Chapter 158 Technical Ghost
"So that's how it is..." Sang Luo murmured to himself.

Xue Maning looked at Sang Luo's lowered head, looked at Sang Luo's face carefully, and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, Patriarch Cangyun is from the same family as you, Guanzhu Sang. Both of your families are named Sang. Take a closer look at how similar you are to Patriarch Cangyun in the portrait!"

After hearing this, Sang Luo's eyes dodge slightly.

After Xue Manying finished speaking, she lowered her head and thought for a while.

"However, I don't know the name of Patriarch Cangyun. But it is normal for a bad person like her to betray Emperor Zhenwu to be hated by Yi Qianyu! If she had not betrayed Emperor Zhenwu, my master and junior brother We will not be seeking revenge from our enemies and die in such a miserable state."

Sang Luo lowered his head and never spoke.

She didn't believe that she was the kind of person who would betray her master for a man.

There must be some misunderstanding.

But she has also forgotten the memories of her previous life...

After a long while, she raised her head and said, "Even if Patriarch Cangyun betrayed Emperor Zhenwu, that's not the reason for Yi Qianyu to kill innocent people indiscriminately and use living people to improve her own cultivation!"

As he said this, Sang Luo's eyes filled with determination, "This evil cult organization must be eliminated."

After hearing this, Xue Maning was stunned for a moment, and shook her head with a solemn expression, "I'm afraid it's not that simple to get rid of this evil cultivator."


"There is a big force behind them." Xue Maning turned her head and looked at Sang Luo, "The people of Mingdu mainly gather in Xiangcheng, and what is between Rongcheng and Xiangcheng?"

After Sang Luo heard this, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, "You mean, the power of Fengdu is behind Mingdu?"

Fengdu is located between Rongcheng and Xiangcheng. It was originally a prosperous city, but a few decades ago the river dam burst and the old city of Fengdu was flooded, turning it into a vast river and lake.

Although Fengdu in the human world was flooded, Fengdu in the underworld was still there.

Although Fengdu was located in the western area that Sang Luo was responsible for, it was separated from her jurisdiction and was directly managed by Emperor Fengdu.

If Mingdu is really related to Fengdu, then it may not be that easy to get rid of this evil cultivator organization.

Sang Luo thought for a moment, and if he wanted to solve this problem, he might have to rely on the power of Lord Taishan.

Emperor Fengdu is an ancient god, and I am afraid that only Lord Taishan can still talk to him.

From this point of view, she must complete the task of connecting the underworld to the Internet as soon as possible.Only by letting the area under her jurisdiction get this model ghost town could she make a request to Taishan Prefecture Lord for help.

After thinking for a moment, Sang Luo raised his head and glanced at Xue Maning, who was sitting across from him, and asked with some confusion: "You know so many things, so your true identity must be very impressive."

Xue Maning smiled and said, "Nothing special, just a little Taoist priest who grew up in Cangyun Temple."

Sang Luo didn't ask any more questions. She knew that some immortals need to hide their identities when they come to earth.

When she was about to leave, Xue Maning stopped her again, "Can I borrow your two young apprentices tomorrow? Especially the male apprentice with a high level of cultivation. If you want to find out where the master was alive in the vast mountains, I buried the mask, and then used the mask to open the stone door at the bottom of the mountain, and re-seal the sword left by Emperor Zhenwu to suppress the demons. I cannot do without his help."

Sang Luo agreed to Xue Manying's request without any hesitation, "Your action this time is not for your own selfish desires, but for the safety of everyone in the world. I will do my best to help you."

At night, after everyone in the temple fell asleep, Sang Luo got up alone and walked to the City God's Temple in the suburbs in the west of the city.

She wanted to go back to the underworld to see how to connect the underworld to the Internet.

As soon as he stepped through the gate of hell, the bull-headed horse-faced man rushed to greet Sang Luo.

Ma Mian walked on the left side of Sang Luo, holding up a long spear, and asked with a smile: "Sir, are you back? Fujun sent two young guys over there, saying they are some kind of technical backbone, they can help you Give the underworld in our area access to the internet, and then we little devils can see what’s going on in the human world!”

Niutou walked to the right of Sang Luodi, holding an ax in his hand. After hearing Ma Mian's words, his nostrils as big as ping pong balls let out a breath of thick air.

"This thing doesn't even sound reliable! Just those two little devils with no hair at all, and their combined age is less than [-] years old. You think they can let us see things in the world again? I don't believe it. .”

Ma Mian also sighed, "Yeah, it's been 800 years since I died, and I haven't had the chance to see the world again. How could these two little furry ghosts have that ability?"

Niutou clenched the ax in his hand, "I don't know what the world is like now. Will it be as advanced as our underworld? There is electricity everywhere, and we no longer need to light kerosene lamps."

Ma Mian rolled his eyes at Niu Tou, "You don't like to hear that you are an old-fashioned person, but I heard Brother Hei Wuchang say that electric lights were used in the world as early as one or two hundred years ago! Much earlier than us!"

Niutou nodded silently, "That's right! Human beings come to the underworld after they die. I heard that the person who helped us electrify the underworld was also an electrical engineer in the human world."

In the underworld, except for Black and White, who can leave the underworld to see the scene in the human world due to the convenience of their duties, the other little ghosts have no chance to go to the human world.

Therefore, when he heard that Lord Taishan planned to connect the underworld to the Internet, Niutou Mamian was particularly excited, and they kept chattering along the way.

After Sang Luo walked to her yamen, she ordered the two technical ghosts sent to her by Taishan Mansion to be sent to her.

(End of this chapter)

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