Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 137 The backpacker who fell off the cliff

"Guanzhu Sang is really a fortune teller. Before I tell you, you will know the reason for my call."

As Su Yu said, there was an embarrassed smile on his face.

At first, she was still hesitating how to ask Sang Luo for help, because she had asked Sang Luo for free help too many times before, and she didn't give a reward, so she was really embarrassed to ask this time.

But she didn't expect that Sang Luo would openly speak up by herself.

Sang Luo replied with a smile: "Even if you don't come to call me, I will take the initiative to contact you. I have already calculated the approximate location of the male doctor who disappeared more than ten years ago."


Su Yu was very excited after hearing this, and her gratitude to Sang Luo became deeper in her heart.

She has been promoted all the way from a little-known police detective, to today she has become the team leader of the Special Bureau of Supernatural Events, all of which are inseparable from Sang Luo's help.

Sang Luo picked up the diagram of hexagrams that he had drawn on the table.

"The male doctor's house is Dui Palace, and Dui represents the west, so he may be located in Rongcheng, Xiangcheng, and Linshui City in the west of our country."

After hearing this, Su Yu said in a bit of embarrassment: "Monastery Master, the three places you mentioned are a little too big, and it may be difficult to search them. Can you make the area smaller?"

"It is gold, and the south of Xiangcheng has the largest production base of precision electronic instruments in the country, and the west of Xiangcheng has a very large reserve of gold mines, so he is most likely to be in the south and west of Xiangcheng."

Sang Luo continued to explain the hexagrams to Su Yu.

After Su Yu finished listening, her tone became excited again in an instant, "Understood! Thank you, Monastery Sang, it will be easier for us to screen like this!"

"Don't worry, this case is also a supernatural case. After the case is solved, I will apply to my superiors for a bonus, so I won't bother you for now."

After speaking, Su Yu planned to hang up the phone, and then went to Xiangcheng to search and arrest the male doctor who had been missing for more than ten years.

Sang Luo looked at Tian Ruixing who fell into Dui Palace, and frowned slightly, "Then you have to handle the case as soon as possible, I think this male doctor's palace has fallen into Tian Ruixing."

"At the moment, his physical health may not be good."

After Su Yu heard this, without any hesitation, he immediately organized a group of team members and drove to Xiangcheng to search for the male doctor.

After Sang Luo hung up the phone, she walked out of the computer room.

She originally wanted to stand in front of the watch and enjoy the scenery down the mountain as usual, and then go into the house to eat after relaxing.

However, as soon as she stood on the lawn in front of the temple, she heard the sound of tinkling bells and Shen Wuyang's murmurs and complaints from the temple in Guanzhong.

After Sang Luo heard the sound, he immediately ran to the temple in Guanli to check. The sound came from the 28 Star King Hall in the third room on the left.

She followed the direction of the voice to find it.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw fruit offerings falling all over the room, and some fruits were lying limp on the ground with their juice splashed from being trampled on.

At this time, Shen Wuyang crawled out from under the altar with the purple ghost baby in his arms.

When he saw Sang Luo, he complained to Sang Luo like a child, "Master! This little brat is disobedient and runs around!"

Sang Luo was very angry when she saw the messy scene in the temple, but when she saw the big bump on Shen Wuyang's forehead, she immediately calmed down.

This ghost baby bred by lonely yin is indeed more difficult to control.

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