Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 280 Cangyun Temple, are you polite?

Wuyou brought a small box, which was filled with money, including several tens of dollars and hundreds of yuan bills.

"Master, during the two days when you were recording the show, I was worried that there was not enough money for incense in the temple, so I used your whale account to post the news that Cangyun Temple was selling amulets and peach blossom charms.

Sure enough, many young people came to ask for peach blossom charms. I sold peach blossom charms for several thousand yuan. "

Sanluo took the small box Wuyou brought and counted it. The total income from buying peach blossom charms was 9800 yuan.

Although the money is not much, it is also a good signal, indicating that today's young people talk about being unmarried and infertile, but in fact they still long for a sweet relationship.

Perhaps not getting married but only falling in love is the latest trendy concept among young people today.

Sang Luo took out his mobile phone and long pressed the power button to turn it on.

When she was recording the show, she was not allowed to use her mobile phone.

After turning on the phone, I received several messages from Tiandi Bank. I made a total of 500,000 incense money in the past two days.

Then, she opened the Whale app again.

I found that Cangyun Temple was on the hot search again.

# magical little Taoist temple seeking marriage#

#Cangyun Temple is more of a temple of wealth than Yuelao Temple#

#OnCangyunguan How Spiritual it is to seek marriage#

#爱came to me in a shameful way#

Sang Luo felt a little confused when he saw these hot search terms.

What is all this?

So, she casually clicked on an entry to read it.

The video was posted by an unknown amateur. All the videos on her homepage only had two or three likes, but only this video from Cangyunguan had over a million likes.

The title of the video she posted about Cangyun Temple is: Cangyun Temple, are you polite?

Sang Luo felt a little strange, "Cangyun Temple is very polite, why is it so impolite?"

Then, the video started to play, and the blogger roughly told the story of how she came to Cangyun Temple to seek marriage, but met the right man when she went down the mountain.

"Family! What a speechless incident!! Don't go to Cangyun Temple to sell peach blossom charms to seek marriage, otherwise your right one will come to you in a strange way!

The thing is, I have been single for 28 years, but my mother and father are very anxious. My family arranged blind dates for me all day long, and I saw all kinds of weird blind dates.

In the end, I learned from the pain and decided to take the initiative. I no longer followed my parents’ arrangements to go on a blind date. I wanted to take the initiative to find my Mr. Right! Beautiful love needs to be created by yourself!

So, I listened to my friend’s recommendation and went to Cangyun Temple to buy the Peach Blossom Talisman. I bought the Peach Blossom Talisman. I thought about it, why don’t I burn some incense? This would appear more sincere, right?

I am a stay-at-home girl. In addition to going to work, I usually watch dramas at home, and I don’t have much social interaction at all.

So, do you think I knelt in front of the statue and asked for marriage? I said: ‘I hope that a boyfriend who is 1.8 meters tall and looks like Leonardo will fall from the sky while I stay at home. ’

Guess what? ! ! When I got home in the evening, I was watching a TV show. There was a click, and there was a hole in the attic floor! A man fell from upstairs and hit me on the bed! My bed collapsed, my family! "

After the girl described her experience, she pointed the camera at her bed and took a picture.

Sure enough, there was a big hole in the ceiling above her bed, the bed collapsed, and a man was sitting on her bed, rubbing his butt, with an embarrassed look on his face, deliberately avoiding the camera.

The boy was helpless, "Okay, sister, please stop filming me. I didn't mean it. I just jumped a few times and I don't know why the floor collapsed... The landlord with the pit wall must have built illegally." ”

Netizens in the comment area were overjoyed after hearing the news.     【If you ask for a boyfriend from the sky, you can tell whether it is accurate or not! 】

【Hahahahaha! The gods in this Taoist temple are capable of doing anything, and they will always answer your requests! 】

[I have also lived in this kind of rental house. It should have been originally a loft. In order to collect two rents, the landlord built illegally and forced the loft into two suites, so the floor on the second floor was not solid. The little brother jumped to the ground when he danced to God】

[I don’t care, this is not a problem with the floor, this is God’s arrangement!

[Blogger: I want a handsome boyfriend to fall from the sky, the gods of Cangyun Temple: arrange it! , Floor: Bang! , Handsome little brother: Wuwuwu~]

[A world where only my little brother is injured has been achieved]

[Is it really that smart? I'll give it a try too! 】

After Sang Luo saw the story shared by this netizen, she also felt amazing.

So, she clicked on a related entry to check the news about Cangyun Temple.

The person who posted the video this time was a small blogger named Dandan. Judging from the videos on this blogger’s homepage, she should be a family funny video blogger.

She usually shoots some funny videos of her parents urging them to get married.

The personality of this blogger is that she is lazy and does nothing. She dreams every day that she meets a rich and handsome husband who hires a bunch of nannies to take care of her. From then on, she just lies down and does nothing.

Although all the videos she shot were marriage-inducing videos, her image of being lazy and waiting for happiness is too humorous and fits the mindset of many young people today, so every one of her videos has a very high number of likes.

Netizens say that this blogger is simply "another person in this world". He also makes a wish every year that he will not have to do anything in the coming year, but only enjoy happiness.

Dandan’s latest video was released at noon today and has already received three million likes.

"Family, I saw a video yesterday saying that Cangyun Guan's marriage is very accurate, and a boyfriend can be sent from heaven. I don't believe in evil, so I went to ask for it this morning.

Now I just want to tell you that there are some things that you really have to believe! I really found a boyfriend who can support me, give me money, let me lie in bed and sleep all day long, and I don’t have to do anything, just enjoy the happiness!

But...the price I paid is...

The leg is broken! "

Dandan showed off her leg that was in plaster, and then patted the man opposite the bed who was busy making oatmeal for her.

"Did you see, he is the culprit!! I just came down the mountain from Cangyun Temple in the morning after praying for the Peach Blossom Talisman, and I was knocked down by this idiot! Fortunately, there was no problem with my head, wuwu~

The doctor said that my bone injury was serious and I would have to recover for at least half a year.

This idiot paid me 100,000 yuan and had to take care of me for half a year. Do you think my wish came true or not?

I really just want to ask, Cangyun Temple, are you polite? Is there such a thing as helping people realize their wishes? ! "

【That must have come true! 】

[You said you wanted a man to spend money for you, but he compensated you 100,000 yuan. You said you wanted a man to take care of you all day long, so you just lie in bed and do nothing. Now, isn’t he taking care of you? You are not satisfied yet! ! 】

[Woman, I advise you not to be too greedy]

[To put it this way, Cangyun Temple is simply a temple of wealth than Yuelao Temple]

[This Cangyun Temple is a bit interesting, it’s so interesting. No, I have to get on a plane right away to seek marriage! 】(End of this chapter)

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