Bai Liu has always believed in her own feelings the most, and it was because of her own feelings that she only lived to be in her 20s in her previous life.

Well, although being in her 20s has nothing to do with longevity, she was able to escape right away in the end, but she was unfortunately caught in a flood, and she didn't die under anyone's tricks.

Although the flood was also related to human disasters, it was also a natural disaster in the final analysis, and it was all because of her ignorance.

Otherwise, definitely don't go that way!
She can survive the complicated human struggle. To put it bluntly, she is not a good stubble, let alone a fuel-efficient lamp.

There are quite a few people who want her to die, and she can survive every time by luck, and what she should be most grateful for is her intuition.

Just like today, He Shengnan looked for Guan Xiyue while everyone was off work at night. It seemed that there was no problem, but she always felt uneasy.

Guan Xiyue is the first and only female educated youth from the Xiangyang Brigade to return to the city. She would not believe that everyone was not jealous, but she would also believe that they had feelings.

It's just that I'm leaving tomorrow, so of course we have to be careful today, and we must not make any mistakes.

"Tangdou, go to the side to see if your elder brother Xiaoyong is there. You said that I have something to look for him." Bai Liu went ahead and asked Tangdou to find Zhou Zhiyong immediately.

It's not impossible to go to Bai's house to find a nephew to accompany her, but the children in their family are relatively simple, and sometimes they need Zhou Zhiyong's fuel-efficient lamp.

She discovered that Zhou Zhiyong was actually not too bad. He was reasonable and able to keep secrets most of the time.

It's him!
Zhou Zhiyong didn't know what to do, but Bai Liu came here when he asked him to. After observing for a long time, he was sure that Bai Liu was a smart person.

Although I don't know why Bai Liu was not mentioned in Zhou Xiangnan's biography, only his brothers were mentioned.

But according to his observation, the brothers of the Zhou family are very ordinary, each with their own thoughts, far from the perseverance and integrity mentioned in Zhou Xiangnan's biography.

But Bai Liu, Zhou Zhiyong suspected that Zhou Xiangnan couldn't love him, so he kept silent about Bai Liu.

Well, Zhou Zhiyong could see that Zhou Xiangnan had some thoughts on Bai Liu before, but Bai Liu didn't like Zhou Xiangnan.

He was very surprised why Bai Liu didn't marry Zhou Xiangnan, but he knew that he had the advantage of being a prophet, so he made up his mind to let his mother marry him.

Anyway, now Zhou Xiangnan is his father, Bai Liu is a smart man, and he is a bit arrogant, it is the easiest way to get along with this kind of person.

"Don't ask too many questions, follow me to the educated youth spot." Bai Liu led Zhou Zhiyong away, only to see Jelly Bean looking at her eagerly.

"Let's go, Tangdou quickly follow." It's time for Tangdou to see the world.

Bai Liu walked very fast, but she did not enter the educated youth point. Instead, she looked in the direction of the educated youth point from a hidden place outside.

There is a conspiracy at first sight.

Zhou Zhiyong held it in for a while, but couldn't hold it in any longer: "Aunt Bai, what are we going to do? What's wrong with the educated youth?"

He had very little contact with educated youths, and He Shengnan, who coveted Zhou Xiangnan, made him feel uncomfortable no matter what.

If there are some things that he can't understand at first, after a long time, he can always detect He Shengnan's weirdness.

No one can predict the future, except for ordinary people.

He read the book and traveled back to the 70s, but He Shengnan is different, she knows many things that are not in the book, which means that they are not reading the same book, or more directly, He Shengnan is reborn!

With this understanding, Zhou Zhiyong is always afraid of showing his tail, so he is much more cautious in doing things.

Now he plans to study honestly and take advantage of the resumption of the college entrance examination to get to know the third class, who are all capable people.Coupled with the name of the future son of the richest man in Northern Province, he is guaranteed to be successful in his life.

Bai Liu saw that Zhou Zhiyong was absent-minded after asking. Guessing that he had thought of something, he asked casually: "Do you know Da Laizi?"

"I don't know," Zhou Zhiyong shook his head without even thinking about it. He had never heard of the nickname Big Laizi in his biography, and neither had He Shengnan.

It seems that there is a person called He Zhaodi or He Pan'er, anyway, it is a patriarchal name, not He Shengnan.

"Ah?" Tangdou opened his mouth wide, "Cuihua's father, Brother Xiaoyong, don't you know?"

Zhou Zhiyong slapped his head, only to realize that Bai Liu was asking Da Laizi, so it is impossible for him not to know.

"How could I not know," he smiled awkwardly, making excuses, "I thought there was another big shame, and I don't know about other big shame."

so close.

Bai Liu raised her eyebrows in the dark night, ignoring his nonsense.

"Then do you know about Da Laizi and He Shengnan?" She thought for a while just now, did she have a good relationship with He Shengnan in the team, and insisted that Da Laizi was the only one.

The relationship between Da Laizi and He Shengnan can't be defined as good or bad. To be precise, it should be a gangster.

If He Shengnan wanted to play tricks, the most likely person he would look for was Da Laizi.

He Shengnan must know Dalaizi's secret and be able to threaten Dalaizi.Although in this life, I can't see how the big Laizi could tell the secret to He Shengnan, but He Shengnan still has a previous life, and some things are really hard to say.

Zhou Zhiyong shook his head in disgust: "The two of them are like adulterers, but He Shengnan also looks down on the big Laizi, so I don't know why the two have been entangled."

It must be profitable to mix together, Bai Liu silently added in his heart.

"Wait a little while, I suspect that Da Laizi is coming, if he and He Shengnan leave separately, you and I will follow each other." She instructed.

Zhou Zhiyong was puzzled: "No, what are you doing to provoke them, they are two rascals."

"I suspect they're trying to harm people, so watch it." She didn't say much.

It didn't happen to everyone's satisfaction, so it was not appropriate for her to say more.

Zhou Zhiyong wanted to say something else, but the sharp-eyed Tangdou suddenly said "ah" and muttered, "Stop talking, someone is here!"

The three climbed behind a low hill, covering their tracks with the help of midsummer grass.

The visitor was also cautious, turning around every step.

Lai Zi.

It's really him.

Bai Liu's heart was pounding, and he subconsciously looked at the educated youth. If he wanted to do something, he had to connect with He Shengnan.

"呵——" Da Laizi stopped walking more than ten meters away from the educated youth spot, and blew.

He paused again, and walked straight forward after hearing no echo.

"Follow up!" Bai Liu patted Zhou Zhiyong.

Zhou Zhiyong followed quietly.

"Tangdou, go to the educated youth shop and ask if sister Guan is there?"

Jelly Bean ran over immediately.

Soon, Tangdou ran back: "No, they said Sister Guan came in, said a few words and then left, and then He Shengnan sent her out. By the way, He Zhiqing is here."


They are still one step too late.

"It's too late, Tangdou, let's go." She was worried that the situation had deteriorated, so she couldn't alarm anyone.

Guan Xiyue was about to leave, and she had to leave safely.

Bai Liu and Tangdou immediately ran towards the direction where Zhou Zhiyong was chasing them, hurrying slowly. Before they saw anyone, they heard a loud shout from ahead.

"You bitch, lie down! Don't scream!"

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