Tang Dou's answer was ambiguous, she said that as long as Bai Liu was willing, it would be fine.

But the more this is the case, the more sad and sad Bai Liu feels, why is her daughter so sensible.

Thousands of mistakes are Song Jiaying's fault!
"Bai Liu, wait~"

She had just arrived at the factory absent-mindedly and ran towards Guilan.

I don't know why, but now seeing Eldest Sister Xiang, she feels a little guilty. The disappearing expert Lu Fei is Song Jiaying, and only the two of them know this secret.

"You sent a good telegram yesterday," Xiang Guilan said with a smile on his face, "We received a reply early this morning, saying that Lu Fei has some personal matters to deal with, and he will be here in a day or two."

"We were looking forward to the stars and the moon, and we finally found him."

Bai Liu was determined. Although he didn't know how Song Jiaying got in touch with the capital, it was a good thing that he was willing to show up.

She felt a little unclear, but now it seemed that Song Jiaying was ready to meet her and then showed up. The dog man was not hopeless, and he knew to meet her before acting.

"Then do we need to make any preparations?" She wanted to inform Song Jiaying in advance.

Ah bah, what kind of snitching behavior is she doing.


After a little hesitation, Xiang Guilan said: "The factory manager plans to arrange the workers before our new factory starts, and then divide the houses, and leave a house for Lu Fei at that time."

"As for other treatment and arrangements, wait until he arrives. It's just—"

Bai Liu noticed that Xiang Guilan was looking at her with a worried face, and he knew what to say: "I can't just have a date with Lu Fei as soon as he comes, I want you to create an opportunity for us to meet first. But if you speak in advance, you can It can't be, I don't know."

In fact, if there is anything that can’t be done, it can definitely be done, but that’s not what it says.

She and Song Jiaying also have to do a full set of plays.

"Don't worry about the room allocation. You are a great contributor to our textile factory, and you should be allocated a room because of emotion and reason." Seeing that she finally let go, Xiang Guilan breathed a sigh of relief, "We will introduce you when Lu Fei comes. When you meet, we will adapt accordingly, but we don't have to sell you."

Uh, the word selling is very spiritual.

If the other party wasn't Song Jiaying, if Bai Liu didn't know the truth, she would really feel uncomfortable.

That's it for now... Thanks for the bad ideas everyone.

"I understand, I understand you," Bai Liu looked around, "We don't know the future situation, I'll go find out the news first."

She is also waiting.

She doesn't know when the turning point of the future society will appear, but a voice in her heart tells her that it will be soon.

So much has happened this year, and every single one of them foretells that changes are coming.

If that day comes soon, there is no need for her and Song Jiaying to leave, she still likes this land.

Xiang Guilan patted her on the shoulder: "Thank you, thank you."

Bai Liu trembled: "Thank you so much, I'm so polite, I feel uncomfortable."

Don't thank, she doesn't even know who to thank whom.

If the textile factory had not given Song Jiaying the opportunity to come, she would not know when she would be able to meet Song Jiaying.

Xiang Guilan nodded with a smile, saying nothing.

Bai Liu pretended not to leak the slightest flaw, but after get off work in the afternoon, when she saw Song Jiaying, she couldn't help complaining.

"When did you show up?" Her embarrassment couldn't be endured alone, she had to transfer it to Song Jiaying, "Fortunately, the factory arranged for me to receive you, and it would be best if I could use a beauty trick to seduce you, no—"

Oh, did she say something she shouldn't have said?

Oops, I didn't tell Song Jiaying this story yesterday, why did she tell it directly today?

"What's the matter?" Song Jiaying suddenly realized, pointing at her trembling hand, "You said they asked you to use beauty tricks to seduce Lu Fei?"


"Ask my wife to seduce Lu Fei?"

Seeing that his mental state was unstable, Bai Liu had no choice but to explain: "I know you're anxious, but listen to me."

"Lu Fei is you, and you are Lu Fei, don't be jealous, in the end, it will be cheaper for you alone."

In fact, you can't say that, the starting point of the matter is not fair, or that sentence, isn't it a coincidence?

She gave an idea to the textile factory back then, which led to the establishment of the current Red Star Textile Factory, followed by the lack of production capacity and the need for expansion, which led to the birth of the new production line.

With the emergence of the new textile factory area, Lu Fei had a reason to come, and she and Song Jiaying were able to meet each other.

Speaking of the source of all this, it was because Song Jiaying disappeared, and as a widow, she wanted to support herself and Tangdou, so she worked hard to get out.

There is a car in front and a track in the back. Many things in this world seem to be predestined.

Even if outsiders seem to be unrelated, but in fact one day they will look back and find that everything they have experienced can be traced.

"No, things can't be counted like this," Song Jiaying was obviously impatient, "They asked you to play tricks on Lu Fei, and they didn't respect you or me. What a broken factory, this is so annoying!"

He was so angry that he walked around the room, muttering: "Lu Fei is Lu Fei, I am me, why is my wife taking advantage of Lu Fei?"

Bai Liu: ...

She regretted it, Song Jiaying might really be out of her mind.

"Yesterday you said you wanted to marry me with Lu Fei's identity, but today it's changed?" She was quick-witted and beat back, "Then it seems that I have to reject their matchmaking, and then don't stay with me."

Bad idea, bad idea, good result.

What's the matter.

Song Jiaying was very arrogant: "You want to find a stepdad for Tangdou, it hurts the child's heart. You don't even know who Lu Fei is, so you agree to make false claims with him. I'm so sad..."

He clutched his chest, looking unbearable, looking at Bai Liu, waiting for her to comfort him.

Bai Liu: ...

She said that Tangdou's appearance of making jokes was following Song Jiaying, how dare he ask her to comfort him?
"Heh, some people have made mistakes themselves, and the consequences can't be afforded now?" She remembered the topic of Tangdou's remarriage yesterday, and added, "How do you know that you hurt the child's heart? How did you hurt the child back then?" The child and the child's mother's heart?"

"Let me tell you, Tangdou said that as long as I like it, I can remarry or not."

Song Jiaying looked heartbroken: "My son, unexpectedly—"

"I can't blame your cub for this matter, she just cares about me as a mother." Oh, she can stab twice with a knife.

Song Jia should let him remember the consequences of leaving without saying goodbye that year.

It was easy to recognize each other, but once again, the mother and daughter couldn't bear the torment.

Not all waiting has a happy result, and not all concealment can be reconciled as expected.

Song Jiaying was aggrieved: "I was wrong, I was really wrong, the child's mother, please forgive me this time, I will never dare again."

He is all alone, neither recognizes his wife nor sees his daughter.

Finally tasted the consequences.

Woo, his wife almost died, woo.

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