After finishing speaking, she bent her waist slightly, and carefully observed Jiang Dong's physical condition again.

Suddenly she made a new discovery.

In the blood vessels at the junction of Jiang Dong's neck and shoulders, there seemed to be small bugs wriggling.

Sang Luo pulled down the quilt covering Jiang Dong's body.

Mrs. Jiang immediately rushed forward to stop it.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Sang Luo warily, "Master, what do you want?"

Seeing this, Jiang Wuchen hurried over and pulled his mother up from the bed.

"Mom, my master is really amazing, just let him take a look! In this way, maybe my dad can still be saved."


Mrs. Jiang was about to refute, but Jiang Wuchen suddenly sank, "Mom, it's already like this, I can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, don't you want my dad to wake up soon?"

Mrs. Jiang lowered her head, "How could I not want your father to wake up, I'm just worried about whether the master you hired will work."

Jiang Wuchen patted his chest and assured, "Mom, don't worry! You don't believe my master, don't you believe me?"

"Our family was so poor back then. I didn't rely on mystical techniques to help our family change Feng Shui and luck, so we got the wealth we have today."

"Your son is not a fool, and he wouldn't take someone who doesn't understand anything as his teacher."

Hearing what Jiang Wuchen said, Mrs. Jiang couldn't stop her too much.

Sang Luo lifted Jiang Dong's quilt slowly, and pulled the clothes from his neckline down.

I don't know if I don't see it, but it's really scary to see it.

Jiang Dong's skin from his neck to his stomach was covered with densely packed worms, some of which had even entered into his blood vessels.

Those little bugs were slowly attacking his brain.

When these little bugs took over his brain and gnawed away his brain, Jiang Dong's life would come to an end.

At this moment, she instantly confirmed her conjecture in her heart.

Sang Luo tidied up Jiang Dong's clothes, and covered him with the quilt again.

She took out the sanitary wipes she was carrying in her bag, wiped her hands, and then said, "Jiang Dong's illness is not because he is crazy, nor is it because Guan Gong opened his eyes."

When Sang Luo said this, everyone present looked at each other in shock.

At this time, Mr. Qiu, a Taoist who had arrived long before Sang Luo and Zhang Tianshi, spoke.

"Girl, if you don't understand, don't talk nonsense! Before their family, Guan Gong opened his eyes, and later experienced that Guan Gong's statue was smashed. Isn't this crazy, what is it?"

After Mr. Qiu finished speaking, Sang Luo turned around and met his eyes. She examined the middle-aged man in front of her.

This Mr. Qiu is different from the Taoists that Sang Luo has come into contact with in the past.

Most of the men in the Taoist sect don't like to put their minds on their appearance, they only want to practice and ask questions.

But this one is different. Judging from his hairstyle, the matching of clothes and shoes, and his well-trimmed eyebrows, he is a person who pays great attention to appearance.

Sang Luo smiled, pointed to Jiang Dong's neck, and said:
"The reason why Jiang Dong fell ill was obviously because he was poisoned by a kind of poison called the moon-foot looper. If you don't believe me, go and have a look at his neck."

"There are countless little bugs crawling inside."

Jiang Wuchen believed in Sang Luo the most. Without saying a word, he lifted his father's quilt and began to check.

When he saw the densely packed worms on his father's neck, his whole body was covered with goose bumps.

"Mom, it's true! What my master said is true! My dad is really infected by the bug!"

"There are really a lot of bugs in his body."

Jiang Wuchen shook his mother's body quickly.

According to common sense, Mrs. Jiang should immediately ask Sang Luo to help cure the poison at this time.

But her reaction surprised Sang Luo.

Mrs. Jiang pushed her son away, stared at Sang Luo and said:

"I thought he was really a master, but it turned out to be nothing more than that. My husband was obviously in a trance, but you insisted on telling me what kind of poison was poisoned."

"Don't worry about our family's affairs, just let these two masters help you deal with it."

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