Wu Nan looked at An An and smiled sinisterly, "Oh, how can I be so powerful? My wife gave this to me."

An An kept stretching his neck to check the situation, fearing that the murderous shopkeeper would come to his door, and did not notice the cruelty in Wu Nan's eyes at all.

"Come in, come in! The murderer will come to the door soon."

An An pushed Wu Nan into the house and closed the door.

Wu Nan walked to the living room and found Yu Xue sitting on the sofa, closing her eyes and mumbling something without even looking at him.

Since the breakup, they have never seen each other again. He has only seen Xiaoxue's current situation in the circle of friends.

Seeing each other again, his heart couldn't help but beat a little.

But then, he suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

Cangtian Wuyan actually let Xiaoxue buy things from his shop, and she also discovered the secrets in those handmade works.

No matter it was five years ago or now, God deliberately broke up their lovers.

He cannot go against nature.

Today, he must kill these two women!
Otherwise, his life will be ruined.

"Little Snow."

Wu Nan gently called Yu Xue's name.

Yuxue opened her eyes and glanced at Wu Nan, but she kept mumbling.

An An came over.

Wu Nan looked at An An and asked, "Xiaoxue must have been frightened by that perverted murderer, right?"

An An also felt strange.

She walked to Yuxue and listened carefully.

"Lingbao Tianzun comforts the disciples' bodies, souls, and five internal organs.

The Blue Dragon and White Tiger teams are fighting, and the Suzaku Xuanwu bodyguards are fighting."

An An yelled, "She is reciting a spell, a life-saving spell given by Master Yunze."

Wu Nan's eyes trembled, "Spell? What spell?"

An An shrugged, "I don't know either. Master Yun Ze didn't say anything, he just said don't recite it unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Could it be some kind of immobilizing spell? I heard that Master Yunze immobilized several murderers, and they were all brought to justice in the end."

Wu Nan asked tentatively.

An An thought for a while, "Isn't that right? The thing that immobilizes the body is a talisman, not a spell. I don't know what it is. Anyway, Master Yunze also said that the spell can only be effective if Yu Xue recites it, not even if I recite it. "

Wu Nan smiled, "Oh, that's quite magical."

Wu Nan has heard of the name Yunze, and he often watches her live broadcasts.

If he hadn't been watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, he might not have known that what he had done had been exposed.

"Only Xiaoxue Nian is effective." Wu Nan thought in his heart.

Could it be that Master Yunze figured out that he and Yuxue were a couple before, so he gave Xiaoxue an ecstasy spell to awaken the love in his heart?
This is my favorite show on TV.

The big devil killed countless people, but was finally awakened by love, put down his butcher knife, and became a Buddha immediately.

The corners of Wu Nan's mouth raised slightly.

That's certainly the case.

However, Master Yunze must have miscalculated this time.

His feelings for Yuxue were only regret for the good memories of the past, and nothing else.

He will not be defeated by the Ecstasy Curse.

Wu Nan thought in his heart.

He reached out and touched the knife in his clothes, thinking about how to separate the two people and then kill them one by one.

A strong wind suddenly rose.

For some reason, the flowers in the garden began to dance wildly.

The garden chair made of human bones also began to sway from side to side in the strong wind, and the various parts of the chair kept rubbing together, making a creaking sound.

Somewhat scary.

Yuxue suddenly stopped reciting the spell and covered her ears.

"An'an, those flowers. Those flowers are screaming again, and the sound is getting louder and louder. It's so scary."

An An stood up and looked into the garden, wondering in her heart, "What is going on? Why are these things suddenly going crazy?"

Wu Nan swallowed and suppressed the fear in his heart. As soon as he saw the handicrafts made by his own hands, he remembered that night.

To this day, when he thinks of that scene, he is so sick that he can't eat, and he also suffers from anorexia.

"Quick, close the door!"

Wu Nan felt that the resentful spirits outside would come looking for his life at any time.

An An refused.

"No, the master said, this door cannot be closed."

Wu Nan felt a little crazy.

"An'an, it's getting cold. Go get some clothes for Xiaoxue, don't let her freeze."

He really couldn't stand this kind of psychological torture anymore and had to take action quickly.

An An said "Oh" and quickly went into the house to look for a coat.

Wu Nan looked at Yu Xue who was covering his ears and sneered in his heart.

"Then let's start with you, my former lover."

Wu Nan took out the knife hidden in his clothes.

He raised his arms and swung at Yu Xue vigorously.


An An suddenly walked out of the house.

She threw the coat in her hand onto Wu Nan's raised knife, and the coat wrapped the knife.

An An pulled back hard.

Wu Nan's arm was pulled painfully, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

"Wu Nan, what are you going to do!!" An An roared.

Yuxue quickly stood up from the sofa.

Wu Nan pounced directly on An An and strangled An An's neck with both hands, "Die to me, you stinky woman!!"

Wu Nan pinched An An's neck so hard that veins popped out on his forehead.

An An's throat was choked and she couldn't even scream.

Yuxue picked up the knife that had just fallen to the ground and slashed directly at Wu Nan's arm.


Wu Nan screamed in pain.

Then he released his grip on An An's neck and turned around to fight for the knife in Yu Xue's hand.

In a hurry, Yuxue raised her knife and slashed in the air.

But Wu Nan is 1.87 meters tall and has very long hands.

As soon as he reached forward a little, he grabbed Yuxue's wrist. Even if Yuxue danced wildly with the knife, he couldn't cut him at all.

Soon, Wu Nan snatched the knife from Yu Xue's hand.

"Baby, just stand still and don't move. Otherwise, I'll cut off your face in a moment, and it won't look good when you die."

Wu Nan slashed at Yu Xue again.

An An picked up the coat, put it around Wu Nan's waist, held both sides of the coat with both hands, and dragged Wu Nan back with all her strength.

"Xiaoxue! Quickly recite the spell the master gave you! Wu Nan must be the perverted store owner!" An An reminded.

At this time, Yuxue was a little flustered. She had clearly memorized the spell she had just memorized, but she suddenly couldn't remember it.

She took a deep breath and cleared all the distracting thoughts from her mind.

Make Tai Chi mudra with your hands and close your eyes.

Wu Nan laughed, "Hahahahahaha! Xiaoxue, do you think this spell will work on me? I have no feelings for you for a long time, and you still want to wake me up with love. It's really ridiculous!"

"Lingbao Tianzun comforts the disciples' bodies, souls, and five internal organs.

The Blue Dragon and White Tiger teams are fighting, and the Suzaku Xuanwu bodyguards are fighting."

Yuxue recited the spell given by Sang Luo.

Suddenly, Yuxue's body began to twitch.

Her body quickly twisted into a very weird and twisted shape.

She is possessed by a ghost! (End of chapter)

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