Chapter 107 Preference and Deceit

As soon as Qian Dashan opened his mouth, everyone immediately pricked up their ears.

Are there other stories that you don't know?

The Qian family is not considered a big family in the Xiangyang Brigade. They fled from other places in the 30s, and there are only three generations in the local area.

But old man Qian and his parents are ruthless people. They rushed to the front when they fought against the landlords. It's hard to say how much they reaped, but they earned enough fame.

In ten miles and eight villages, whoever mentions Qian's family is secretive, disgusted and afraid of offending.

It's a pity that the Qian family committed too many crimes. Both the old man's parents and himself died of illness early on, and the remaining three sons of the Qian family did not have great prospects.

Qian Dagen is lazy and depends on his parents, Qian Dashan is diligent and honest and only knows how to work, Qian Dahai didn't know what luck he had a few years ago, and even went to work in the county town. All these years, Aunt Qian is proud of her youngest son.

Everyone didn't feel much about the crimes committed by the Qian family back then. After all, they all came from poor peasants, and they didn't ransack their home.

But the Qian family's reputation is not good, and now there is a secret that they don't know, so they naturally want to hear it.

Aunt Qian's eyes suddenly stood up, and she put her hips on her hips: "You still have the face to say it?"

"Do you dare to say it in front of your father's tablet?"

Qian Dashan lowered his head in shame, under the dim light, Bai Liu couldn't see his facial expression clearly, only vaguely saw his shoulders trembling.

He is crying.

"I haven't paid for my sins for so many years?" Qian Dashan suddenly raised his head, choked up and said, "I ran away from home and didn't tell you that my father went to look for me, but I don't know how my father could fall into the ditch."

"If I knew my father would be paralyzed, I would rather die!"

Younger people, like Bai Liu, don't know about this past, they only remember that old man Qian suffered a stroke and collapsed on the kang, and died on the kang.

But the older people are more aware, especially the matter of the Qian family is not a good thing.

"What's the matter?" Huang Fenglai still remembered the grudge that Qian Dadan caused the family's three children to fall into the ice hole in the winter, and she sympathized with Qian Dashan, so she naturally had something to say, "Old man Qian asked Qian Dashan to fall into the river ditch and suffered a stroke? "

"I said who are you cheating from the Qian family?"

Huang Fenglai's words instantly aroused everyone's memories. Sometimes everyone has a bad memory, and sometimes they have a good memory.

Just like at this time, as long as one person mentions the past, everyone's dusty memories can be quickly awakened.

"I remember that old man Qian went out to molested his little daughter-in-law, and then he had a stroke."

"What kind of teasing? He slept with that lunatic at the head of the village and collapsed at the gate of the ruined temple."

"It seems so, but after so many years, there are no lunatics, and no one is asking for justice. I can't tell."

Qian Dashan woke up like a dream, staring at Aunt Qian's face, he couldn't judge whether these words were true or not.

On the contrary, Bai Liu felt that it was not groundless. As for why, she couldn't tell. One was because the lunatic had a strange background and there were no relatives and friends here; the other was that people were panicked back then and no one cared about this story.

It's uncertain whether old man Qian has done any evil, but he suffered a stroke and became an unlucky person again, so no one can say much about it.

"Mother, are you telling the truth?" Qian Dashan still looked at the old mother, wanting to know the truth of the year.

Aunt Qian was impatient, and spit out at the people watching the theater outside the door: "Damn, you guys are talking nonsense, my old man fell into the river to find the mountain—"

"I said, don't think that everyone in the Qian's family died back then. What river ditch? Back then, Dad Zhuzi and I were the ones who took him to see a doctor. Who did you lie to?"

"I also asked Dashan to fall into the ditch. No wonder Dashan seems to have changed since that year. The clever young man has become a fool. So you lied to Dashan."

"You, you fart..." Aunt Qian scolded too dirty, shouting wronged.

At this time, Qian Dashan's heart was ashamed. He once had unreserved trust, but now he only got scars.

Why did he think that his father would really look for him without sleep?

"I have been deceived for so many years." He was still kneeling on the ground, his straight back bent instantly, "I thought that at least one day, my parents would also favor me."

Qian Dashan didn't cry, he couldn't even cry, but everyone could see his sadness and fragility.

"Mom," Tangdou let go of his ear-covering hands, and spontaneously blocked Aunt Qian's obscenities from falling into his ears. At this moment, he asked in confusion, "Why do parents not love their children?"

Bai Liu felt that he couldn't answer this question, but he had to.

In her previous life, she was sold to others by her parents. She couldn't feel whether her parents loved her.

She had long forgotten, and she didn't care whether her parents loved her or not.

Perhaps for a moment, she also longed for the love of her parents, not only love, but also preference.

In the end, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, some fate cannot be forced.

"Tang Dou, do you love Mom and Dad?" she asked Tang Dou.

Tangdou nodded: "Of course I love you, you are my parents."

"Well, we all love you and will always love you." Bai Liu stroked his daughter's head and added from the bottom of his heart: the only love.

Maybe it's because I've seen too many open and secret fights, too many brothers fighting against each other, and the daughter is a victim of the family.

She doesn't want to question human nature, the ten fingers are not the same length, she wants to give Tangdou an unquestionable preference.

Tangdou couldn't fully understand Qian Dashan's complicated emotions, she only felt that Qian Dashan was in pain.

"Grandma Qian is really eccentric," Tangdou lowered her voice, "I saw Grandma Qian gave Qian Dadan meat, but she only gave Qian Erdan half a cornbread, saying he wasted food."

Bai Liu was speechless, Aunt Qian was unabashedly partial, she was really wicked.

No matter what happened to the Qian family, only Qian Dashan and Zhao Juan worked diligently to earn work points these years. As a result, their son was not only made stupid, but also couldn't get enough to eat.

If it was her, she would never persist until now.

"...I never thought that my parents would lie to me. For so many years, I always felt that I was sorry for my parents. It turned out that it was not my fault. I killed my wife and son..."

Qian Dashan prostrated on the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

Now that the matter has come to this point, no matter how stubborn Aunt Qian is, she can't quibble, she can only signal Qian Dagen to go over.

"Dashan, we are a family, don't do family matters—"

"Qian Dagen, I'll kill you!" Qian Dashan jumped up suddenly and punched Qian Dagen on the head.

"Don't hit my son!" Aunt Qian stepped forward in a hurry, and the Qian family started a scuffle.

The team leader finally came in his clothes, and waved his hand: "Hold on to me, hurry up!"

"Ah~" Tangdou yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Mom, I want to sleep."

Bai Liu was watching the excitement, so he happened to take Tangdou home and go to bed first.


Tian Yu just opened the door and entered the courtyard, followed by Tian Xiaoyong.

It was the first time for the two of them to come back so late, probably to discuss the upcoming marriage with the Zhou family.

She nodded and smiled, didn't say much, and turned directly into her and Tangdou's bedroom.

Tian Xiaoyong walked over in two or three steps: "Aunt Bai, I heard my mother say that the textile factory is recruiting workers?"

Bai Liu nodded.

"Aunt Bai," Tian Xiaoyong leaned forward and said softly, "Can you help my mother buy a job?"

(End of this chapter)

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