Three years later, in 1976, Xia.

Zhao Jinfang jumped off from the back seat of Bai Yang's bicycle, seeing that Li Xiulan was the only one cooking at home, she couldn't help curling her lips: "Mom really went to deliver Wu Ya's baby. She has been married for three years, and she has her second child."

"If you continue to give birth like this, it will be—"

Bai Liu went back to her home to put away her bicycle first, just happened to come in through the back door, and said casually: "It should be fine, I heard Aunt Zhou's laughter coming from Zhou's house, she must be a fat kid again."

"I'm sorry for those two girls in front of Zhou Xiangxi."

When she entered the door just now, she saw two thin girls who had just returned from collecting firewood on the mountain. They were Tuesday and Wednesday.

Three years ago, Zhou Xiangxi's daughter-in-law passed away in dystocia, and the child in the mother's womb was stillborn, killing two people.

Zhou Xiangxi cried bitterly, and for a while, no one had anything to say, and even sympathized with him for losing his wife.

But not even three months after the death of his late wife, Zhou Xiangxi actually married Wu Ya, an educated youth, and the two even flaunted free love.

At that time, Aunt Zhou intended to ask Huang Feng to be a matchmaker. After all, Bai Liu and Song Jiaying were locals who married educated youths, and there were precedents that involved both parties.

Huang Fenglai resolutely refused, she felt ashamed.

But Wu Ya and Zhou Xiangxi didn't care, they didn't need a matchmaker, and they got married directly in the name of free love, which shocked everyone's jaws.

Aunt Zhou was lukewarm about this marriage, even because Wu Ya was not as good at work as Tian Yu, so her status in the Zhou family was not high.

But more than eight months later, Wu Ya successfully gave birth to a baby boy and became Aunt Zhou's favorite daughter-in-law.

The educated youth are young and educated, and they can still give birth to a son for the old Zhou family. The most important thing is that they did not go to the hospital to give birth!
The birth of this child not only dispelled the rumors that Zhou Xiangxi could not give birth to a son and suppressed his wife, but also saved face for the old Zhou family.

The higher Wu Ya's status in the Zhou family means the lower the status of Zhou Ya and Zhou Ya.

The Zhou family has always been unabashedly patriarchal, and Aunt Zhou has done it even more obviously. Daya Zhou helped the family wash clothes at a young age, and she still brags outside that the Zhou family is good to her daughter.

The reason is that the Zhou family sent Daya to school, and they trained her to do housework in order to be proficient in everything, so that she can earn money and manage the family in the future.

In Bai Liu's view, this kind of behavior is tantamount to standing at the same time.

Weirdly disgusting.

In the past, Erya and Sanya had better luck than Daya, they were still young, and their mother would protect them after all.Even if the mother is willing to risk her life to give birth to a son, she still cares about the daughter who also came out of her womb.

But now that the second ya and the third ya have lost their mothers, the stepmother looks down on them and makes life difficult for them everywhere.

"Liu'er, our Bai family is different from other families. Who doesn't grow up like a girl?" Li Xiulan came out with a pot of Erhe noodles steamed buns, and said to Bai Liu that the two ya and the three ya are pitiful and don't care, "They can give birth In the Zhou family, at least they can study for a few years, and what if they can be admitted as workers by being able to read and write?"

Even though she suffered from not going to school, she later caught up with the literacy class held by the brigade, and barely attended elementary school.

But after all, it was a little bit worse. I didn't see that Bai's family members were all educated. Those who had studied were quick learners.

Li Xiulan's thoughts have been different in recent years. She has not been pregnant for nine years after giving birth to Xiaoguo. She has to change some thoughts and pay more attention to her daughters.

It's hard to change the thoughts in her bones, but in the environment of the Bai family, Li Xiulan is not as paranoid as before.

The son still wants it, but the daughter also needs to pay attention.

Bai Liu was noncommittal to Li Xiulan's point of view, she always felt that the relationship between Wu Ya and Zhou Xiangxi was difficult to comment on.

But it is a good thing that the mother and child are safe, I just hope that Zhou Xiangxi will not forget the daughter in front of him.

"Forget it, I can control who, we just need to live our own lives." She shook her head, turned her head and looked at the yard where the children were not there, "Where did they go?"

"I went to pick fruits again. The wild fruits on the mountain are sour and astringent. I don't know why they like to eat them." Bai Shu just came back from the outside. Still playing around."

Bai Liu immediately heard the implication behind his words, and immediately asked: "Is Duhu getting engaged?"

Dahu has graduated from high school for more than a year. Earlier this year, he took part in the job recruitment examination and passed the city machinery factory. He is now nineteen years old.

In the past two years, many people have come to propose marriage. Many teenage boys in the countryside are already married, but the Bai family always thinks that he is still young, so it is better to settle down.

Of course, there is another reason. Dahu has just been admitted to the machinery factory, and he has a good job, but he is too young to have a house, and it is not convenient to get married.

Bai Shu shook his head when he heard the words: "That kid doesn't make sense. Many people have been asking for a matchmaker for Du Hu, but Du Hu has no such intentions. He still wants to marry someone who has a job. Wait, it's early."

Nine out of ten girls who have a job are urbanites, and urbanites are very demanding. They not only want "three turns and one ring", but also a house.

There are younger brothers and sisters under Duhu. Bai Shu's family is only richer because Huang Meiling has been working in the past few years, but they can't afford so much dowry.

"Dahu has been sensible since he was a child. He wants to save money and marry a wife." Bai Liu thinks that Dahu is a very responsible man.

Isn't it good that a man is willing to take the initiative to take on the responsibility of being a husband and doesn't want to drag his parents down?
Bai Shu and Huang Meiling were not happy on their lips, but they were very relieved in their hearts.

"We have dragged the child down." Huang Meiling sighed.

Bai Liu shook her head: "Sister-in-law, don't think that way. If you have more children in your family, you should think more. Dumb is the boss of the family, so it's good to have this kind of heart."

In many cases, people have to bear the burden of the family. After all, there are many children in the family, and life has to be broken by itself.

In the past few years, she has traveled to the city more often, and often communicated with the machinery factory about the new textile factory area, and learned that the machinery factory wanted to recruit workers.

If Duo can seize the opportunity to participate in the recruitment, this kid will be successful.

While talking, Dui had already brought the children back, and she saw the little dirty boy strolling at the end.

Damn, Tang Dou really thinks she's not busy, and she stained her clothes again.

But the little dirty boy didn't care, and ran over with a small basket: "Mom, I picked a lot of wild peaches today, can I make them into cans?"

Little boy—ah no, now boy is almost nine years old, he is a big boy, but Tangdou still looks like a child.

The jelly beans are also a little smaller than their peers. They drink milk every day, so they get sick less but don’t grow taller. It’s a waste of food.

The cub thinks about eating every day, and his face is still chubby.

Bai Liu couldn't hold it back, and pinched the cub's little face again: "Eat again, you're about to take the final exam, you must do well this time!"

Tangdou was not angry when her face was pinched, she nodded and squinted her eyes with a smile: "I'm sure I won't take the last test, mom, don't worry!"

Of course she doesn't earn first place, it's not necessary.

"No, it's useful if you do better in the exam this time." Bai Liu emphasized, "Next semester, you're going to the city to study in elementary school."

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