Chapter 170 An unfortunate childhood

Luo Tang was so angry that he wanted to kick out the vampire parents.

Jiang Fen only wanted to use her kinship with Luo Tang to let herself and her youngest son live a good life. How could she be willing to give up just like that?

She plopped down and knelt down in front of the mediator, crying and saying: "Mediator, you saw it! This damn girl is unwilling to treat me! If my cancer is not treated, it will be in the terminal stage! By that time I can only wait to die!"

The mediator doesn’t know how many families have helped resolve such disputes, and he is already used to it.

As the saying goes, it's hard for an upright official to stop household chores, so she didn't say much. She just patted Jiang Fen on the back and comforted her a little.

Then, Jiang Fen turned her head again, pointed at Luo Tang's nose and said: "I tell you! If you really don't give me money, we will meet in court! You are my biological daughter, support me and treat my illness. Your responsibilities and obligations! Either you obediently give me the money now, and I will leave. Or, you can wait for the court to freeze your assets! I will still get the money then."

Luo Tang laughed a little when he heard Jiang Fen's words, "It is my responsibility and obligation to support you? Then did you fulfill your obligation to support me when you were a child! Didn't you curse me to die every day and curse me to be sold by human traffickers? Are you going to give birth to a child for an old man in the mountains?”

"Why do you think of me now that you are sick? Why don't you go find your dearest son?"

Not long after she was born, her father died on the construction site due to an accident. Later, the contractor sent a lot of pensions to their family, so their family was not like Jiang Fen said, one woman takes a shit. She was stretched out by the urine. Jiang Fen had never gone out to work. She had always lived on her father's pension.

Later, Jiang Fen married Wan Qing when she was four years old, and the two had a son the second year after their marriage.

Since then, she has become a thorn in the couple's side. If it were not for murder, the couple would have thrown her into the river and drowned.

The time she remembered most clearly was the month before she ran away from home.

There was a flood in the village, and the bridge leading to the school was shattered by the flood and was about to be washed away.

Other parents in the same village hurriedly called to ask for leave from school for their children; only Jiang Fen and Wan Qing were forced to cross the river across the river to go to school on a bridge that was about to be washed away. If she didn't go, Wan Qing would have to go. Take off the belt and beat her.

When she walked to the flooded river, she trembled a little when she saw the rolling yellow water and the broken wooden bridge floating on the water.

She knew that as soon as she stepped on it, she would be swallowed up by the raging flood.

In the end, instead of crossing the river to go to school, she hid in a small forest and played alone all day. When she expected to finish school, she went back with her schoolbag.

The teacher knew that it was difficult to come to school due to flooding in their village, so he did not call home to inquire.

She remembered clearly that when she stood in front of the couple with her schoolbag intact, the two men secretly said a few words behind her back that made her hair stand on end.

"This damn girl didn't get washed away by the flood? What a blind eye! If we continue to raise her, what will happen to our son? The family doesn't have that much money! A girl who can't carry on the family lineage in the future is really a loser. goods!"

"It's okay. There will be opportunities for her to die without anyone noticing."

From that day on, she knew that she could no longer stay in this family, otherwise she would die without knowing how.Later, she heard from other friends that a young boy from the city came to the grape plantation in the next village. He was the son of the plantation owner, and his family was very rich in the red wine business!He also brought a lot of fresh toys from the city, all of which the country children had never seen before.

However, the little boy was very arrogant and did not want to play with the children in the country. They wanted to play with his new toys, but they could only watch from a distance.

She thought to herself, this boy's parents were so rich that they could even afford a vineyard, so they must be able to raise another child, right?
So, she ran away from home, blocked Luo Yan who was about to leave the plantation and returned to the city, and begged Luo Yan to take her home.

Later, under Luo Yan's tough words, his parents finally agreed to take her home.

After she arrived in her new home, she studied very hard to get into the best school. In order not to use the Luo family's money in the future, she had been thinking about how to make money on her own since high school.

Finally, she was about to forget her unfortunate childhood, and when she was about to study at a top foreign university and reach a new level, the vampire parents found themselves again!

Luo Tang clenched his back teeth tightly at this time and looked at his biological mother and stepfather as if they were enemies. The cold light in his eyes was like sharp knives, and he wanted to cut Jiang Fen and Wan Qing alive.

Wan Qing felt a little unhappy when he saw Luo Tang staring at the couple fiercely.

Walking up to Luo Tang, he raised his chin and said, "You still dare to mention your brother? When he was in college, did you get a penny? You are living well now, but your brother only has 200 yuan a month. living expenses!”

"It's really selfish. Even when you get rich, you don't even think about your younger brother. You only care about your own happiness. You don't act like a sister at all!"

As soon as Wan Qing finished speaking, Jiang Fen also got up from the ground, wiped the snot and tears on his face with his sleeves, and turned Wan Qing back, "Okay, okay, you don't have to talk nonsense to him. So many.”

Then, she put her hands on her hips and said to Luo Tang: "We won't talk nonsense to you! In short, I have only one request. You must pay for the surgery and treatment! As for the cost of your brother getting married and having children in the future, we will pay for it later. I’ll settle the score with you!”

Seeing Jiang Fen's natural behavior, Luo Tang was so angry that he retched.

"You want to take money from me? No way!"

Seeing Luo Tang's refusal to give money, Jiang Fen was a little anxious and immediately sat on the ground, preparing to activate the rolling skill again.

Luo Yan, who stood aside and listened for a long time, finally understood the reason why Luo Tang ran away from home at such a young age. The original blame for Luo Tang's deception disappeared, leaving only endless heartache and pity.

Jiang Fen's babbling sound gave him a headache.

With a family like this, he would never let Luo Tang go back and suffer. He just wanted to get rid of this unreasonable couple quickly and restore peace to their family.

He strode in front of Luo Tang and said coldly to Jiang Fen: "If you keep howling like this, I won't give you a penny."

(End of this chapter)

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