Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 312 Stop 2 of the Terror Train

After other people saw the fire, they also came to the fire, stretched out their hands, and warmed themselves with the heat of the flames.

"It's so warm~Much more comfortable." He rubbed his hands softly, his face filled with satisfaction.

Xu Yinfan: "Everyone, please quickly eat some compressed biscuits. After eating, quickly hide in the tent and rest."

Sang Luo took out the compressed biscuits and mineral water from his backpack, opened them and ate them.

Others also unpacked the biscuits and started to nibble on them.

But everyone's face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain, and their expressions were very distorted.

Just because the compressed biscuits were like a stone, hard and unpalatable, but this was in the wild, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and eat them.

"Yue... Bah!"

Qian Yiwu just took a bite of the biscuit and spat it out.

Her daily breakfast consists of fresh seafood flown home, and a meal costs at least a thousand yuan. She cannot swallow such unpalatable and nutritious food.

"What the hell is this? I can't eat it at all! I want to eat hairy crabs."

Qian Yiwu put his hand on his chest, looking like he was coming to comfort me.

Everyone else ignored her. Only Jiang Yueyue came to Qian Yiwudu like a licking dog and said:

"This biscuit is too delicious! I can't eat it at all. I suggest we go find some game, fruits and vegetables.

Isn't there a ready fire here? We baked the food we found and ate it. It was definitely better than compressed biscuits. "

[Hunting in the wild mountains and forests in the middle of the night, you can imagine it]

[There is a 20-meter-long python in this village, and it is looking for game. When you meet it, you will be the snake's game]

[This Jiang Yueyue is such a licker. She was so fierce towards Qian Yiwu at first, but now that she knows that she is the sole heir to Feiyun Film and Television Culture, she starts to fawn over her.]

[But these two are indeed the richest in the team. They are used to being pampered and pampered. It will be difficult to eat such dry biscuits.]

Seeing someone helping, Qian Yiwu said while the iron was hot: "Would any of you be willing to help me find some food to eat? I won't treat you badly."

half an hour.

No one answered, only the sound of crunching biscuits was heard.

Grandpa Niu helped to save the situation and said: "Son, it is our first time to come to this mountain. How dare we go hunting and find food if we are not familiar with the conditions in the mountain?

Didn’t the program team already say that? In the past, tourists who came to this mountain would appear to be ghosts and then disappear.

You'd better eat the compressed biscuits obediently. Although it doesn't taste good, at least it can satisfy your hunger, right? "

Grandpa Niu's answer was not the answer Qian Yiwu wanted to hear.

She raised her eyebrows and continued: "Isn't that the old site of Shuijing Village over there? Since those villagers have lived in this house for generations, they must have raised chickens, ducks, geese, fish and so on.

They hurriedly moved away from here and moved to the mountains, maybe leaving a lot of food behind.

Maybe there are dried radishes, dried mushrooms and the like hanging on the beams, some vegetables growing in the ground, and some fish left in the fish pond?

If you find these and eat them, they will taste better than compressed biscuits. "

Sang Luo: "When I was cutting firewood, I went to the old site of Shuijing Village to check. The people in the village moved it very clean, and there was nothing left.

There were no vegetables in the field, just three-foot-high weeds, and there were no fish in the fish pond, just mud.

The whole village was lifeless, there was not even a river or ditch. Only the well in the small stone square in the center of the village still had the sound of water flowing. "Qian Yiwu's idea was denied again. She lowered her head and didn't want to talk anymore.

Angrily, he threw all the compressed biscuits in his backpack into the fire.

"Even if I starve to death, I will never eat this kind of thing! I have never eaten this disgusting thing since I was born!"

Then she hid in her tent alone, got into her sleeping bag, covered her head and fell asleep.

After Jiang Yueyue saw it, she finished the remaining compressed biscuits in her hand in a few seconds, then took a sip of water and went to the tent to find money.

Tonight was the first time they spent in the wilderness, so Jiang Yueyue and Qian Yiwu slept in the same tent after discussing it.

Ruanruan and Sang Luo slept in the same tent.

Grandpa Niu is old, and Xu Yinfan is the most prestigious among all the guests. Everyone trusts him, so he takes on the responsibility of taking care of Grandpa Niu and sleeps with Grandpa Niu.

Only Zhou Yao kept a straight face all day long and never took the initiative to communicate with others, so he slept in a tent alone.

When Jiang Yueyue walked into the tent, she found Qian Yiwu wrapped in a sleeping bag like a caterpillar, curled up and drinking mineral water.

Qian Yiwu drank an entire bottle of mineral water in one breath.

"Why are you drinking so much water? The program crew gave me only two bottles of water for each of us. What will you do in the next few days if you drink them all? I don't have much water on me." Jiang Yueyue was a little confused. asked.

Although she has been following Qian Yiwu like a bitch, it is because she hopes that after she escapes alive, Qian Yiwu can focus on the friendship of comrades helping each other in the mountains and give her a role as a heroine in a big-budget movie. host.

But Qian Yiwu drank all the water as soon as he arrived at Shuijing Village. He would definitely ask her for water when the time comes, and she was unwilling to give Qian Yiwu the life-saving water.

Qian Yiwu shook the empty bottle and then threw the mineral water bottle outside the tent.

"Hey! I didn't eat anything at night, I was starving! I feel much fuller after drinking two bottles of water."

Qian Yiwu patted his bulging belly and got back into bed to sleep.

Jiang Yueyue looked at Qian Yiwu's back, curled her lips, and then started to pack up and get ready for bed.

She slowly removed her hair that the makeup artist had braided for her this morning. After removing it, she found that her hair was very dirty, itchy and messy.

"Tsk, it would be nice if I could wash my hair." Jiang Yueyue held up the small mirror and looked at herself in the mirror, feeling dirty and messy, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

She is a female star who relies on her reputation to make a living. How can she survive in the entertainment industry in the future if she is so dirty?

[Are these two sisters Wolong and Fengchu? 】

[Qian Yiwu is so funny. He drank a lot of water. Now he is full, but he will be hungry in less than ten minutes.]

[If you drink too much water, the most troublesome thing is to have to go to the toilet soon. You might encounter some unclean things in the wild]

[Jiang Yueyue is also quite funny. In order to save her time on styling, the stylist specially braided her dreadlocks. She can take care of them for half a month at least, but it’s better for her to have them all removed? ? ? 】

[Sure enough, people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Style has a great influence on people. Now I feel that Jiang Yueyue is not as good-looking as an ordinary person like me.]

At this time, Qian Yiwu stood up again.

"No, I want to go to the bathroom. Jiang Yueyue, can you go with me?"

Jiang Yueyue smoothed her hair, "This..."

She looked outside the tent. It was already dark and everyone else had gone to bed.

The wind was blowing outside, and it was scary.

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