Today's broadcast will be earlier than usual.

The sun sets early in winter, but after she finished the live broadcast and walked out of the room, half of the full sun in the west was still exposed, and the surrounding clouds were dyed orange-red, as if she was holding a pipa and half-hiding her face.

Time has come to December in a blink of an eye.

The trees at the foot of the mountain have been stripped of their golden autumn attire by the frost, and stand bare among the mountains, enduring the erosion of the frost.

Counting the time, it has been half a year since she came to this world.

Although the time was not long, she had lived a very fulfilling six months.

Not only did the popularity of Cangyun Temple gradually flourish, but he also earned the huge salary he owed, and he also got a quota for the pilot project of connecting the net to the underworld.

The most important thing is that during these days of live broadcasting in the human world, she has seen all kinds of human emotions and the impermanence of the world.

In the past, when she was a judge in the underworld, she was exposed to many anecdotes and anecdotes that ghosts experienced when they were alive.

But those events were just cold words recorded on the life and death book, which could not make her feel the same. All she did was punish the bad guys according to the strict laws of the underworld and give the good guys some preferential treatment in reincarnation.

This time in the human world gave her more feelings and understanding of love, hate, and hatred in the world.

After Sang Luo stood on the small lawn in front of the temple for a short while, he went around the temple again. There were as many pilgrims in the temple as ever, and the smell of incense lingered in the whole sky. Mountain.

This is all due to the influence of her live broadcast account with tens of millions of fans on the Whale Platform. Now the incense money in her account is not only enough to pay the wages of the ghosts in her area, but she can even have some extra spare money to improve the foundation of the ghost town. construction.

From a negative woman to a rich woman.

However, she accepted the task of connecting to the Internet from Taishan Mansion. I am afraid that before long, she may become a little naughty woman again.

I don’t know how well the ghost guy who went to the communication base station to put the signal transmitter completed the task.

After the signal source was established, she had to ask ghosts to develop mobile phones suitable for the underworld and lay out signal receiving base stations in a large area of ​​the underworld.

After this set of operations, the little incense money she has now is definitely not enough. In addition to doing live broadcasts and opening secret rooms, she has to find other sources of income.

When she walked to Bixia Yuanjun Hall, she saw a familiar figure, it was a safe life.

The mother of the girl Xinyi who was taken away by the peach blossoms in her dream.

She once promised Sang Luo that as long as Sang Luo was willing to save her daughter, she would come to the temple to offer incense every fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year.

Although in the end Sang Luo was unable to save Xin Yi, who loved her to death, she still kept her promise and came to the temple to offer incense every 15th of the Lunar New Year.

But today is neither the first day nor the fifteenth day of the lunar month, so why is she here too?

After bowing to Bixia Yuanjun for a safe life, he looked up and turned around and saw Sang Luo standing at the door of the palace.She walked up to Sang Luo with a smile, clasped her hands, and bowed to Sang Luo with a smile: "Master Yunze, good afternoon! It's been a long time since I saw you setting up a stall in front of the temple to tell people's fortunes for free. I don't know, Master. Can you still help me tell my fortune?"

There were a lot of things going on some time ago, and the temple already had a fortune-telling and fortune-telling service. After Wuyou learned the skill, she was always eager to take on the task of free fortune-telling, so she had been doing it for a month or two. There is no more gossip stall outside.

His face, which had been peaceful all his life, was sallow and sallow, his frightened and helpless eyes were hollow and lifeless in his eye sockets, and his lips were biting tightly from time to time, making him look extremely pitiful.

"Of course, what do you want to count?"

Sheng Shengping took out a piece of paper that had been folded several times from his arms and said, "Master Yunze, this is my birth date. I have actually come to the temple to look for you several times, but I haven't seen you. Your little apprentice is helping people interpret the signatures."

"But the reason I came here this time is to ask for a son. I think it's more appropriate to ask you to do this. After all, your little apprentice is only a teenager."

Sang Luo took the crumpled piece of paper in Shengpingping's hand. There were rough edges on the opposite corners. It could be seen that she had indeed been carrying this piece of paper in her pocket for a long time.

She opened the paper, and the birth date of "A safe life" came into Sang Luo's eyes. She looked at Nian Zhu, and her expression changed slightly.

"You are already 51 years old, and you are still asking for a child??" Sang Luo couldn't hide his surprise in his words.

Shengpingping nodded slightly, and a faint blush appeared on his originally gray face.

"Master, my husband and I divorced early. I devoted all my attention to my baby daughter Xinyi, but you also know about the tragedy. My daughter refused to listen and committed suicide."

"She just left. After drinking Meng Po soup, she forgot everything and reincarnated. But how can I live alone in this world? I am helpless, and I don't want a second marriage. I just want to I have a child who can stay with me and take care of me until I die. After a hundred years, my body will not be left rotting in the house and no one will find it."

While talking about a safe life, a picture of her being lonely and helpless in her old age appeared in her mind. She couldn't help but feel a little sad, and tears fell down.

"Also, I haven't gone through menopause yet. I went to the hospital for a check-up. The doctor said that it is still possible for me to get pregnant. Although there is only a one percent chance, I will not give up as long as I have the chance."

After listening to the narration of a peaceful life, Sang Luo felt a little confused, "Let's not talk about your age and physical problems. Let's just say that you don't get married and don't find a man. How can you get pregnant?"

"I heard from my cousin's daughter that there is a sperm bank that is specially designed to solve fertility problems for us women who live alone without spouses. My niece accompanied me to the bank to select the genes of a young college student, and then went to the hospital for the test. test tube."

"As a result, I kept failing, which made my whole body worse and worse..."

Sang Luo nodded as if he understood. This era is really trendy. You can have children directly without a man.

She carefully analyzed the horoscopes for a safe life, and shook her head repeatedly, "No, judging from your horoscopes, I'm afraid you won't be able to conceive a second child of your own."

After Yishengpingping heard this, his empty and numb eyes rolled, and a few tears fell down, "What? Is this true?"

She couldn't believe it, and tugged at the horoscope that Sang Luo was holding with her hand. She clearly didn't know how to read the horoscope, but she still frowned and looked at the horoscope written on the paper, as if Check again and again whether she made a mistake.

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