Chapter 23
Seeing that Feng Wanniang was interested in these things, Situ Fan kept talking about interesting things.

Two people, one talking, the other listening, bursts of laughter from time to time, the atmosphere is extremely harmonious.

Outside the door, Situ Fan's apprentice Ting Xi stopped knocking on the door and nodded with satisfaction.

Master hasn't smiled like this for a long time.


Ting Xi looked up at the stars in the sky, hugged himself and shivered, it was so creepy to laugh so much in the middle of the night!

Although it was late at night, many people did not have a rest.

One is to keep the year old, and the other is to discuss gossip about this year's New Year's Eve banquet.

The Qiwu Palace turned off the lights early, after all, staying up late is not good for the skin, and it will also affect the height.

Although Shen Changan had turned off the lights early and had a rest, he had to get up again before lying down for three hours.

I got up around six o'clock in the morning.

There was also a family feast on the morning of the first day of junior high school, which was around seven o'clock.

Emperor Xuan of Jin came to the family banquet in the morning and left after drinking a glass of wine. He is very busy today, and all the ministers have to come to greet him.

The family banquet in the morning lasted relatively short, and when it was about nine o'clock, the concubines and the emperor's heirs had to go to the Taimiao to worship their ancestors and then go to Baohua Hall to pray and worship Buddha.

But Shen Changan and Shen Xiuying only need to go, one of the two cubs is three years old and the other is less than half a year old, so naturally they don't need to go.

Then everyone greeted the queen mother, and then greeted the queen, oh, yes, the queen mother is not in the palace, so it saves a step.

On New Year's Day, that is, the first day of the new year, Emperor Xuan of Jin had to go to the imperial study to start writing.

The so-called "opening the pen" means writing auspicious words and sentences with a Chinese ink pen and ink pen on the first day of the new year, praying for "harmony and prosperity" in the new year.

After the pen is written, it will be sealed and sealed by the emperor, so that it can be used again when the pen is opened in the next year.

Since then, the emperor's New Year's holiday has ended, and the new year's social animal work has begun.

After dealing with the backlog of work for a while, Emperor Xuan of Jin started to rush to the next banquet under the reminder of Eunuch You.

This time it is a state banquet, mainly to receive envoys from other countries, it is not as complicated as last night, and it does not need to be held until late at night.

The second day of junior high school is also busy, busy offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, and then there is a family banquet, except for the concubines in the harem, it is the royal family, oh, and the family members of the ministers in the court.

After these two days, I will not be too busy afterwards. The third to ninth day is the day when the concubines see their families. As long as they hand over the sign, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will make arrangements.

According to the unwritten rules in the palace, those with high status will be arranged to meet their family members first, and the first one will naturally be Empress Qi.

Early in the morning of the third day, two sedan chairs were carried from the gate of the palace to Chuxiu Palace.

Empress Qi waited anxiously at the gate of Chuxiu Palace. She was quite happy when she saw her mother, but when she saw Qi Mingzhu getting down from the sedan chair, her face instantly collapsed.

"The minister's wife greets the empress."

Seeing her mother bowing to her, Empress Qi hurriedly helped her up, "Mom, get up quickly, what are you doing!"

Mrs. Qi said with a smile: "Your Majesty, etiquette cannot be discarded."

When Empress Qi saw her mother, she also revealed her daughter's cuteness, and she was about to walk to Chuxiu Palace holding Mrs. Qi's hand.

Madam Qi smiled and pulled Qi Mingzhu closer, causing Empress Qi to roll her eyes wildly.

After entering the room, Empress Qi backed away from the left and right, too lazy to pretend, and let out a heavy "hum".

"Why doesn't my sister stay in the Hou's mansion? I'm not likable as a younger sister. Why bother my sister to visit?!"

What Empress Qi said was yin and yang, but Qi Mingzhu didn't pay attention to her at all, and just drank tea by herself.

"A good snowflake, my sister is living a good life in the palace."

