Chapter 11 Brother Zhou is a Hero
Bai Liu went to the state-run restaurant to buy buns and steamed buns, and hurried back to the grain station just before the grain inspection. It was really impossible to pay the public grain without her.

It's a long story, but I actually borrowed Song Jiaying's light.

In the past, Song Jiaying helped the commune and even the county grain station repair machines, which saved a lot of money for the grain station, and left a good relationship.

Collecting grain at the grain station is not that simple. From inspecting the dryness of the grain to weighing it, the workload of the inspectors at the grain station is huge. Coupled with manual inspection, there will always be situations where the standards are different.

But with Song Jiaying's love, the Liangzhan always took care of Xiangyang brigade.

They also don't have to make up too much public food.

"This year is not bad, much better than Accountant Wang and I thought." The brigade captain finally breathed a sigh of relief as he held the brigade's food delivery voucher in his hand.

He didn't want to look back on the days when he was hungry, although it was still impossible to guarantee that everyone in the brigade would have enough to eat, at least there would be no more starving ghosts.

He has no shame in being the captain of this team.

The captain tidied up the carriage, greeted everyone to go home, and said to Bai Liu: "Let's go, you've been tossing around all day, go home!"

It was still daylight when I came here, and it is already evening, so I am afraid I will not be able to get home until after dark.

The captain put the things Bai Liu bought on the back of the car, and then took out two pancakes from the bag.

"The bean pancakes made by your aunt, you fill your stomach first."

Bai Liu took the dry Erhe noodle pancakes filled with bean filling, and did not refuse, but at the same time took out two buns from his own bag.

"Uncle, you take it back and eat it with your aunt." She urged worriedly, "You must eat it, and reheat it when you go back."

She is filial to her uncle and aunt, but she is not happy to share it with others.

Although the uncle's family is also her relatives, she doesn't want to get used to other people's bad habits.

"You, you, I got it, my uncle is hiding it quietly, and it's just me and your aunt eating!" The team leader reluctantly agreed.

He didn't dare to be disobedient. This little girl has been so stubborn since she was a child. If she gives you good things and you give them generously to others, she will be angry with you for a long time when she finds out.

Bai Liu had no father since he was a child. At that time, Huang Fenglai was busy with five children alone. Thanks to the care of Zhao Kuifa and his wife, they treated Bai Liu like their own daughters.

So he was not angry at what Bai Liu said, and started to drive the carriage with a smile.

Bai Liu was drowsy on the carriage, the temperature in the northeast was low in the evening, and it was only under the slightest chill that she could restrain her drowsiness.

When she arrived at the Xiangyang brigade, she refused her uncle to send her off, and half-run home with her things alone.

"You, you don't help me no matter what!"

Suddenly, an exasperated voice sounded, and she stopped abruptly.

Huh, something seems wrong.

The voice sounded a little familiar.

Not sure, listen again.

"Who are you?" The man's voice was full of surprise.

"I'm an educated youth from the school of educated youth. Last time we met you, you helped me repair my house." He Shengnan said impatiently.

Bai Liu was startled immediately, embarrassed, should she avoid it first?

Just as she was moving lightly, Zhou Xiangnan's voice came.

"I'm not helping you fix the house, I'm completing the task given by the captain. Please step aside, we don't know each other." Zhou Xiangnan's voice was slightly cold.

"We know each other, and now we know each other even if we didn't know each other before." He Shengnan's tone was quick, "I heard that Brother Zhou is a soldier and a hero. hero."

She was excited, even incoherent, but the admiration was obvious.

Zhou Xiangnan stopped talking harshly in He Shengnan's words full of admiration, and only said: "It is our duty to protect our family and the country. I am just an ordinary soldier and have already retired."

"No, you are a hero, and once a hero is always a hero."

Bai Liu turned her face slightly, just in time to see He Shengnan almost pounced on Zhou Xiangnan from the corner of her eye.

"I want to know more about you, Brother Zhou, give me a chance—"

Zhou Xiangnan took a few steps back mercilessly: "He Zhiqing, please be careful with your words and deeds, I think women should love themselves."

He Shengnan didn't care at all, she continued to analyze her inner world.

Bai Liu couldn't help but shudder, hiss, it's too nasty.

Let's go home first.

It was completely dark at this time, and she took a detour and ran home from a small road.

Putting down the things I bought, I took two big handfuls of fruit candies and a steamed bun before closing the door and going to my mother's house.

Starting early in the morning, she only had time to carry Tangdou, who was still sleeping, to Bai's house. The little boy was at Bai's house all day.


The moment Bailiu entered the door, Tangdou rushed over and asked her to hug her affectionately.

The children of the Bai family looked at her with bright eyes, knowing that the sister-in-law would bring candy back in all likelihood.

But the children of the Bai family were well educated. Even if she didn't get the candy back, they were only slightly disappointed, but they would not be angry.

Bai Liu smiled and handed the fruit candy to the oldest Dahu, then hugged the jelly beans and prepared to go home, then winked at the old mother.

Huang Fenglai immediately understood what she meant and had to follow her to the back door.

"Mom, warm it up before eating." She hurriedly stuffed the buns over.

Buns are different from candy, but if she buys nine buns for her nephews and nieces, will her brothers and sisters-in-law also buy them?
No, she is too poor, so she can only honor her old mother first.

Huang Fenglai nodded perfunctorily: "Understood, let's go back quickly, today Tangdou is tired from playing with Fubao, a little girl from the Zhou family, and I want to sleep early."

Seeing that her daughter could barely open her eyes, Bai Liu hurriedly hugged the cub and went home to sleep before she had time to ask any more questions.

Before going to sleep, she was still thinking about what happened to He Shengnan and Zhou Xiangnan.

After all, He Shengnan's "worship" would not directly—

By the way, who is Fu Bao?
"It's a young lady from Grandma Zhou's family." Tangdou said in a daze.

She had just woken up and heard her mother say that the sun was already high outside, and then she remembered that she had agreed with Fu Bao yesterday to pick fruit today.

Bai Liu casually flicked the curly hairs on the top of the boy's head. According to Song Jiaying, the boy followed her grandma, and his hair still has natural curls.

"Then who will take you there?"

Tang Dou dressed herself and slowly slid off the kang.

"There are also Sister Xiaoshu and Brother Sanhu. Fubao's brother is not yet old enough to go to school, so he will also go with us."

Now most of the children go to school at the age of nine, and both the Bai family and the Zhou family usually let the children finish at least junior high school.

Bai Liu's father is a martyr, and his brothers and sisters can go to school for free, while the Zhou family has "literate people" in their ancestors.

When it came to Dahu's generation, it was Huang Fenglai's insistence. She felt that studying could not be wrong.

Bai Liu also thought so.

But more people didn't understand, and even her brothers and sisters-in-law didn't agree. The Zhou family tasted the sweetness from reading, but they were not very happy.

"You guys are all under nine years old, why are you so bold?" She took Tangdou's hand, "Slow down, mom will go with you."

Hey, if you don’t go to pick fruit, you have to pick firewood, so let’s go pick fruit with the children.

Bai Liu was very clear about it.

(End of this chapter)

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