Bai Liu is not happy to let Bai Liu meddle in her own business, but how can watching lively things be said to be nosy.

Bai Liu went to the textile factory early the next morning to ask for leave, and when he came back, just in time for the cadres from the commune and the county education bureau to come, the team leader kept winking at Bai Liu.

While others were not paying attention, she walked up to the captain and asked, "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

What kind of drama does this require her to cooperate with?

Zhao Kuifa signaled Accountant Wang who was walking in front to deal with the leader and pulled Bai Liu aside.

"I forgot to tell you yesterday, but you didn't have time to ask for leave early in the morning. Now I will make a long story short." We need to recruit good and responsible teachers and teach the children well so that our brigade will be better in the future.”

The captain said seriously: "Only you can refuse this matter, it's up to you."

Bai Liu's eyes flickered, realizing who the captain was talking about.


"Uncle, I asked for leave and my salary was deducted. You have to give me a subsidy today." The excitement is nice to see, but you can't suffer a loss.

She has to "take on a heavy responsibility" today.

The team leader had nothing to do with her, but after another thought: "I don't treat you badly, let's make it clear in advance that you have to find a way to ensure the fairness of the exam."

In fact, the team leader and accountant Wang had multiple considerations in choosing Bai Liu. The most important thing is to know that it is most appropriate to leave it to her.

Bai Liu agreed, and turned around to find the cadre in front.

An acquaintance came to the commune today, it was Xiao Li who came last time to lay the circuit.

"Comrade Xiao Li, I have a few words to say." Bai Liu beckoned him out.

The cadres of the county education bureau are only in charge of supervision, and the commune leaders mainly organize the exams, and Xiao Li is the leader's secretary.

The last time they dealt with each other was quite fair, and Xiao Li had a good impression of Bai Liu.

"Just say what you want, but we agreed in advance that going through the back door is not acceptable." Xiao Li joked, "Our leaders attach great importance to the selection of teachers this time. In the future, primary school teachers may be responsible for the commune. The pilot must be done well."

Bai Liu had heard about the new leaders of the commune. How should I put it, there was no direct communication, but the achievements made after a few years proved that the leaders had a heart.

Since she is someone who sincerely wants to do things, she might as well give her a boost.

Thinking of this, she said, "No one in my family is a teacher. My daughter happens to be going to school in the city this year. I am the fairest."

"Excuse me for asking one more question, do you really want to use this teacher selection as a pilot?"

Xiao Li's eyes lit up: "Just say what you have in mind."

He found that Bai Liu was a smart person and it was best to talk to smart people.

Bai Liu nodded: "I don't know about specific education matters, but I think choosing a suitable teacher depends on both her knowledge and her ability. As for knowledge, we have a written test. Ability is mainly about the ability to teach, not as much as the ability to teach While the officials from the Education Bureau are here, I will randomly let everyone give lectures later, and they will definitely be able to tell the level of the students."

Either she doesn't do it, or she does it well.

What can be tested in an exam, whether it is a donkey or a horse, you have to ride it out for a walk.

Xiao Li nodded again and again: "Good idea, thank you for your suggestion, I'll discuss it now."

The two quickly finalized the general direction, and Xiao Li turned around to find the experts from the Education Bureau, but the team leader looked at the few people in the meeting and couldn't figure it out.

"What are you doing?" The team leader stared at Bai Liu, "I tell you, don't—" "Uncle, I promise you will feel that looking for me this time is not a waste of money." Bai Liu was full of confidence, " What a nice person I am."

Out of the corner of her eye, she looked at Zhou Xiangxi who was talking to Wu Ya. The husband and wife seemed to be having a bad conversation.Zhou Xiangxi comforted Wu Ya softly, and the anger on Wu Ya's face eased slightly.

"Uncle," she turned her head to see that she didn't pay attention to this place, and then said to the team leader, "I told Comrade Xiao Li that we need teachers who can teach, so after the written test, there will be another lecture."

The captain's eyes were about to pop out, but the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he became.

Most of the people who took the exam were educated youth, and the only remaining ones were three members of the village who had attended junior high school, and they were younger than Bai Liu.

It is difficult to evaluate the level of education in the past few years, and the level of these people cannot be seen, but if you stand on the podium and give a lecture, don't you know it?
Xiao Li and several others quickly finalized the lecture arrangements. People who happened to take the exam were arriving one after another, so Xiao Li announced the news directly.

"We have two exams today. The first exam is a written exam, which accounts for half of the marks. The second exam is a lecture. When the time comes, you can just stand up and give a lecture."

He said it in an understatement, but underneath he was completely frightened.

"What the hell, why didn't you tell us in advance, tell us now that you want to give a lecture?"

"I'm so nervous about what class to teach. Don't you have to prepare for the lecture? Ah, I don't know anything."

The crowd became noisy, especially Wu Ya, who kept looking in the direction of Zhou Xiangxi, as if blaming him for not informing her in advance.

But Zhou Xiangxi had no time to pay attention to Wu Ya's eyes now. He was even more confused than she was.

Why doesn't he know about the lectures for those who take the exam?

No, he is a hopeful to become the principal. Why doesn't he know about today's exam arrangement?Is this looking down on him?
Xiao Li knocked on the blackboard and said calmly: "This is the test method we have just studied and decided on. We are doing a pilot today. Don't be nervous. You will draw lots later. Whichever text you draw will be the lesson. "

Bai Liu avoided the eyes of others and smiled to herself.

There is never a shortage of smart people in this world, sometimes they just lack a little inspiration and don't want to take risks.

But as long as someone brings it up, more people will add to it.

Considering that there will be a second test later, the written test must be arranged in advance, and all those who took the test sat silently.

It's all coming, and we can't retreat without a fight.

There were not many invigilators, but except for Bai Liu, they all came from the commune and the Education Bureau. The only thing to guard against was cheating.

Bai Liu stood guard at the door, leaning casually on the door frame, looking at Zhou Xiangxi who was anxiously pacing in the corridor, and then at Wu Ya who was looking around in the classroom, he felt even more amused.

It seems that if Zhou Xiangxi was to invigilate the exam today, something might happen.

But it doesn't matter, even if the leaked topic gets a perfect score, it's only [-] points, and she doesn't think Wu Ya can do it to the extreme when giving lectures on the spot.

The written test was over soon, followed by drawing lots to give lectures on stage. Everyone only had 10 minutes to think. Bai Liu felt that the cadres of the Education Bureau were talents.

If she were the one taking the exam today, she would probably be nervous for a while.

And the more tense the situation, the more powerful a person can burst out. Of course, he will also express his most secret thoughts because of impulsiveness, and it becomes very easy to mess things up.

Seeing that everyone was on stage one after another to finish their lectures, Wu Ya couldn't hide away, so she could only move slowly.

It's really unlucky, she got the same text as Tao Lihua.

You must not speak worse than Tao Lihua!

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