Qi Mingzhu answered irrelevant questions, and Empress Qi turned black with anger.

"Okay, okay," Mrs. Qi said to stop the two of them, "You two sisters, you quarrel every time you meet, and it never stops."

Empress Qi turned her face away angrily, "Who is her sister!"

Mrs. Qi smiled helplessly, and said: "Are you still angry with your sister? You are already a mother, and you are still so childish."

Empress Qi didn't speak, she hugged Mrs. Qi and didn't let go.

Speaking of it, Taiwei Qi was to blame for this matter, he knew that Qi Mengdie and Emperor Xuan of Jin had intentions, so he wanted to let Qi Mingzhu also enter the palace.

Because of this incident, Empress Qi will feel strange when she sees Qi Mingzhu now.

After lunch, Empress Qi pestered Mrs. Qi, and Mrs. Qi followed her to see Shen Chengye.

Empress Qi asked the palace servants to take Qi Mingzhu to the Imperial Garden...any other place is fine, but I don't want to see her in Chuxiu Palace.

After careful calculation, Qi Mingzhu is still one year older than Jin Xuan Emperor, she is his cousin. That year, when Jin Xuan Emperor was drafted, Qi Taiwei wanted Qi Mingzhu to enter the palace.

However, she did not agree, Taiwei Qi has always doted on her, and did not force her.

After the draft, she randomly found a family to marry and married.

Her husband's family is the Marquis of Anding's Mansion, and the Marquis of Anding's Mansion doesn't have much power, and her husband is only a new champion a few years ago. He is currently working in the Ministry of Household Affairs, and he will be a prince after a hundred years from his father-in-law.

But the mother-in-law was kind and handed over the housekeeping right early on. The husband kept the etiquette and restrained himself, and had no concubines to share the house.

In Chang'an City, it can be considered very good.

There is nothing to see in the imperial garden in January, except plum blossoms and camellias, which are all common varieties, and there is nothing expensive. After all, the people of Dajin are still suffering, and the royal family enjoys too much, and it is not good-looking.

Qi Mingzhu twisted a red plum, crushed it casually, and then let it fall to the soil.

Emperor Xuan of Jin was quite aggrieved as the emperor, and the imperial garden was not as good as the backyard of the Qi family.

"Who is that?"

Qi Mingzhu wanted to go back to Chuxiu Palace, but when she turned around, she caught a glimpse of a red figure.

"Back to auntie, it's Princess Chang'an."

The maid who led Qi Mingzhu answered.

Qi Mingzhu looked at the little girl who was getting closer and closer to her with great interest, and didn't leave, just waiting for Shen Changan to come.

This small road can only allow one and a half people to pass at the same time, and there are no other roads around, because there is a large cluster of camellias in front of it, so Shen Changan did not see Qi Mingzhu there.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw it, but they thought it was a passerby passing by, so they didn't tell Shen Chang'an.

The line segment between two points is the shortest, this road leads directly to Qiwu Palace, the weather is cold, my son's face is red from freezing, even holding a hand stove doesn't work.

"Greetings to the eldest princess."

When Shen Changan came over, Qi Mingzhu greeted him abruptly.

This startled Shen Changan, subconsciously took a step back, and almost didn't fall.

Liuli behind Shen quickly supported her with his hands, and Qi Mingzhu in front of Shen Changan stretched out his hand when she saw this.

"The minister's wife greets the eldest princess."

Qi Mingzhu lowered her head to hide her smile, and respectfully greeted Shen Changan.

"So it's Mrs. Fang."

Shen Changan stabilized his body, and returned a half-respect to Qi Mingzhu.

Based on the status of her husband's family, she is the princess protecting the country, so she does not need to return the gift to Qi Mingzhu, but from the perspective of Emperor Xuan of Jin, Qi Mingzhu is her cousin.

It's just right to put the monarch and his ministers first and then relatives.

Qi Mingzhu looked at her with a smile, as if looking at her own junior.

(End of this chapter)

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