Chapter 125 Horror Doll

【Hi Da Puben, I hope your wife will drag you to hell as soon as possible】

[Your wife's fighting ability is not good, why is it just letting you have nightmares?If it were me, you would have gone to see Lord Yan long ago]

[See, this kind of scum will never know how to repent, they will only shift the responsibility to others]

Sang Luo took advantage of the netizens' crusade against confession, and also went to briefly understand this domestic violence manslaughter case that aroused heated discussions on the Internet a few years ago.

The confession's real name is Liu Shuo, an ordinary working class.

According to the self-report, when I was a child, I saw my mother cheating with my own eyes, and since then I have a psychological shadow, so I have a natural hatred and suspicion towards women.

He thinks that all women are shameless, and they will steal food outside behind their husbands' backs.

Therefore, after he got married, he was suspicious every day, always felt that his wife would cheat, controlled his wife's mobile phone, and restricted his wife's travel and making friends.

Even, sometimes he secretly followed his wife to confirm her whereabouts, so as to enhance his sense of security.

If there is anything that doesn't meet his wishes, he will be furious, ranging from pushing and insulting to violently fighting.

The time he accidentally killed his wife was because he accidentally saw a message from a male colleague thanking his wife for helping to make a PPT speech on his wife's mobile phone.

He directly concluded that his wife had an affair with a male colleague, and he would not give up until his wife resigned.

But his wife disagreed, and his anger grew stronger and stronger as the two quarreled with each other.

He grabbed his wife's hair and shook it around the room like a dog. Finally, the back of his wife's head hit the corner of the table.

Immediately died on the spot.

After reading it, Sang Luo sighed softly.

She has seen too many such examples.

In fact, this kind of man with a strong desire to control can be distinguished when he is still in love.

It's just that most girls will mistake this desire for control as an expression of loving and caring about themselves.

They feel that only men who love themselves will be so jealous, and they will even be immersed in this kind of emotion, feeling very happy.

But in fact, this kind of man with a strong desire to control rarely controls the other party because of love. 90.00% of them are to fill the lack of security in his heart.

Therefore, after entering marriage, this desire for control will become stronger and stronger, and in the later stage, they will even regard the woman as their own private property, fiddle with it at will, and fight if they don't like it.

Sang Luo turned her eyes back to the live broadcast room, looking at Liu Shuo who was sitting opposite the screen.

There is indeed a particularly strange force lingering around him, that force seems to swallow him up at any time.

"How do you say that? How did you know that the thing that haunts you is your wife?" Sang Luo asked lightly.

Liu Shuo looked at the corner of the room to confirm that the terrible doll did not come back with him again.

After confirming, he slowly said: "I was entangled by a doll, no matter where I go, no matter how far I throw that doll, it will always appear in my sight again. "

"And that doll was my wife's birthday present to my daughter! Master, tell me, it's not that my wife refuses to let me go, who else could it be?"

【Your wife deserves it too! 】

【Why didn't the doll crawl onto your bed in the middle of the night and strangle you to death? 】

[When you sleep at night, remember to keep one eye open and whistle, otherwise the brain stem will be sucked out by you]

Netizens in the live broadcast room, the team Liu Shuo who never tires of it, attacked.

As for Liu Shuo, he was chattering, shaking his head and staying in his own world.

"That night, I obviously drove the car and threw it into a trash can dozens of kilometers away."

"But the next day when I opened my eyes, it appeared in the corner at the end of the bed and looked at me, staring at me with those eyes..."

"Another time, I obviously stepped on him and broke it into parts, but it appeared in my bag the next day!"

Liu Shuo's face was full of fear, he became more and more excited as he spoke, and the scene where he lost the doll more than a dozen times kept replaying in his mind, but the doll came back to haunt him again.

In his mouth, this playing idol is like being installed with GPS, so he can be found anytime, anywhere.

【Deserving it! 】

【Hahaha!The more scared you are, the happier I am]

[I thought about it, it's almost done. They didn't intend to kill people at the beginning, but they just missed it. Isn't the court's judgment like this?Stop talking nonsense]

[He himself is suspicious and beats people at every turn, you didn't mention a word]

At this time, there was a sudden noise from the next room.

A burst of familiar yet eerie music sounded.

Liu Shuo was so frightened that he felt that his pores were constantly enlarged along with the sound of the music.

This is exactly the musical sound that the doll makes.

He started to get a little crazy.

Picking up the phone, he rushed out the door, looking for the nursery rhyme sound step by step.

Gradually, the sound of nursery rhymes got closer and closer, reaching the ears of netizens in the live broadcast room.

The big rabbit is sick, look at the second rabbit,

Three rabbits buy medicine, four rabbits cook,

Five rabbits died, six rabbits carried,

Seven rabbits dig a hole, eight rabbits bury,

Nine rabbits sat on the ground and cried,

Ten rabbits asked why it was crying?

Nine rabbits said: Five rabbits will never come back.

[I'm going, what kind of nursery rhyme is this?Sounds creepy]

[This lyrics is also uncomfortable to listen to]

[This dark tone, just listening to the rhythm of nightmares at night]

[Taishang Laojun protects the body!All the evil spirits leave! 】

Liu Shuo followed the sound of nursery rhymes and finally reached the door of his daughter's house.

He pushed the door open.

In front of the desk by the window in the room, there is a ten-year-old girl sitting with her back to the camera, she looks about eleven or twelve years old.

Hearing that the door was opened, the girl turned her head slowly and looked at Liu Shuo innocently.

He asked softly, "Dad, what's the matter?"

Liu Shuo didn't answer the question raised by his daughter, all he could see was the doll in his daughter's hand.

The doll is a wooden humanoid with numerous small joints on its body.

There is a winding place on the back, and when the winding is twisted, the joints of the doll will start twisting and dancing along with the music.

In Liu Shuo's eyes, this doll is an evil with extremely distorted limbs.

"Why did you pick him up again! Ah? Didn't I tell you that you can't have this doll!"

Liu Shuo yelled at his daughter hysterically.

The little girl felt very wronged when she heard it.

With tears in her eyes, she whispered, "I didn't go out to pick it up, he ran back by himself."

"Besides, this is a birthday present from my mother, and I am reluctant to throw it away."

Sang Luo looked at the puppet in the little girl's hand, and there was a cloud of black air on the puppet.

It has the same origin as the evil spirit lingering around Liu Shuo.

(End of this chapter)

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