Nini's mother was a little stunned for a moment, "How is this possible? My little daughter is memorizing and studying in her room right now. How can she not survive tonight?"

"She didn't study, but watched the live broadcast on the computer. If you don't believe me, go and watch." Sang Luo said coldly.

Nini carefully observed the changes in the expression on her mother's face.

At this time, her mother's face was extremely ugly, as color as pickled vegetables, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction between her eyebrows.

Nini found it very funny, "Oh, it turns out that my sister is not as sensible as her mother said. In fact, she is similar to me. When I get home at night, I watch game live broadcasts and play games.

It turns out that three good students also like to play. "

Nini deliberately said sarcastic words to annoy her mother.

Because she has received unfair treatment in this family for more than ten years.

Before she was sixteen, her mother and father still liked him very much.

But since my sister was born, my parents have put all their love and attention on my sister.

If you forget to turn off the faucet at home, your mother will say that it must have been done by Nini. She has been careless since she was a child. If you find a chicken claw bone from the gap in the sofa, your mother will say that it must be done by Nini. She has not been clean since she was a child. .

On Mother's Day, Nini and her sister each gave gifts.

Mom would say Qianqian is so sensible and accept the gift happily.

When treating Nini, they would say that she doesn't do anything serious all day long and only buys useless things at home to waste money.

Because her parents' preference is too obvious, Qianqian will bully Nini without fear. She can just blame her sister if something bad happens. Her parents will only believe her anyway.

Therefore, although she and Qianqian are biological sisters, their relationship is not good.

Nini's mother gave Nini a look, "Can your sister be the same as you? She is in the top ten in the exam and studies much harder than you. Even if she is watching the live broadcast now, she must be watching the learning live broadcast."

[This mother’s heart has gone to heaven]

[So children who study well will really be favored by their parents]

[You don’t even believe what Master Yunze said? I bet one million that what your little daughter is watching must be an entertainment live broadcast]

Although Nini's mother believed that her little daughter must be studying seriously, she was also very worried about her daughter's safety.

Nowadays, the Internet is so complicated, and Qianqian is just a high school student who doesn't know the dangers of the world. If she really gets to know a social gangster online and loses her life, then what's the point of her life?

So, she got up and left Nini's room to check on her little daughter.

Nini directly logged into Whale Video on her mobile phone, and the live broadcast room was transferred to her mobile phone.

"I know you all want to see it, I am a living god, I will take you to see it." Nini said to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Nini’s mother walked in front, followed by Nini.

Nini's mother stood in front of Qianqian's door. She raised her hand and wanted to knock on the door. She hesitated for a while and finally opened Qianqian's door directly.

As soon as she entered the room, she saw a handsome man talking to Qianqian on the computer screen.

"Wan Jiaqian! What are you doing?" Nini's mother was very angry.

She never expected that her little daughter, whom she loved and trusted the most, was not studying every night, but watching the male anchor.

After Qianqian heard her mother's voice, she was frightened and screamed, "Ah!"

She looked back and saw her mother at the door, her sister filming her with her cell phone.

So she quickly closed the computer.

"Mom! Look, sister, she actually took a picture of me with her cell phone!"

As soon as Nini's mother turned around, she snatched the phone from Nini's hand, "I'm in my thirties, but I don't have a sister, and I always go against my sister. Are you sorry?"

After Qianqian heard her mother scolding her sister, a proud expression appeared on her face. Nini sighed and left.

But Nini’s mother didn’t know that Nini’s mobile phone in her hand was still live broadcasting.

"Qianqian, my mother believes in you so much, thinking that you study hard in your room every day. She leaves all the nutritious and good things at home for you to replenish your body.

Dad brought back a king crab tonight. Your sister has long wanted to eat it. I only gave her half of the crab legs and gave the rest to you.

The purpose of mom's doing this is to let you study hard, get into a major university, and become a useful person to society in the future.

what about you? But he was hiding in the house secretly watching the male anchor!
Qianqian, you disappoint your mother so much! "

Qianqian lowered her head and slowly approached her mother with small steps. Then she raised her head slightly and looked at her mother with red eyes: "Mom, Qianqian is wrong~ Don't be angry with Qianqian, okay?

Me, I'm just in a very bad state of study during this period.

School is so depressing and tiring.”

Nini's mother looked at Qianqian's delicate and frail look, and her love for her daughter surged in her heart.

She touched Qianqian's head and said, "Qianqian, mom is wrong! Mom knows that Qianqian studies the most seriously. She even ranked among the top three in her grade in the half-term exam some time ago.

I must be too tired from studying, so I want to relax.

Our Qianqian is not a machine, so we will definitely get tired. It is normal to relax and have fun. "

Qianqian hugged her mother's waist and burst into tears.

"Mom, Qianqian doesn't want to go to school tomorrow. Can you ask for a day off for me? Mom is the best, woo woo."

Qianqian’s tears soaked Nini’s mother’s pajamas.

"Ah?" Nini's mother was very surprised, "Why? Why don't you want to go to school?"

This is so abnormal.

Qianqian usually studies the hardest. Even if she has a bad cold, she won't let herself take sick leave and insists on going to class.

Why did you suddenly ask not to go to school today?
Nini's mother's brain was running rapidly.

Just now in the live broadcast room, Master Yunze once said that Qianqian might die tonight.

Could it be that there are bad people in school bullying Qianqian, so she doesn’t want to go to school?

She couldn't help but think of the school violence reported on TV news, and her heart beat faster.

No, she will never let anyone bully her daughter!
She hugged Qianqian tightly and said softly: "Qianqian, it's okay! If you don't want to go to school, don't go. Mom will ask for leave for you.

You should have two days off a week, but in order to give you more time to study, the school even lets you go to class on Saturdays.

This is too tiring for you kids, so let’s take a day off and have a happy weekend!
Mom will take you to the amusement park to relax tomorrow. "

Nini's mother took out her mobile phone and called the school teacher to ask for leave.

After the call was connected, she made up a random reason that Qianqian was sick and asked for leave.

Qianqian also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing her mother take leave.

"Mom, please go out, I want to rest."

Qianqian pushed her mother's back, drove her out of the house, and then locked her door.

Nini's mother was kicked out by her daughter, but she was still worried that something would happen to her daughter tonight.

So, she planned to sleep in the living room tonight.

If something happens to her daughter, she can arrive in time. (End of chapter)

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