The family unity and face that the Zhou family cared about most were torn to pieces in the farce. Even if the matter was resolved behind closed doors, it still left a deep impression on the members of the Xiangyang Brigade.

Of course, the contradictions in the Zhou family did not form temporarily, and only Bai Liu became an innocent victim.

Zhou Xiangbei said she was close to a man, but she did not deny it.

After what was said, it became clear that Bai Liu had fallen in love with a city man. Bai Liu was going to remarry in a few days. Bai Liu had found a sweetheart again. Bai Liu wanted to be a stepmother for seven children. Bai Liu's newly married man was over 50 years old... …

The rumors became more and more outrageous as they spread, and became more and more true as they spread, making it difficult for people to tell whether they were true or false.

In fact, the explanation can still be explained. The most important thing is that Bai Liu can't take Song Jiaying home yet. Except for Huang Fenglai and Bai Shu brothers who met "Lü Fei" a few days ago, the rest of the Bai family knows nothing about "Lü Fei". Know.

Oh, except for the jelly beans.

Tangdou is small in stature, but very thoughtful. She never revealed that she had met "Lü Fei" from beginning to end.

But there were always people buzzing in her ears that she wanted to have a stepfather, which made her more and more angry.

At this time, the difference between biological and biological is highlighted. Even though Tangdou is still angry with Song Jiaying in his heart, he still firmly defends "Lü Fei" in front of others, and he also defends Bai Liu.

When Bai Liu learned that Tangdou secretly brought snacks to "bribe" Cuihua and asked Cuihua to help her take revenge on those who gossiped, she couldn't laugh or cry.

"Jellybean, you-"

Before Bai Liu could finish speaking, Tangdou had a slumped face and said pitifully: "Mom, do you want to accuse me too? Think about how much hard work I have spent to come up with this good idea?"

"Achieve three birds with one stone!"

Bai Liu humbly asked for advice: "Teacher Tang, tell me what are the three benefits. I need your advice."

It's really funny. When she just came back, she met Sister-in-law Liu who complained to her as soon as she arrived at the village entrance, saying that the jelly beans had beaten dog eggs.

God knows Goudan is twelve now, can Tangdou beat Goudan?

Goudan's father is Liu Qingmin, who lost all his family business and became lame after drinking, and his mother is Sister-in-law Liu, a famous shrew in Xiangyang Brigade. Under their education, Goudan's behavior becomes more and more outrageous.

No, I don't read books anymore, I just hang out in the village all day, hanging out with Qian Dadan.

Jelly Bean is very smart and will never mess with people like them.

"Mom, please listen to my explanation." Tangdou counted on his fingers seriously.

"First point, they are talking nonsense, saying that you want to be a stepmother, but..." She is not a stepmother at all, Tangdou pouted, "I don't like to hear it, they are talking nonsense."

"What about the second and third points?"

Tangdou signaled her not to worry, and said slowly: "I also want to save face. Goudan and Qian Dadan laughed at me. I couldn't beat them, so I found Sister Cuihua."

"They also said bad things about Sister Cuihua. The solution that Sister Cuihua and I thought of was to fight back."

"Wait a minute, mom, please don't scold me. We have something to talk about. I'm not unreasonable."

Jellybean is very worried.

Bai Liu stared at the biscuits in Tangdou's hand, and instantly understood Tangdou's intentions.

The so-called killing three birds with one stone is to avenge her, Tangdou and Cuihua.

During this period, she provided ideas and food, and Cuihua provided strength.And because Cuihua really helped, she was able to accept the food that Tangdou brought her.

The case of Da Laizi is still under investigation. Cuihua's biological parents are still alive, but they want to sever their relationship with Da Laizi, and there is no way they can control Cuihua.

It is naturally inconvenient for Cuihua to live as an orphan. It is summer vacation, but Cuihua goes to work on time every day and is afraid that there will be no food to eat at the end of the year.

She can get full work points, which is too tiring for a ten-year-old child, and she can't even eat ready-made meals when she gets home.

Cuihua often drinks some water and cooks a few dishes for a meal.

Bai Liu met Cuihua once two days ago and saw that Cuihua was already skinny and skinny, so she did not object to Tangdou's kindness.Now it seems that Cuihua is indeed better than Da Laizi, has courage and success, and is unwilling to accept the food that comes.

It is difficult for her to comment on this matter.

To say that Jellybean is wrong, that seems to be correct.

She doesn't care about other people's gossip about them, but Tangdou cares and upholds justice for her. This is Tangdou's heart.

Tangdou did not use eggs to attack rocks, but relied on Cuihua, who was more powerful, and used this as an excuse to subsidize Cuihua without hurting Cuihua's self-esteem.

Wow, little jelly bean is very thoughtful and quite smart.

In the old society, this was called killing someone with a borrowed knife...ah, what was she thinking?

"Then do you think it's right? Or do you want to keep fighting?" Bai Liu asked along.

The accusation from her mother that Tangdou expected did not come, but instead the problem was thrown to her.

How to put it, it's hard to answer.

"I think that's right," Tangdou said, "No one else has the right to talk about our private matters, so why should they laugh at others?"

"But it's definitely not possible to continue fighting like this, but I want Sister Cuihua to eat. What should I do?"

There was confusion on Tangdou's face, and she looked at Bai Liu for help, hoping that her mother could give her better advice.

Bai Liu also thinks that it is not possible to continue to help Cuihua in this way. It is not that she is stingy, but that a person's life still depends on himself. It is better to teach someone to fish than to teach him to fish.

Cuihua is still young now. In a few years, there is no guarantee that her biological parents will not have their thoughts on her marriage, and no one will be able to help her by then.

"Let's think about it." She still had no idea in her mind, "you are not allowed to fight for the time being."

The best way is to find someone to adopt Cuihua. After all, she can't raise Cuihua to grow up.

It seems that we need to discuss this with Yang Guiying. Under collectivism, the team cannot ignore the children.

Tangdou agreed angrily and ran out again with the bun in his hand.

This kid... has such a good attitude.

Bai Liu shook her head helplessly. She didn't care much about the rumors in the team. She had heard these words too many times, so her heart naturally had no fluctuations.

What's more, it's a rumor that doesn't hurt the fundamentals, and she doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

The solution to the rumors this time is very simple. As long as Song Jiaying comes forward... other rumors may also arise.

Bai Liu shook his head. It seemed that he needed to discuss it with Song Jiaying. There had been a lot of things recently, but remarriage should be put on the agenda.

Just as she was calculating the start time for Jelly Bean, a voice suddenly came from far away.

"Aunt Bai, Aunt Bai, come quickly, Tangdou needs you, come quickly -"

Zhou Zhiyong?
Bai Liu didn't have time to think too much and hurried out.

Zhou Zhiyong gasped: "Dangdou just went out to deliver something to Cuihua, and the two of them met He Shengnan. He Shengnan didn't speak very nicely, and Cuihua and He Shengnan had a fight..."

"Jellybean asked me to come to you."

Bai Liu Yilin closed the door and said at the same time: "Xiaoyong, go find your grandma Huang and grandma Yang!"

It's not a problem for Cuihua to have no one to care about her. Taking advantage of He Shengnan's muddying the waters this time, it's better to let Cuihua take a chance.

It’s okay to be a typical person.

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