Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 336 Riding a broomstick to celebrate the New Year with the Zhang family

Chapter 336 Riding a broomstick home to celebrate the New Year
Sang Luo stood in front of the exhibition cabinet and carefully looked at the gorgeous broom inside.

The museum guide patiently explained the origin of the broom.

“Director Liu bought this broom from a foreign collector last year. After buying it, Director Liu donated the broom to the museum free of charge.

Although the tomb of Princess Huai'an was discovered and excavated five years ago, when our archaeologists discovered the tomb, tomb thieves had already stolen many precious treasures.

This broom was stolen by tomb robbers and sold abroad.

As you can see, the lower part of this broom is made of golden peacock feathers raised by the princess herself. The broom handle is made of gold and is inlaid with gems.

It is enough to show that Emperor Beiyan loved this only daughter very much. Even a broom in the palace was made of such luxurious materials. "

After listening to the lecturer's explanation, other visitors to the exhibition also let out a burst of exclamations of admiration in cooperation.

"Wow! Even the broom is made of pure gold with peacock feathers? Then the floor tiles in Qiao Azi's palace must be pure jade? The emperor must love his daughter too much."

"I think the reason why Emperor Beiyan loves his daughter so much must be because he loves the queen. A man will only be kind to the children born to the woman he loves."

At this time, a female voice suddenly came from a distance.

"No! What you are saying is wrong! This broom was not made by Qiao Azi's father at all. Emperor Beiyan does not love the queen and princess at all. He only loves Princess Qin's little bastard."

Sang Luo looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a girl wearing a white shirt and jeans walking quickly from the door, with a bit of cynical anger on her face.

This girl, whom she had met during the live broadcast before, was exactly the broom star who descended from heaven to earth.

At that time, she stayed in Peter's live broadcast room, desperately looking for her lost broom, and today she actually found it here.

Presumably the broom on display is the one she lost when she descended to earth.

Sang Luo recognized Qiao Azi, but Qiao Azi did not recognize her.

Qiao Azi walked to the glass display cabinet, pointed at the broom inside and said to everyone:

"Your museum has made a mistake. This broom is not a cultural relic at all, but an ordinary modern handicraft. You can't put a fake here as a cultural relic to deceive visitors, and also make up a lot of false stories."

The commentator said sternly: "Miss, the Hailan Museum is a formal museum established with state approval, and all the cultural relics in it were appraised by experts before being sent to the museum for display.

Director Liu has carefully researched the origin of this broom. It is a pure gold broom made by Emperor Beiyan himself for Princess Huai'an.

The peacock feathers on the broom have also been identified by zoological experts. They are golden peacock feathers from 2,800 years ago. The golden peacock is now extinct.

Historical books have also recorded the existence of golden peacocks in Princess Huai'an's zoo.

So please stop talking nonsense here, otherwise I will ask security to kick you out. "

"What you say is really ridiculous. If according to what you said, Princess Huai'an likes to raise peacocks, and even keeps peacocks in her palace. Then how can she be willing to pluck her own peacock feathers to make a broom?
I believe there are many pet owners here. Think about it, if it were you, would you be willing to pluck the hair of your own cats and dogs to make a coat for yourself? "

As soon as Qiao Azi said this, many people present felt the same.

"How is that possible? I would rather give my puppy delicious food and spicy food, and I can eat bread every day. How can I be willing to pluck his fur to make a coat? How painful it will be, and how cold it must be in winter."

"That's right! My cat owner's fur is so comfortable, but his mother left him a cat fur coat to keep him warm. How could I be willing to snatch it away?"

After receiving the approval of other visitors present, Qiao Azi raised a satisfied smile on his lips.

"So, your museum is simply lying! This broomstick was not buried with Princess Huai'an, and Emperor Beiyan did not love his daughter as much as you think.

He is a sanctimonious hypocrite. What he loves most is his biological sister-in-law, Princess Qin. "

Qiao Azi crossed her hands on her chest and scanned everyone present, looking confident and calm. She is so confident.

Even the commentator began to wonder if the history books he had read before were pirated.

"Princess Qin, isn't that the biological mother of the new emperor of Beiyan?" The commentator put his index finger at the corner of his mouth and gently rubbed his nails with his teeth.

Other melon-eating people also started chattering non-stop and became extremely excited.

Who doesn't like to hear this kind of wild history?
"No wonder the Emperor of Beiyan did not make his own daughter the new emperor, but instead made his younger brother's son. It turns out that he was having an affair with his sister-in-law." A lady wearing a colorful silk scarf said angrily.

The white-haired old lady next to the lady with the floral silk scarf tutted: "Maybe Princess Qin's son is the Emperor Beiyan's own, and she got along with her sister-in-law secretly, and she still doesn't dare to admit it.

Pretending to adopt his younger brother's child as the new emperor is actually letting his biological son recognize his ancestor and return to the clan. "

Three burly men suddenly broke into the crowd, grabbed Qiao Azi's arms, and threw her outside the museum.

Curator Liu explained with a smile: "I don't know where a crazy woman sneaked in. She doesn't even have a ticket. She doesn't know how she got in. Don't take her words seriously.

The auction is about to begin. Please go to the conference room on the third floor and take a seat. "

The museum is a whole-body glass building. Through the glass, Sang Luo glanced at Qiao Azi walking around outside.

Although she wanted to help her get the broom back, this was the human world.

There are rules and order in the world.

Since this museum is authorized by the state, stealing cultural relics is a felony.

After thinking about it, Sang Luo followed Director Liu to the auction site.

Her main task today is to select gifts for the annual meeting for King Yama and several ghost generals.

After taking a seat, the auction officially began.

The antiques auctioned today are not expensive, and museums will collect the truly precious ones themselves.

Those sent for auction are also small items such as small jewelry, antique washbasins, antique pipes, and antique money bags and sachets.

The cheap ones cost hundreds of thousands, and the expensive ones can be won for only three or four million.

Sang Luo has a target for a long time, so as long as it is used by her subordinates during her lifetime, she will spare no effort to pay the highest price.

Just in the middle of the auction, a very harsh alarm suddenly sounded in the museum. A staff member ran into the hall at the top of his lungs and shouted: "No! The golden broomstick has been stolen!"

Director Liu, who was sitting at the front, stood up from his chair and rolled downstairs to the exhibition hall.

Soon, people from the Civil Affairs Bureau arrived at the museum and began investigating the theft of cultural relics from the museum.

Since everyone at the auction venue had an alibi, Sang Luo was quickly asked to leave the museum.

Director Liu and several people from the Civil Protection Bureau stood in front of the surveillance video, doubting life.

They could never figure out how the golden broom managed to get out of the glass cover and fly away under the surveillance of dozens of surveillance cameras.

Inspector Qiu, who was handling the case, was doubting his life, "Director Liu, could this broom in your museum be the one from Harry Potter? It can fly by itself."

How the hell am I supposed to solve this case? Report it directly to the Special Bureau of Paranormal Events, I have no control over this matter. "

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