"What, the room is finally assigned?" Huang Fenglai was very excited after hearing this, and didn't care if the steamed bun in his hand fell off.

Bai Liu nodded with a smile, picked up a piece of paper and drew a simple diagram.

He introduced: "I don't know much about the family home, but I didn't expect that there are quite a lot of houses. I was assigned a house with four households on the first floor, each with an area of ​​[-] square meters, with a bathroom and a kitchen, a living room, a kitchen and two The bedroom is very convenient for living in the future."

Personally, she is quite satisfied. How should I put it? It's better than the best, but better than the worst.

It couldn't compare to the official compound she had seen in her previous life, and it wasn't even as big as the boudoir she had when she was raised as a skinny horse, but she was content.

The old society was stinky and rotten, no matter how good it was, it had nothing to do with her.

And today's small house was obtained by her own ability.

Besides, her house is not small. You must know that a house with six households on one floor is only [-] square meters. Considering the current housing conditions of urban residents, [-] square meters can accommodate a family for three generations. Her [-] square meters is enough for Tangdou. .

What's more, in fact, she is not one set, but two sets.

The house "Lv Fei" was allocated was also 120 square meters. After they remarried, they opened up the house from the middle, and the combined house was [-] square meters.

Wouldn't it be a beautiful day.

Bai Liu had a beautiful idea, but she had to consider that in the eyes of the people in the factory, the two were just getting closer, and her family didn't know that they had any relationship. She had to simply find some furniture first.

The textile factory can only provide some sponges and defective fabrics, but not other large items, and there are so many empty houses that can't care about anyone, and the house can only figure out its own way.

Bai Liu was reluctant to move the furniture from his old house there, and it wasn't that he would not come back, besides, the old house was coiled with earth kangs, such a building could not be used.

"Third brother, you and I will go shopping at the scrap yard these two days, especially Uncle Qiao's. I remember there are pieces of furniture with missing arms and legs. I want them!" Bai Liu turned to look at Bai Shu again, "Brother, I remember there are some furniture on the mountain. There are dead trees and I need wood.”

"Second brother, it's time to trouble you." Her second brother is a carpenter, but he hasn't received many jobs in the past two years. "It's too much trouble to build new furniture. The third brother will find the old furniture later, and the eldest brother will find the wood. Help me." Can you fix the furniture?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." It's rare for Bai Lin to encounter something he knows how to do. "I don't need anyone to repair furniture. It's not that my second brother is bragging with you. I made all the good furniture in our team. The older ones used to be I didn't make the furniture, but I fixed it."

Bai Lin has loved carpentry since he was a child, and all the benches, tables and cutting boards at home have been made by him.

The craftsmanship is very good, but I learned from the master back then.

However, the quality of the furniture is so good that no one has broken furniture every day, so they won’t have much business.

I can only do it at home.

"Okay, eldest brother, second brother, and third brother, when my house is decorated, I'll treat you to dinner!" Bai Liu promised cheerfully.

Huang Meiling and her sisters-in-law next to her joked: "Why, you don't need us?"

She nodded hurriedly: "It's useful, of course I need my sisters-in-law. I don't need the quilt and clothes, I just take them, but I can't be ashamed when I bring them to the city. Can I ask my sister-in-law, second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law to wash them for me?" ?”

"I'll buy mutton for everyone to eat, arrange chicken and fish, and mom will cook!"

Hehe, she arranged it clearly.

No one is idle.

Huang Fenglai: ...

"You really are." Huang Fenglai wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. He said Liu'er was lazy, but the family was very happy. One would like to fight and the other would suffer. Forget it. "Then buy more, I don't think you should If we eat at the new house, we will eat at our house, and we can still eat several meals left over."

Bai Liu was speechless.

She always feels that she is not a weirdo, the reason is that there is no normal person in the family.

"Okay." As long as she is not allowed to work, they can do whatever they say.

The Bai family was completely busy. Bai Yang and Zhao Jinfang were also assigned to a dormitory. There was only a double dormitory of ten square meters. The monthly rent was two yuan, which was enough for two people.

They also need beds and some basic furniture. Bai Yang goes to the scrapyard every day to find furniture very hard.

Huang Meiling did not apply to go to the new factory area. She still decided to run back and forth every day. She had children and old people at home, and she couldn't let it go.

Bai Lin's carpentry skills are good, and the speed is not slow, Bai Liu went over with clothes one after another.

But the day of moving the pot and stove was the highlight, and Huang Fenglai was worried that he needed to move the pot before dawn, so he insisted on going with the Bai family brothers.

She goes too.

The whole journey was pitch black, and Bai Shu specially borrowed the brigade's carriage, and the five of them didn't feel far away in the carriage.

"In the future, if I also want a room, I'm satisfied with [-] square meters." Bai Yang is also satisfied when assigned to a double dormitory, but people always have dreams.

What if it comes true?
Huang Fenglai hit him on the head: "The room I live in now is not your room. The house is so spacious."

Bai Yang rubbed his head and cried out that it hurt: "Oh my god, please don't be gentle. I have a house, I know, but I said it would be nice to have a house in the city."

"If I have a house in the city, my three tigers will be from the city in the future. He will no longer have to farm land, and he can eat the food supply."

Bai Liu glared at him: "Third Brother, isn't that Xiaozao your daughter?"

She didn't like to hear these words, Xiaozao is such a good child, she looks old at the age of seven, she is optimistic about Xiaozao.

"Why not," Bai Yang realized that what he said was wrong, and immediately added, "I can't not want my daughter, I only have two children. It doesn't matter if Xiaozao is from the city. When Xiaozao grows up and gets married, he can choose anyone. A better one.”

Bai Liu wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, she decided to forget it.

Most of the people who have daughters these days have this kind of thinking. If she says that she will let Tangdou decide her own life in the future, and she is only responsible for giving Tangdou a way out, then others will definitely think that she is farting.

Unbelief is one thing, but more importantly is the deep-rooted belief that women must marry and have someone to rely on in order to survive.

"Third brother, if you work hard, the future of the children will depend on you." She still mainly encouraged.

Huang Fenglai patted her hand: "Why don't your eldest brother and second brother work hard? I think you all have to work hard. Our family has many children, and it's not the kind of patriarchal family like Lao Tian's family. Only when you are decent in the future can you find a good one for your daughter." In-laws."

Tian Yu is timid, isn't it because her natal family didn't give her the confidence?
Both Baishu, Bailin and Baiyang have daughters, who are thoughtful.

Regardless of anything else, they had to admit that Huang Feng was right, and it seemed that they really had to work hard.

Bai Shu drove the carriage fast, and it was still dark when he arrived at the family courtyard.

At this time, there were not many families living in the yard, and it seemed that they were moving furniture very loudly.

Bai Liujin opened the door for his brothers, but Huang Feng was a step late and was wandering in the corridor.


"Dong, dong dong dong~" Huang Fenglai's hurried footsteps were particularly clear in the corridor.

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