Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 149 The Female Ghost Comes From Years Ago

Due to the recent rumors about the disappearance of babies, the parents of those babies saw Dr. Wen's hurried appearance.

So he couldn't help but guess wildly, and insisted on following in and taking his own child out.

When Dr. Wen saw so many babies' parents running toward him, he was shocked and quickly closed the iron door.

But the parents of the newborns became even more excited when they saw this scene, knocking on the door frantically, insisting on coming in to take away their children.

Doctor Wen shouted to the outside through the door:

"I know everyone is anxious, but don't worry! I am the director of this hospital, and I am here today to help you find out why the baby disappeared inexplicably and appeared in other places!"

"To avoid a stampede, I suggest everyone disperse in an orderly manner!"

But outside the iron gate, there was already a mess. Some mothers had even started crying. There was so much noise that it was impossible to hear what Dr. Wen was saying.

Just kept banging on the door frantically.

Dr. Wen knew that he couldn't open the door no matter what, otherwise those excited newborn parents would definitely rush in like crazy.

These children are all immature babies and are very prone to accidents.

He calmed down, then raised his phone and asked Sang Luo: "Master, I've come in, what's next? What should I do?"

But Sang Luo, who was on the other side of the screen, didn't speak for a long time. He just stared at a corner of the room with a serious face.

There, stood a beautiful female ghost.

The female ghost was wearing an embroidered cheongsam. The lines of the cheongsam were cut very well, revealing her curvy figure without a doubt.

Her hair was coiled high on the back of her head, with a red velvet hair flower inserted, and she stood there with a terrified expression, for fear of being discovered.

"This ghost is still a few years old." Sang Luo said lightly.

"What? Master, what are you talking about?"

Dr. Wen was startled by Sang Luo's abrupt words, and was anxious to find out why.

Sang Luo pointed to the half-opened baby box behind Doctor Wen, "That ghost is standing in the corner. If you hadn't arrived in time, another baby might have gone missing."

Dr. Wen turned around and saw the half-open incubator at a glance.

He hurried forward to cover the box.

[I lost it!Really caught a ghost? 】

【Master, can the ghost appear?The fortune teller said that my horoscope is hard, I have never seen a ghost since I was a child, I really want to see it]

[Is there anyone who is not afraid of ghosts?Is this the benefit of having a hard horoscope?]

[Okay, I know that your horoscope is tough, but if you don’t know how to suggest it, don’t suggest it. You are not afraid of other netizens in the live broadcast room, but they are also afraid. Everyone is just watching for a surprise, and they don’t want to face the ghost face to face.]

After seeing the female ghost, Sang Luo immediately got up and took out a talisman from the dormitory.

She clamped the talisman paper between her fingers, twisted it lightly, and the talisman paper ignited.

Just as she was about to recite the spell to subdue the female ghost, the female ghost immediately escaped through the wall as if it sensed her presence.

When Sang Luo saw it, he was so angry that he poured the talisman paper in his hand into the teacup and drowned it.

If she were face to face with that female ghost, she would never miss it, but there would be a lot of inconvenience through the screen.

[Master, have you caught it? 】

[Why is the talisman paper different this time than usual? 】【Why did it go out after lighting it halfway? 】

Netizens in the live broadcast room all noticed the strangeness in Sang Luo's performance today and asked why.

Dr. Wen had never watched Sang Luo's live broadcast before, and thought that when she ran the talisman paper into the water cup, it meant that the ceremony was successful.

He smiled and asked: "Master, you should have captured the ghost just now, right? You are really awesome. I have long heard from my son that you can catch ghosts through network cables. I didn't expect to see it today."

Facing Dr. Wen's rainbow fart, Sang Luo felt a slight embarrassment flash across his face.

She curled her lips and said, "No, I didn't catch it. This is an old ghost from 100 years ago, and he has some abilities."


Dr. Wen couldn't believe his ears. This hospital has only been built for 60 or [-] years. How could there be a century-old ghost hiding there?

[It’s over, it feels like this is a tough battle]

[What is the origin of this century-old ghost?Why hide in the hospital and steal the child? 】

[Could it be the kind of evil spirit that eats human flesh to improve its cultivation? 】

[Didn't it mean that ghosts with certain skills can show up?Why didn't you see a ghost just now? 】

"Ghosts with certain skills can indeed show up to scare people, and then extinguish the bright lights on people's shoulders, so as to achieve the purpose of seizing souls or finding substitutes." Sang Luo explained slowly: "But the female ghost just now is actually a ghost. She's a coward, and she has no intention of harming anyone, she's just a wretch who wants to find her own child, so she didn't show up."

【It's hard to imagine that the words hundred-year-old ghost, coward, and hard-working ghost can appear on the same ghost】

【Why do I feel that she is a bit pitiful】

[Hey, I don’t know what happened to her before she was alive, but she didn’t give up looking for her child 100 years after her death]

Dr. Wen frowned, and stomped his feet vigorously, "No matter how pitiful and innocent she is, she can't just steal other people's children in our hospital? She has suffered this kind of pain herself, and she shouldn't let other mothers do the same. To experience this pain!"

"What's more, her behavior has seriously affected the normal operation of our hospital! Master, please help me arrest her!"

Sang Luo hummed, and then asked, "How long did it take for your hospital to find the first missing baby?"

Dr. Wen recalled, "It was about a month ago, at the end of October."

"In October, did your hospital find anything unusual? For example, when you transplanted green plants, you found a coffin from the ground, or suddenly found a secret room with a memorial tablet inside?"

Sang Luo continued to ask.

Generally speaking, this kind of hundred-year-old ghost has either been wandering around the world doing bad things to scare people, or has been sealed away in a certain place from the sun.

But in the situation like this hospital, it has been peaceful all the time, and suddenly one day strange things start happening again and again.

In this case, they basically accidentally moved something that shouldn't be moved, and then released the female ghost.

[I’ll go, Master Yunze, your assumption is really scary]

[Is it okay to dig out a coffin? 】

[It’s very scary to find a secret room and find a dead man’s plaque in it]

【Master, with your imagination, it's a pity not to write horror novels】

After Dr. Wen heard Sang Luo's words, he thought about it carefully in his mind.

Suddenly, he slapped his forehead fiercely, "By the way! In mid-October, our hospital really encountered a strange thing!"

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