Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 147 The female ghost looking for her child

【I go!Have you eaten melons at your doorstep?I know which hospital you are the director of!My nephew was born in your hospital!Fortunately, it was born early, otherwise it would have been stolen]

[I also saw this news in the Baoma group, the Maternity and Children's Hospital in Yulin District, right? 】

[Oh my God, why did he disappear?Could it be stolen by traffickers? 】

[The safety supervision of this hospital is too poor!How many families are heartbroken when a newborn is abducted! 】

When Dr. Wen saw the netizens in the live broadcast room, he directly typed the name of their hospital on the public screen, became very anxious instantly, and began to speak incoherently.

"No, no! We actually found it. It wasn't abducted by human traffickers! The news you read in the Baoma group are actually all rumored versions."

"The real situation is that those newborns were staying well in the incubator, but they were inexplicably nowhere to be found."

"But it won't be long before they will be found, some will appear in the sink of the toilet, and some will appear in the green belt of the hospital."

"The place where he appeared was all kinds of strange, but he was found in the end! Nothing missing, nothing missing!"

Dr. Wen kept emphasizing that the newborns in his hospital were not missing, and all the saliva spewed out.

【ah? ? ?】

[Why do I feel that appearing in the sink and flower beds is more terrifying than being abducted by human traffickers? 】

[Why does this sound like a ghost? 】

[Don't listen to his explanation!I think all of this must be done by the people in their hospital!Maybe they stole the newborn and exchanged blood and organs for those powerful people】

【Oh my god, this is a black hospital】

[It is impossible to change organs, and the organs of newborns have not yet matured.But it is possible to exchange blood. I heard that there is a technology that can extend the life of the elderly by exchanging the blood of young people]

Dr. Wen saw that the netizens in the live broadcast room were getting more and more outrageous, and felt a little helpless - slapped his forehead, "I said that your netizens have really rich imagination."

"I don't understand why you don't understand medicine at all. Why do you say something logically? Just listen to a few words on the Internet and pretend that you understand everything?"

"It is because of you people who spread rumors everywhere in our hospital that no pregnant women come to the hospital to give birth!"

Dr. Wen was already very anxious, and he was very angry at the pseudo-medical knowledge uttered by the netizens in the live broadcast room. He could no longer hold back his solemn and courteous look at the beginning.

You know, their hospital is a maternity and children's hospital. As long as the mothers stop coming, mothers will not dare to let their children come to the hospital for treatment.

Their hospital is equivalent to no patients at all.

[Why are you fierce?Isn't it an ironclad fact that newborns are missing? 】

[Laughing, no one comes to see you in your hospital. Isn’t it because of unqualified safety supervision?Why are you still blaming netizens? 】

[In fact, I also think that it is too outrageous for everyone to draw blood and replace organs, it is impossible]

[I think it must be that their hospital stole newborns to test new drugs!I saw on the Internet before that some unscrupulous hospitals would treat newborn babies as test subjects for drug testing! 】

[This guess is really more likely!It must be that there is a perverted doctor in the hospital who wants to develop new results, which can also explain why the murderer can't be found by monitoring and surveillance, because he is someone inside the hospital!Able to avoid the camera reasonably]

Dr. Wen looked at the guesses of the netizens in the barrage, and a trace of doubt suddenly appeared on his originally angry face.

These netizens all say they have noses and eyes.Could it be that someone within the hospital really did this?
Who could it be?What is his purpose?
Through the screen, Sang Luo vaguely saw black air floating in the air in Dr. Wen's office.

That black air is the unique breath of ghosts.

Seeing Dr. Wen thinking seriously, Sang Luo immediately guessed the question in Dr. Wen's mind.

She hastily interrupted his guessing, "Don't guess, this is not a problem in your hospital at all."

Sang Luo only sighed secretly in his heart. Nowadays, with the power of rumors on the Internet, a few random words from netizens in the live broadcast room can actually make the director of a hospital start to doubt the internal problems of his hospital.

Sang Luo's clear voice pulled Dr. Wen back from his thoughts to reality.

He coughed lightly and cleared his throat, "Really? Master figured out the real culprit so quickly? You are really amazing. But who else could it be if it wasn't caused by the insiders of our hospital?" ?”

He really couldn't think of anyone other than the internal staff of his own hospital who could clearly know the blind spots of every monitoring in the hospital.

"This matter is not done by humans at all, but by ghosts."

Sang Luo was very calm when he said this, but Dr. Wen, who was sitting across the screen, was very frightened.

He opened his lips slightly, and froze in place like a servant, motionless.

After a long time, he slowly opened his dry and peeling lips and said, "Master, I'm timid, so don't scare me."

He has been a doctor for more than 20 years, and has seen countless patients who died on the operating table in the hospital. When he was on the night shift, he once saw a female ghost who haunted him for two or three years before leaving.

"Is it the mother who died on my operating table eight years ago?" Doctor Wen asked tremblingly.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door.

When a person encounters a ghost, he will instinctively think of the person he is most ashamed of.

[It really is an unscrupulous doctor! 】

【I don't think you look like a good person】

【Pious hypocrite! 】

[In this day and age, can someone still die after giving birth?I can’t believe it]

"Huh?" Sang Luo felt a little puzzled by this question suddenly asked by Doctor Wen.

Dr. Wen sighed, "She is the only woman who died on my operating table in the past 20 years of my practice. The cause of death was amniotic fluid embolism. Both mother and child died."

"At that time, I lacked professional experience. When I encountered this kind of problem, I really failed to come up with the optimal rescue plan at the first time, which led to the death of her and the fetus in her belly."

"I also feel very guilty about this mother. It took me three years after her death before she left. I thought she had let go. Unexpectedly, five years later, she appeared again, but why did I see her this time? Isn’t she here anymore?”

Dr. Wen finished speaking with his head down as if talking to himself.

Then, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Sang Luo fixedly, "Master, you can see things that we can't, right?"

"That woman has a red mole under her left eyebrow, help me see if it's her?"

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