Quite explosive!Boss, she started fortune telling again

Chapter 353 The mythical beast Xia Xia

"You deliver express, and I'll give you a commission of 5% of monthly sales. What do you think?"

Azi shook her head, "I'm really not short of money."

Sang Luo straightened up a little, "Then what do you need?"

She doesn't like having things done for free.

Including the volunteers who come to the temple, although it is stated that they are unpaid, in fact, when each volunteer is about to leave, Sang Luo will give a small red envelope based on the number of days the volunteer has stayed in the temple.

"I am a god! A god is a god. He has no desires and needs, and money is only an external possession."

Azi straightened her broom fur, "Well...if you really want to help me, help me find a white kitten."

"Looking for a kitten?"

Sang Luo thought of the reason why A Zi descended to earth.

"So, Beidou Xingjun sent you to earth just to find a kitten?"

Ah Zi covered her mouth slightly and said to herself: "I probably didn't let anything slip."

"Does this white kitten have any other characteristics?" Sang Luo asked tentatively.

Ah Zi: "Hmm... it's all white, with crescent-shaped eyes. It has a very long tail, much longer than an ordinary cat. There is a tuft of brown hair at the tip of the tail."

Before she left, she described all the characteristics that Beidou Xingjun had described to her to Sang Luo.

As Azi described it, an outline gradually formed in Sang Luo's mind. Gradually, that outline had a prominent image.

It turns out to be 朏朏(fei).

朏朏 is a mythical beast recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", which can relieve people's worries and forget their worries.

It is a kind of mythical beast that people in the fairy world love to keep.

After all, those immortals do repetitive things every day and live for tens of thousands of years, so it is difficult for them to avoid depression.

But kittens like Zhao Zhao can relieve worries.

Therefore, he is the favorite of the immortals in the heaven.

"What are you doing with Zhaozhao?"

Azi's eyes widened, "!! How did you know that I came to see Zhaoxiao?" Sang Luo lowered his head and smiled, "Okay, okay, since you don't want to say it, I won't ask. I just ask you every day Just help me deliver the express on time."

Sang Luo returned to his computer room and turned on the computer.

She opened Maimai.com and registered a merchant account called "Cangyunguan Official".

Maimai.com is now the most popular website in the country, and there will definitely be a lot of natural traffic coming to its store.

After that, every time she broadcasted live, she would promote her store. Maybe the daily order quantity would make Azi break her legs.

Sang Luo worked for half an hour. After paying the deposit, the store officially opened.

Day two.

When it was time to go to work, there were obviously fewer pilgrims in the temple.

But the sun is nice today.

Sang Luo took out the magic weapon he had packed at the bottom of the box, as well as the peach blossom charms and amulets he had made before, and started taking pictures of the products on the table under the tree.

After taking pictures and videos, Sang Luo uploaded them directly to Maimai.com.

At this time, a phone call came.

It's a Beijing number.

On the other side of the phone was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Master, I am Qian Dongshan! The team of architects I promised to find for you has arrived down the mountain and should be on site soon to explore the terrain."

It turned out to be Qian Yiwu's father who called.

After Sang Luo exchanged a few brief greetings with him, he hung up the phone.

Forty minutes later, the architect arrived at Cangyun Temple.

The leader was a handsome young man.

"Hello, I am an architect from the National Academy of Architecture. I studied at the Sun Yixian School of Architecture, specializing in Chinese architecture." (End of this chapter)

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