Chapter 365 Love Brain Destiny

Wan Lan finished saying this very much against her will, that's not what she was thinking.

Whoever wants to write this crappy novel can write it! In short, she will never write a novel again.

【What? Is Wan Lan haunted by a ghost? 】

[No wonder it hasn’t been updated during this time. I wrongly blamed you]

[I heard that writers of supernatural novels are most likely to be haunted by ghosts, so don’t write too much about this stuff]

[Could it be that my curse on the author has come true? 】

[This thing is really evil. I heard that many crews who filmed ghost movies actually encountered ghosts while filming, and the actors were scared to death]

[It’s so scary. Will you be hunted by ghosts when you read ghost stories? 】

"Master, please help me! Help me get rid of these ghosts around me, so that I can continue to write with peace of mind, and I can be worthy of the readers who have followed me for so long."

Tears were shining in Wan Lan's eyes when she said this, looking very sincere.

Immediately, she painted several goddess arrivals on Sang Luo.

"If you want to act in my live broadcast room, I won't help you." Sang Luo exposed Wanlan mercilessly.

Wan Lan was stunned for a moment. The master was indeed the master. He could tell at a glance that she was acting.

"After I help you get rid of the ghosts around you, will you really continue to finish the book?"

Wan Lan's mouth opened and closed, "I...I don't know how. I won't write this book anymore. Writing ghost stories will attract ghosts, Master. I want to stop writing, find a serious class in the future, get married and have children."

After Wan Lan finished speaking, he gave Sang Luo his horoscope, "Master, please help me figure it out. Apart from writing novels, what else can I do? I really don't want to write anymore."

【How could you do this? Deceiving readers’ emotions! 】

[If you don’t want to write, don’t write. You say you want to continue, but in your heart you want to be a eunuch. How can you be this kind of person? 】

[Authors like them love to deceive readers! Well, sad]

[My baby Lan Yi doesn’t have an ending yet! How can you stop writing? You have to give the characters in the book an ending, right? That is your biological son who wrote it yourself]

[After waiting for so long, there is no update. I have been chasing this book for two years since it was put on the shelf. If you say you won’t write it, you won’t write it. It really makes readers sad.]

【rnm! Refund! 】

When netizens in the live broadcast room heard that Wan Lan wanted the eunuch not to change, they became angry and violently criticized Wan Lan, and the popularity of comments in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

Sang Luo picked up the tea cup with two fingers, took a sip, and carefully analyzed Wan Lan's horoscope.

After a while, Sang Luo smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid the fundamental reason why you don't update is because you want to get your boyfriend back, right?"

【What? 】

[What does this have to do with her boyfriend? 】

"Judging from your horoscope, eating injuries produces wealth, and wealth produces officials. Food injuries represent talent and writing ability. Food injuries producing wealth means that you can make money by writing, which corresponds to your career as a novel author.

But the problem arises, your wealth gives birth to an official, but you have no seal to give birth to a body.

The official represents the husband and lover. All your wealth has gone to give birth to a man, but the man will not come to repay you, he only knows to ask for it.

You are a typical love-minded person. You are most likely to be deceived by men because they give up their careers. "

Sang Luo analyzed Wan Lan's horoscopes for her carefully. After hearing this, Wan Lan felt that Sang Luo was very accurate.

"Master, your calculation is so accurate! I did spend a lot of money on my ex-boyfriend. I thought I could keep him with money, but I didn't expect that he would abandon me because of my career!
He said that because I wrote supernatural stories, I was haunted by ghosts, and he was afraid.

I don't want to write novels anymore. I want to change my career so that he can change his mind. "Wan Lan is a super lover. When she first started writing novels, she wrote sweet stories.

Of course, that was what she thought was a sweet little post.

The male protagonist in her book is a little bastard with no ability, status, money, and a bad temper who needs to be coaxed by the female protagonist.

And the female protagonist is simply a peerless love brain. No matter how much the male protagonist tortures her, she loves her to death. In the end, the female protagonist spends her money and lives happily with the young gangster male protagonist.

Her book was given the lowest score of 3.5 by tens of thousands of netizens, and there were countless posts criticizing her.

After she failed to write a sweet novel that time, she did not dare to touch this subject again and concentrated on writing supernatural novels.

Because the subject matter of supernatural novels will not expose her weird and morbid views on love, she will not be scolded by readers.

【What? You stopped updating because of a man? ? ! ! 】

【unacceptable! 】

[It’s really unlucky to meet a love-minded author! 】

[rnm, refund your money! 】

[You don’t have to be so excited, right? Put yourself in your shoes and think about it, if you were the one who attracted ghosts by writing a novel, and your boyfriend broke up with you because of this, would you still dare to write it? 】

[9494, a group of people stand and talk without pain in their backs. They only think about how happy they are watching, and don’t consider how painful the author’s writing is.]

"I suggest you stop looking for your ex-boyfriend. He doesn't love you at all. What he loves is your money. Even if you change careers and he comes back to you, you can still have jobs in other industries. With such outstanding achievements, can he earn so much money now?
If you can't make any money, he will still leave.

He left you not because you were haunted, but because he didn't love you at all. "

Sang Luo gave Wan Lan some pertinent advice, and Wan Lan was moved after hearing it.

Yes, if Shi Rui really loved herself, when she encountered ghosts, she should have found a way to help her get rid of them instead of leaving herself.

"Then can I meet a good man again in the future?" Wan Lan asked.

"Don't think about men. Your destiny is likely to attract scumbag men. It's better to focus on your career. Official killings not only represent husbands and lovers, but also represent reputation and status.

Although people who are wealth officials are in love, they can easily gain reputation.

If you continue to engage in your writing career, it will definitely become more popular in the future. "

Wan Lan was very tempted after hearing Sang Luo's suggestion.

So, will she still have a chance to become a more popular super writer in the future?
But she was still hesitant, "Master, I don't want to write this supernatural book anymore. Ghosts will come to my door. It's too scary. I want to change it."

As a result, she had just finished saying this.

The lights in the room went out again.

A gust of cold wind blew through, and the white window screens in the room flew around like ghosts.


Wan Lan shrank together in fear.

The computer suddenly lit up.

The background of the picture is a small room with a dark green light. The walls inside are covered with various grotesque corpses.

"Ah!!! Help! Master, help me!"

But at this time, she simply shouted that she should not be Sang Luo.

The screen flickered a few times, and a wizened grimace with a pale face, smoking, appeared on the computer screen.

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