Bai Liu took the opportunity to agree to be a guest, and just as Chang Lihong was going to decorate Xiang Guilan's house, she got rid of the questioning.

God knows she has a guilty conscience. We are all smart people. If we continue to ask questions, it will be bad for her to be in cahoots with Song Jiaying.

She didn't mean to hide it from others, but it was about Song Jiaying's safety and she had to keep it a secret.

With Fubao and Tangdou in front, the two Zhou brothers and Bai Liu behind, the group went to the Zhou family.

Zhou Xiangnan's house is on the first floor of Unit [-], which is also [-] square meters. It even has a small yard on the first floor, and the treatment is very good.

Bai Liu's eyes moved slightly, and she felt that she had underestimated Zhou Xiangnan's ability.

The year Song Jiaying left and Zhou Xiangnan returned from the army, it had only been four years.In four years, Zhou Xiangnan gradually built up connections in the steel factory without any support, and now he has gained quite a status.

If according to her and Song Jiaying's speculation, the future of the new factory area has greater prospects, Zhou Xiangnan must have heard some rumors.

When time comes, heaven and earth all work together, and whoever comes first will get it. Zhou Xiangnan has a long way to go, and it will be difficult for him.

No wonder Zhou Zhiyong and He Shengnan are obsessed with each other, Zhou Xiangnan is indeed not an ordinary person.

Bai Liu then thought about it, then she was no different from Song Jiaying.

Although she didn't know much, she was lucky, and luck was also part of her strength.

And Song Jiaying is a real strong man. He doesn't even need to guess and establish relationships. Even if he changes his identity, compared to Zhou Xiangnan who has to guess the direction of the wind, Song Jiaying is already in the limelight.

Well, she just said that she should trust her own vision.

A few steps away, Fubao and Tangdou quickly opened the door of Zhou's house.

Zhou Xiangnan's house is on the first floor. You can enter the house directly from the outside, but the yard is a little desolate and there are no plants planted yet.

"Come back so soon?" Tian Yu was slightly surprised, and then saw Bai Liu behind.

"We met outside just now," Bai Liu joked, "I'll ask Tangdou to bring something with me later, I have to give you a housewarming gift."

Tian Yu didn't understand, so Zhou Xiangnan smiled and waved his hands: "You give it to me, I'll give it to you, what a trouble, it's the old neighbors who don't talk about it."

Bai Liu said nothing, only smiled and nodded.

In the past two years, she has been busy at work and rarely takes Fu Bao out to play.

Occasionally, Tangdou and Fu Bao would go up the mountain together, and when they encountered prey, they would invite Tangdou over to eat, but she had not forgotten what happened to the nugget gold.

Later, Zhou Xiangnan did not give the specific whereabouts of the nugget gold, so she knew that Zhou Xiangnan might have other plans.

She didn't want to get involved in many things, especially she didn't want to give the impression that Zhou Xiangnan could take advantage of him.

Fortunately, before the atmosphere could condense, I suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter from outside, and then a man, a woman and a child came in.

Also old acquaintances, Chen Manyue and her husband Wei Jianxin.

"Sister, brother-in-law, we bought some things on the way and we were almost late." Wei Jianxin was carrying large and small bags with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Wei Jianxin is a driver of a transportation company. He travels all over the country and started working at a young age. He looks older than Zhou Xiangnan.

But in fact, he is a few years younger than Zhou Xiangnan, but he is more tactful and cheerful, and he is better at conducting himself than Chen Manyue.

Probably because his parents have passed away, Wei Jianxin has a good relationship with Chen Manyue's family. In addition, Zhou Xiangnan is Chen Manyue's brother-in-law, so he directly calls Tian Yu and Zhou Xiangnan sister and brother-in-law.

Well, not just any ordinary person either.

Bai Liu had dealt with Wei Jianxin. For a period of time, she had to clear the way for textile factories and transportation companies, during which she had work contacts with Wei Jianxin.

Wei Jianxin's smoothness will not make people disgusted, but it is different from Song Jiaying's previous smoothness.

One is the recklessness gained step by step from the bottom of society, and the other is the approachability that has been refined with natural temperament.

As for Zhou Xiangnan, his perseverance gives people a sense of justice.

They are all influenced by the acquired environment. In comparison, she still likes Song Jiaying's temperament.

There's no way, it's just eye contact.

Don't hit the smiling man. Although Tian Yu and Zhou Xiangnan were unhappy last time, they had no objection to Wei Jianxin.Chen Manyue has kept her head down since entering the door today and has not spoken yet.

"You're here, grab something and sit down quickly." Tian Yu greeted Wei Cheng, "Chengcheng, aunt will give you toffee."

Zhou Xiangnan hooked up with Wei Jianxin: "Let's have a drink instead of driving the car later."

Wei Jianxin agreed with a smile, and then said: "I'm actually here to apologize today. I felt very guilty after knowing what happened last time. Hey, we don't usually have anyone to help us, so we don't understand many things."

"My sister and brother-in-law will criticize us directly when they see something wrong with us in the future. We will definitely accept it humbly."

After he finished speaking, he turned back to signal to Chen Manyue.

Chen Manyue lowered her head reluctantly: "I'm sorry, sister and brother-in-law, I will learn to do housework in the future."

Tian Yu's tense expression did not loosen, but he forced a smile: "It's okay, we are a family."


Bai Liu stood on the sidelines and quickly looked at the expressions of everyone present.

Zhou Xiangnan remained calm, while Wei Jianxin was slightly apologetic. The children were playing happily together again. No, Zhou Zhiyong had a look of disdain on his face.

It felt like I had eaten a fly, but I couldn't spit it out.


She looked at Chen Manyue again, with a hint of determination in her forbearance, as if she had completely given up.

But Tian Yu felt a little more relieved.

This family... is really a family, each with its own agenda.

Bai Liu was slightly amused, but standing in the "joyful and harmonious" atmosphere, she really didn't fit in.

It happened that Wei Cheng was worried about looking for his mother, and several children stood aside helplessly.

She took advantage of the situation and said: "Fubao, Zhijun and Zhiyong, do you want to go to my place to identify me? Tian Yu, will you go?"

"Go," the children cheered.

"Tian Yu," Zhou Xiangnan thought for a while, "I haven't prepared anything at home yet. I remember there are stir-fried dishes in the cafeteria. Let's eat ready-made ones later."

Tian Yu felt sorry for the money, but she was relieved. She was not so big-hearted as to cook for Chen Manyue now.

Bai Liu smiled and said, "Then you should go and take a look."

Look how caring she is.

Tian Yu and the children followed Bai Liu and put down their guard after walking out of the house.

Zhou Zhiyong, uncharacteristically, did not run away. Instead, he turned back to comfort Tian Yu: "Mom, Wei and uncle can help dad. We have to look far away. Uncle knows what's going on."

The implication is that Tian Yu should be patient and Chen Manyue will not continue to have ulterior motives.

Tian Yu smiled awkwardly: "Go and play quickly. Why are you talking about this?"

Bai Liu smiled without saying a word.

"Wow, Brother Xiaoyong, come here quickly, the bicycle—"

Fu Bao's voice was so loud that it directly attracted everyone's attention.

The next second Bai Liu saw Song Jiaying making a grand appearance, riding a [-]-year-old bicycle in front of Tangdou.

"Jelly Bean, come and try it, see if you can ride it!"

"Me?" Tang Dou's eyes widened, she pointed to herself, and then looked at the bicycle.

Wow, she is so short.

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