Doesn't He Shengnan want to study? She has done meritorious service anyway, so of course she must meet her reasonable requirements.

However, it is not possible for workers, peasants and soldiers to be students, but they can be sent to high schools to study.

He Shengnan had a junior high school degree when he went to the countryside. Although many worker, peasant, and soldier students now have a primary school degree and can go there, to put it bluntly, the road must be walked step by step, and the steps cannot be too big.

It would be great to send her to high school. Everyone except He Shengnan was very satisfied.

Zhao Kui found out that the captain of He Shengnan's brigade offered to relieve He Shengnan of his heavy tasks, but the food supply would be reduced.But it doesn't matter, she can also participate in the task of feeding pigs to the educated youth, which is also work points.

Anyway, she doesn't have much time to work. She usually fights with this person or scolds that person at work, so she might as well go to school.

The Educated Youth Affairs Office is also very satisfied. They have always believed that He Shengnan likes to cause trouble mainly because she does not study enough. Now is a good opportunity to increase her knowledge.

The county magistrate did not object. He Shengnan could not be called a hero or a hero, but there were too few people going to high school in recent years. He Shengnan had attended junior high school, so he could make up the number.

The commune police bureau has no objections. Not only is it possible to go to high school, it would be perfect to be able to directly become He Shengnan’s reward.

In this way, everyone sent He Shengnan off to high school.

He Shengnan is riding a tiger and can't get off. He has to go even if he doesn't go, and he has to go even if he doesn't.

She wanted to go back on her word, but was questioned about her motive for enrolling in the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University, and even asked more questions.He Shengnan couldn't bear it and could only go to school in despair.

Whether she can graduate from high school, or how many years she needs to study, is her business.

The fact that He Shengnan is studying is good news for the Xiangyang Brigade, but on a large scale, they prefer curious news, such as the murder case of the captain and his son of the Red Star Brigade.

Zhao Peng and Xue Gongan left Bai Liu's house with a smile, and the previous rumors were naturally disproven.

A few days later, the news about the Red Star Brigade spread, and everyone later connected the two incidents.

"So, Expert Lu and Bai Liu's child happened to see the body being exhumed, so they were taken away by the police for questioning?"

"That's what happened. Lu Fei is a very dedicated father and is very kind to Tangdou. It's hard to be a stepfather, but he is really brave."

"Tch, doesn't it depend on the mother to be a good stepfather? Bai Liu is so capable, but how easy is it to coax Lu Fei?"

The last person spoke and immediately attracted the attention of others present. The person next to him touched his arm: "Hey, you seem to know more things. Tell me."

The latter originally wanted to say something, but he nodded naturally and pretended to be mysterious: "Do you know the origin of the father-son murder case in the Red Star Brigade?"

Someone replied: "I know that. That guy got admission to the Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' University!"

"Yes, that's right, it was because of a student's quota that the father and son changed their minds and the husband and wife turned against each other." The "insider" sighed, "Look, the quota is really a good thing. It can make people turn against each other, and it can also make people become more hostile. close."

"what do you mean?"

"It's okay to tell you. Lu Fei is so good to Bai Liu because Bai Liu got a quota as a worker, peasant, and soldier student. In the future, Bai Liu will be a college student!"

Textile factories have quotas for worker, peasant and soldier trainees every year, but becoming a college student is not considered the best way out now, and most people don't care.

Most people are not aware of this year's additional enrollment. After hearing the words of "insiders", some people curled their lips, while others were not happy.

"Why can she go to the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University? She has only been in our factory for more than three years. It must not have been four years. How can she go?"

"That's right, although she has made some contributions, she has a family with children, so where can she go!"

"Then what does this have to do with Lu Fei being nice to Tangdou?"

The "informant" only answered the last question: "Of course it does matter. Lu Fei is worried about Bai Liu leaving. Think about it, the newly married wife ran away to school, not to mention not seeing each other for three years, three years, do you want children?" ?Can’t live a married life anymore?” Everyone suddenly realized: “That’s it~”

"More than that, why did Bai Liu want to get married now? Did he deliberately use Expert Lu's name to get the place? I can't explain this clearly."

The words of the "insider" aroused indignation in the crowd. Everyone thought, we are all textile factory workers, why can you do it and not me?
Three generations of my family have been employees of textile factories, and even in the Republic of China, we were employees of the Red Star Textile Factory.

Dare you bully your worker grandfather?

"I'm going to find Director Gao and ask how Bai Liu got his quota!"

“The new society is headed by our workers.”

"Let's go find Director Gao!"

A group of people went to find the factory director. They met other people in the middle and followed them after a few words.

The "insider" silently left the crowd, got on his bicycle and disappeared.

He turned around and walked to the scrap collection station, where he happened to see his uncle playing chess with his grandfather.

"Uncle-in-law, I've finished speaking. They are all going to find Director Gao now." Qiao Jianwu patted his chest, "I'm afraid that people will recognize me. It's so scary."

"General! Uncle Qiao, you lost." Song Jiaying turned around slowly, with a hint of disgust in his tone, "What are you afraid of as a young man? When you go to the battlefield as a soldier, there are many things you are afraid of."

Qiao Jianwu curled his lips: "No one is as thoughtful as you...but my uncle, why did you ask me to speak ill of my uncle?"

He had never seen anyone deliberately spreading bad words about himself. This really opened his eyes.

"Of course I want to smear your aunt, young man." Song Jiaying rubbed his hands and said to Old Man Qiao, "Uncle Qiao, if I help you teach your grandson, you are not allowed to give me money?"

"Hey," Old Man Qiao said with disdain, "You and Song Jiaying look the same, and you have the same stingy temperament. I don't have any money, but my grandson lent you a loan and asked him to help you move coal."

Song Jiaying and Old Man Qiao looked at each other and said leisurely: "I am Lu Fei, two of us."

He knew that Old Man Qiao was suspicious, and he also knew that Old Man Qiao meant no harm.From the beginning, he and Bai Liu never thought about hiding it for a long time. They used to think about running away, but now, the direction of the wind has changed.

"I'll play chess with you another day. I'll save my wife first." Song Jiaying clapped her hands, "This drama has just begun. It can't happen without me."

Old man Qiao smiled: "Go ahead."

"By the way, Jianwu, don't run around. Go home and tidy up. Why don't you have such a big head and be careful..."

Song Jiaying said goodbye with a smile, quickly got on the car and went straight to the textile factory.

Well, it makes sense for him to go directly to Factory Director Gao's office.

As soon as I reached the door, angry roars echoed from the crowd.

"Bai Liu can go to the Workers', Peasants and Soldiers' University. What contribution has she made? If you don't tell us, director, we won't leave!"

"She has only been here a few years, but our family has been from Red Star for generations!"

Song Jiaying was not angry, this was exactly the effect he wanted.

Bai Liu's contribution should be made known to everyone, and he wants everyone in the textile factory to learn to be grateful.

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