
When Bai Liu went out in the morning, Song Jiaying was still at home. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to the police station early in the morning.

"Impossible. He and Tangdou came from the brigade and probably just arrived at the commune——"

Her voice stopped suddenly, maybe she got the wrong meaning.

Gao Yongchang immediately corrected him: "Not today. Didn't you say yesterday afternoon that you received a call and went to the commune to redeem him?"

Yesterday, Bai Liu was temporarily called back. They all knew that she was in a hurry when she came back alone, and someone later saw her leaving the family home in a hurry.

Bai Liu: ...

"Did the rumors say that he had committed anything?" She wanted to hear how outrageous the rumors were.

Gao Yongchang gave her a puzzled look: "Do you really want to listen?"


"He had conflicts and fights with members of the brigade; he met his love rival and both went to the police station; and he killed people and dumped their bodies on the mountain..." Gao Yongchang said, looking at Bai Liu, with hesitation in his tone, "Is Tangdou okay? ?”

"Huh?" Bai Liu remembered that her daughter was indeed mentioned in yesterday's vague phone call, but what could a child do - ah?

It's not what she thought, is it?
Gao Yongchang noticed that there was nothing strange about her, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Who is talking nonsense about the rumors?"

If Lu Fei really killed Tangdou, Bai Liu would never be able to stand here.

He didn't say it clearly, but Bai Liu could read the content from his rapidly changing expressions and expressions.

Bai Liu's face was full of shock.

She really didn't expect it to be so outrageous. Could it be that she ran too hastily when she left yesterday.

"This is simply alarmist!"

I don’t know how Song Jiaying and Tangdou will react when they hear such rumors.

It was probably because they didn't get home in time last night that the strange remarks spread widely.

It doesn't matter, as long as Song Jiaying comes back later, the rumors will be self-defeating.

"Director Gao, this is my application." Bai Liu ignored the entanglement and immediately took out the application and handed it over, "I want to go to Beijing University to study."

"Think about it overnight?" Gao Yongchang slowly took it.

She nodded: "This is a decision made after Lu Fei and I discussed it. He can help take care of Tangdou in the future."

Gao Yongchang was surprised. He could understand Bai Liu's choice to go to Beijing University and hoped that she would go to school.


"You may have noticed that our new factory area also has a base for the army. Now the military department intends to transfer Lu Fei there. Your relationship with him in the future..."

Bai Liu smiled calmly: "He and I are husband and wife. Isn't it good for him to stay here and take care of the children?"

"Uncle Gao, our textile factory is not involved in military projects. People in military uniforms frequently appear in the factory. I can probably guess what you mean." She paused, "Perhaps bringing me into contact with Lu Fei is to win over and test. Lu Fei, me marrying him proves that there is nothing wrong with him."

"I'm a little hesitant about going to college. It would be bad if Lu Fei had to return to the capital after I leave. I'm very grateful that he decided to stay with Tangdou. I think this is the best outcome."

Gao Yongchang did not feel angry after being exposed. Instead, he laughed heartily: "I knew I couldn't hide it from you, so it's better if we talk openly and honestly."

Giving the quota of workers, peasants and soldiers to Bai Liu was really troublesome and even hesitant for him.

Bai Liu was used to hang Lu Fei. If Lu Fei also left after Bai Liu left, wouldn't it be like a chicken flying egg?
But objectively speaking, neither the textile factory nor himself could trap Bai Liu here so selfishly. Her contribution should be rewarded both emotionally and rationally.

In terms of selfishness, Gao Yongchang is not sure about the future of Bai Liu and Lu Fei. The best way is to find another way out for Bai Liu.The policy is that you have to come back after studying, but he has heard a lot of rumors recently, and it is not uncommon for outstanding students to stay in school and be assigned to other units in recent years.

"I am indeed worried about Lu Fei leaving, but I can't ignore you." Gao Yongchang said.

Bai Liu understood his intention. Her previous contribution was enough but her qualifications were not enough, so she just didn't argue.

Now that the opportunity is in front of her, she will never let it go.

"Lü Fei encouraged me to study more, and I also made it clear that I thanked him for taking care of the family." She raised her head slightly, with a solemn expression, "Uncle Gao, I believe that Lu Fei is a trustworthy person, but I can't guarantee that he will stay forever."

"If you want him to use his abilities to do things, please do it as soon as possible. One day he wants to leave, and no one may be able to stop him."

Song Jiaying was a person, not an object, let alone an object in a pond. Three years was neither long nor short. The worst-case scenario she thought of was that they needed to be separated for three years.

But there are always more solutions than difficulties. Maybe one day, Song Jiaying will take the jelly beans and leave.

She hopes both sides can maintain decency.

Gao Yongchang was thoughtful, then nodded: "Okay, I will communicate with Feng Guobang, and we will arrange a conversation with Comrade Lu as soon as possible."

"You go to school with peace of mind, we won't let you worry."

Bai Liu showed a smile, a little embarrassed: "Now that school is not starting, I can still do a lot of things."

"Go ahead, I'm leaving too. I'll go back to the old factory to submit the formalities." Gao Yongchang waved her hand to hurry up.

Bai Liu quickly went to work after leaving Gao Yongchang's home. She actually couldn't be completely relieved. After all, as she just said, as long as school didn't start, it was unknown whether she could go.

Until the dust settles, she needs to remain calm and composed.

Some distance away from the entrance of the textile factory, she saw the female workshop workers surrounding the bulletin board in front of the gate. She couldn't help but her eyelids twitched.

Doesn't it have anything to do with her?
"Zhao Juan, you and Bai Liu should be in the same team. Did something happen to her family? She didn't come back yesterday!"

"It was her husband who committed the crime. I heard that calls from the Public Security Bureau came to her work to look for her. It's a big deal."

Zhao Juan frowned: "I didn't go back yesterday, I don't know anything. But don't talk nonsense, it's time to go to work, I will go in first."

"Hey Zhao Juan, I heard that your man is still working in the fields. Are you supporting the family by yourself?"

"I just said that women shouldn't be too strong. In the past, women who were too strong would have to be soaked--"

"What do you want?" Bai Liu calmly moved forward, just in time to meet Zhao Juan's gaze, and nodded, "If women can't be strong, they can't work either. I suggest you submit your resignation letter, and I will help you go home early. .”

Several tongue-tied women shut up instantly.

Zhao Juan looked at her, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

She had a very good impression of Zhao Juan. She didn't have much contact with the Qian family when they were neighbors. On the contrary, after they became colleagues, they could still talk to each other from time to time.

Zhao Juan was not as submissive as she was when Aunt Qian was in charge of the family. Of course, it may be that she is strong as a mother.

Bai Liu's arrival instantly attracted the attention of many people, and everyone was very curious about what Lu Fei was like.

Widow remarries, husband kills——

"Nah, that, who is that?" The woman who just spoke suddenly pointed in the direction behind Bai Liu.

Bai Liu turned around, just as Song Jiaying jumped off the bicycle.

"Why are you standing there, you don't go to work?"

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