Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 323 Stop 2 of the Terror Train

"Grandpa Niu, the taste of this fruit is really unique. People who eat it feel light."

Holding the uneaten holy fruit in her soft hands, she was swaying and chatting with Grandpa Niu. She was still chewing the pulp of the holy fruit in her mouth, and red juice remained from the corners of her mouth and dripped onto her On the collar, on the pants.

"That's right, little girl. I've had enough food and drank enough wine! Grandpa Niu is a little sleepy now."

Grandpa Niu opened his mouth wide and laughed a few times. Red juice also flowed from Grandpa Niu's mouth.

From a distance, Ruanruan and Grandpa Niu look like two perverts eating raw meat.

As soon as Grandpa Niu finished speaking, he fell directly on the table and fell asleep.

Several of the bowls, chopsticks and plates on the banquet table were knocked over to the ground, making a clanging sound.

Ruanruan saw Grandpa Niu collapsed on the table and reached out to pat Grandpa Niu's back, "Grandpa Niu, what's wrong with you? Why are you asleep?"

After a few pushes, Grandpa Niu didn't wake up, and Ruanruan himself fell down.

Chen Qiang, who had been observing secretly from the side, saw Ruan Ruan fall down.

He grinned broadly and ran over.

Chen Qiang picked up Ruanruan from the ground with a smile, then rubbed his hands and pinched Ruanruan's body a few times.

"Looking so skinny, there's still some meat on the body, hehe~ It must be very fertile."

Chen Qiang's house is not far from the house where the banquet was held, just across the door.

So, he first picked up Ruanruan, locked her in the cellar where the sweet potatoes were kept at home, and then closed the lid.

Then, he went back to deal with Grandpa Niu.

"This bad old man is really in the way! Why don't we just throw him into the graveyard? For such an old man, if he eats the holy fruit and sleeps in the graveyard all night, he will definitely not survive tomorrow morning."

As Chen Qiang walked, he muttered to himself, and the more he talked, the more excited he became.

In their village, it was too easy to kill someone.

In the past few years, there were always some ignorant outsiders who wanted to come to their village to look for Jiulu fragrant beads. Under the instructions of the village chief, a few of them young men beat those outsiders to death with sticks and threw them into mass burials in the cemetery. Gone to the post.

In the past few years, not a hundred foreigners have died in their village, but perhaps seventy or eighty.

Who dares to cause trouble to the people in their village while dying in this deep mountain and old forest? Those foreigners can only be lonely ghosts in mass graves.

The evil spirit there was very strong. After a while, he threw the old man over, and those little wild ghosts would not let him go.

At that time, we will think of a way to deal with the other two young men together, leaving only four women to give birth in the village.

The outside world would only say that they encountered ghosts in the mountains and got lost. No one would suspect that it was the villagers who lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

When he walked to the banquet table, Grandpa Niu was still lying on the table and asleep.

Qian Yiwu, leaning on his feet and craning his neck, tried to look into the crowd to watch the excitement.

Chen Qiang looked at Qian Yiwu's figure from behind her.

Then he sighed: "Ouch, this woman's ass is bigger than the one just now, why do you just watch the fun and not eat the holy fruit? But don't worry, in the end, she is the common mother-in-law of all the men in our village."

Chen Qiang carried Grandpa Niu on his shoulders again and walked towards the Shuijing Village Cemetery.

Qian Yiwu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time. Her eyes were on the child who was just one month old the whole time.

The child's face was already covered in black and blue. Several villagers tried different methods, including lifting it up, spanking it, and applying hot towels to it, but none of them worked.

【It really makes me anxious! Two of her teammates have been killed, why is this young lady still here watching the fun? 】

[Fortunately, this sister likes to watch the fun, otherwise the three of them would have been killed together]

[This love of eating melons can also save lives at critical moments] [I reasonably suspect that the previous explorers were not lost and starved to death in the mountains, but were killed by these villagers! 】

"I think the little Fuwa is about to die! Moreover, his face suddenly turned blue and his body became cold. I suspect that he has been infected with evil spirits. You'd better go to the Holy Aunt for help. Maybe he can be saved!"

Among the crowd, some villagers suggested that the host of the banquet should go find the holy aunt with his child in his arms.

Other villagers agreed.

"Yes, let's go see Saint Aunt."

"The only village doctor in our village is Saint Aunt. Maybe she is the only one who can save little Fu Bao."

"But..." The man was obviously not very willing to find the holy aunt.

"Chen Wang, do you still hold grudges against Saint Aunt for asking your first child to be sacrificed? Oh, you are confused. Whose parents and children in this village have not been selected? The only one who can save little Fubao now is It's just her.

It's already this time, don't be confused and confused. "

Chen Wang's first child was already eleven years old. He thought that after the child passed this hurdle, he would be able to live a healthy life.

Unexpectedly, the day before his twelfth birthday, he was suddenly chosen by the holy aunt to sacrifice.

He wanted to resist, but he didn't dare. He could only feed the child with his own hands and eat the holy fruit, and then threw the child into the underground palace.

"Okay!" Chen Wang gritted his teeth and decided to send Little Fu Bao to the Holy Aunt to have a look.

So, he picked up the child and walked quickly to the holy aunt's residence.

After Chen Wang left with his child in his arms, the other villagers slowly walked back to their original seats and began to brag while eating.

The accidental death of children is extremely common in this village.

Qian Yiwu walked back to his original seat and found that Grandpa Niu and Ruanruan were gone.

But the leftover holy fruit that the two of them had eaten was still on the table.

And there were pieces of dishes on the floor.

Qian Yiwu thought for a moment and realized something was wrong. The holy fruit must be poisonous, and Ruanruan and Grandpa Niu must have been killed.

So she immediately decided to follow Chen Wang to the holy aunt and find Master Yunze.

Chen Wang ran very fast with the child in his arms, and Qian Yiwu was chasing after him.

Seven or eight minutes later, they arrived at the door of Saint Aunt's house.

Sang Luo and Chen Dali squatted on the ladder at the door.

Chen Wang held the child and wanted to rush in, but was stopped by Chen Dali and Sang Luo.

Chen Dali: "Awang, what are you doing? You can't go in, the holy aunt is inside helping people with their illnesses."

Chen Wang lifted up the quilt that wrapped the child and shouted anxiously: "Fu Bao's face is already blue, why does the holy aunt treat foreigners?"

Chen Wang ignored the obstruction of Sang Luo and Chen Dali and forced his way in.

Not even a minute passed before he was blasted out by the Holy Aunt.

Chen Wang hugged little Fubao and walked out of the house crying.

Chen Dali stepped forward and asked: "Awang, what's wrong? Why did you come out just after you went in?"

Chen Wang sighed: "The holy aunt said that little Fu Bao is hopeless and asked me to find a mat to wrap him up and throw him into a mass grave."

"Ah?" Chen Dali was surprised, "Wasn't little Fubao still fine just now? Why, is he going to die so soon?"

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