Chapter 169 Love or not love is obvious

"Bai Liu, look at our third child, it's like a different person after marrying Wu Ya. He was not good to his wife before."

Tian Yu didn't know how to ride a bicycle, and Bai Liu didn't want to take such a big person with him, so the two took the bus directly.

It was also a coincidence that they were sitting by the window and happened to see Zhou Xiangxi and Wu Ya walking by below.

Zhou Xiangxi fanned Wu Ya all the way back, he was considerate and gentle, and he no longer treated his original wife with disdain and indifference.

Bai Liu got married a little later than Zhou Xiangxi, but they lived close to each other. The Zhou family pretended to be nice to the outside world, but they couldn't hide it from their neighbors.

In those years, it was no exaggeration to say that Zhou Xiangxi's first wife treated him better than Aunt Zhou treated him. Unfortunately, Zhou Xiangxi always looked down on his first wife.

Originally, everyone just thought that Zhou Xiangxi was no different from the other men in the team. Apart from working outside every day, they would not help him when his oil bottle fell over when he got home.

But who knew that after Zhou Xiangxi remarried, it was like a different person, and he became a good man of the Gu family.

The usual address to Wu Ya is not like "Hello" to his wife in the past, but changed to Ya Ya, which makes people feel disgusted.

"Erya and Sanya loved to cry when they were young, and he would scold the children when he heard the cry." Bai Liu hated men who bullied his wife and children the most.

Tian Yu married into Zhou Zhiyong's biological father's family in those years, so she doesn't know much about her family's affairs.

Surprised: "Then now I never scold my two sons, and usually hug my son when I come back from get out of class, no wonder Erya and Sanya are so envious."

Can Erya and Sanya not be envious, their mothers didn't treat them very well before, but they treated their father better.But my father doesn't like them, and now he only has his younger brother in his heart.

Bai Liu shook his head, and said slightly ironically: "It seems that this time is a free love, you have found love."

She remembered what she had said to Guan Xiyue before. It was hard to say what happened to Zhou Xiangxi's child. Now that Zhou Xiangxi had chilled the hearts of her two daughters, she wondered if she would regret it in the future.

Tian Yu heard Bai Liu mentioning the word love, but didn't notice Bai Liu's expression, but suddenly lowered her head.

She doesn't know what love is, let alone how to get love. Whether it's the man before her or Zhou Xiangnan now, they are all her husbands.

They were just living together, and life was much better than now.

Xiaoyong's biological father is also a good person outside, but when he returns home, he is just like Zhou Xiangxi before, he doesn't care about anything.To put it bluntly, when eating, you have to put the bowls and chopsticks in front of you before eating. If you are far away, you can't get them, so they are waiting for you to bring them to you.

Zhou Xiangnan is much better. Maybe it's because he was a soldier, maybe he was nicer to his previous wife. Anyway, now he can help take care of the children when he returns home, and occasionally does housework.

She is content.

"I came back to the south last night and brought me and my children chicken from the canteen at work. I still miss us so far." Tian Yu and Bai Liu talked with pride in their tone.

Bai Liu was noncommittal, wondering if this was normal, but she didn't say anything.

Everyone has different expectations for their husband and family. The life Tian Yu wants is very simple, and she doesn't have to disappoint.

"Very good, you are moving soon, is Zhou Xiangnan looking for a school for the children?"

The family home in the new factory area was just as she expected. In addition to the textile factory, there were also new houses for the employees of several other factories, including the steel factory, the largest factory in the county.

A lot of people were settled in the new factory area, and the school couldn't just be a school for the children of a factory. She had already planned to let Tangdou go to this new elementary school.

Tian Yu nodded: "Xiang Nan said that he will go to school next to the new house, Tangdou and Fubao will still be classmates in the future."

She thought about it and added: "Wu Ya is not happy. She said that if Fubao and the others go to the city to study in the future, they will look down on her as a new teacher. She hasn't become a teacher yet, but she goes everywhere saying that she is a teacher, which makes her crazy. I don't know what my last name is."

Bai Liu's eyes flickered, Wu Ya dared to say that, did Zhou Xiangxi give her confidence?

Zhou Xiangxi didn't know what she would do for Wu Ya, so she needed to remind the captain.

It's really worrying for Wu Ya to be a teacher.

Tian Yu said sourly: "The third child is so kind to Wu Ya. They said that they are almost as good as Song Jia was when he treated you, but it is still not as good as Song Jiaying."

Bai Liu curled her lips, such a comparison really flatters Zhou Xiangxi.

Although Song Jiaying was wrong, he really shouldn't dismiss Song Jiaying like that.

"No, I reject this comparison, I'm not Wu Ya." The comparison between her and Wu Ya was even more outrageous.

She quit voluntarily.

Tian Yu smiled and said nothing, and said with emotion: "No wonder you are not willing to remarry, Song Jia treats you very well, the rest of us just live."

Bai Liu waved his hand: "Don't talk about him."

A few days ago, when Bai Yang was looking for him, he heard rumors that Lu Fei was getting close to her.

But Bai Yang disapproved of her and Lu Fei, bluntly saying that the difference between the two is too big, if the other party runs away with arrogance, it is better not to marry.

She couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

I don't know whether to laugh at Song Jiaying and scare the family, or cry twice and fall into the same person's hands. In the end, I can only solemnly thank my third brother.

Song Jiaying, you are really a sinner.

Soon the bus arrived in the county, and the two went to the bus station again to find a bus to the city. It was already ten o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the city hospital.

Bai Liu didn't come to the city hospital many times, but Tian Yu's eyes were smeared even more, and it was all up to her to lead the way.

In the past two years, under the persuasion of Bai Liu and Zhou Zhiyong, Tian Yu finally began to learn to read again, but her mind was not on it, and she almost forgot everything she had learned before, so the progress was really slow.

Literacy directly affects a person's courage. Tian Yu looked at the old man who was knowledgeable at first glance, and hesitated for a moment.

Bai Liu had no choice but to put Tian Yu's hand on the pulse pillow, and said to the old Chinese doctor, "Look at what's wrong with her. She wants to know why she hasn't been pregnant for so long."

The old Chinese medicine doctor was stunned for a moment and said casually: "Everyone loves Western medicine now. If you believe me, then I will try it."

Tian Yu breathed lightly, stretched out his hand quietly and waited.

Bai Liu observed the old Chinese doctor's technique, he was indeed experienced and attentive.It just seems that the situation of the old Chinese medicine practitioners is not very good. Few people care about it here, which probably reflects the situation of the old Chinese medicine practitioners.

She has no prejudice or preference for Chinese medicine and Western medicine. She appreciates people with real skills and firmly believes that such chaos will not continue.

While thinking wildly, the old Chinese doctor also nodded to indicate that the diagnosis was completed.

After thinking about it, he asked Tian Yu: "Didn't your husband come with you? Or did he check?"

Tian Yu shook her head: "No. He's fine. He used to be a soldier and has two children."

Seeing this, the old Chinese doctor glanced at Bai Liu, and then turned to Tian Yu: "You have given birth too, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with you. If you want to recuperate your body, I can prescribe two medicines."

Bai Liu raised his eyebrows, looking at her. Is there anything she couldn't say?

(End of this chapter)

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