Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 341 Conquering the Night Beast

Chapter 341 Conquering the Night Beast
Qiao Azi was not happy to hear that Sang Luo was called a madman by the rich woman.

"Aren't the statues of door gods posted on your door the same as the two door gods Guan Gong and Zhang Fei? You personally invited the door gods, and you also personally invited the two of us. Why are you still scolding us?"

There are five pairs of door gods.

Shen Tu and Yu Lei, Qin Shubao and Yu Chigong, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, General Heng Ha, Bao Gong and Wen Tianxiang.

The rich woman invited Guan Gong and Zhang Fei.

"How long ago did you put up this door god statue?" Sang Luo asked.

"This morning."

"Then how long have you known your husband?"

The rich woman lowered her head slightly, feeling a little embarrassed, "We just met yesterday.

Yesterday, I came back from playing cards with my friends and saw someone picking up garbage in front of the garbage bin at the intersection. I originally thought it was an uncle or aunt picking up bottles.

Unexpectedly, when I got closer, I saw a young man picking up food thrown away by others and eating it.

It was winter and he was only wearing a small vest. How pitiful he was, so I took him home. "

Qiao Azi chuckled, "How can you pity him! I think you are fascinated by this handsome young man wearing a small vest and showing off his big muscles, right?"

The rich woman coughed twice, "So what? If the man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, I will give him a home and he will bring me love. What is there to be ashamed of!"

The rich woman doesn’t look good and is fat.

I have lived for fifty years and have never been pursued by a man.

Without a man to distract her, she worked harder in the mall and focused entirely on her career, so she had material wealth in her old age.

She now lives in a big house and drives a car worth millions, but she is just not happy.

He has no children and his parents have passed away. He is usually busy with work and has only business partners but no close friends.

Every night, there is only one cat who can accompany her and listen to her words. Although with her current level of wealth, it is not difficult to find a pretty boy to support her.

But she doesn't want to, she just needs someone who can truly accompany each other and care for each other.

She doesn't want that assembly line boyfriend.

Therefore, this young man, who has no father or mother and is about to freeze to death and starve to death on the street, becomes the best person she wants to redeem each other with.

“But your so-called husband is not a human but Xi, the Nian beast that everyone often calls, and he is the one who will be killed on New Year’s Eve.

And the mental illness you talk about is actually the door god you personally invited to protect the stability of your home. "

"What?" The rich woman had never seen ghosts and gods before, so her first reaction was naturally disbelief, "How is that possible!"

"Your cat was not lost, but was eaten by your husband. As soon as you put the statue on the door this morning, he sensed Xi's existence. So, after you left, he came out to catch the monster.

But I don’t want to be bumped into by you accidentally. "

Door God: "You are so kind as to treat me like a donkey! I came to help you catch the Nian beast, but you actually said that I am mentally ill! Whoever wants to do this job can do it! I won't do it anymore!"

The door god let go of Xi Beast's legs, got up from the ground, shook the dust off his body, and walked back into the house.

When the rich woman saw that the door god was about to leave, she quickly got up and caught up, "Why are you running? You lunatic! Come and surrender with me!"

The door god walked through the living room and walked to the front door.

Under the eyes of the rich woman, the door god's body penetrated directly into the door and merged with the hanging painting.

The rich woman knelt down and said, "Grandpa Zhang Fei."

She didn't believe it at first, but the bloody facts before her eyes began to make her believe it.

The door god left, and the Nian beast took the opportunity to rush out of the door and ran away.

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