Mrs. Wang stared at Bai Liu's face and said nothing for a long time.

Bai Liu felt terrified when the old man stared at her. She suddenly felt that it was okay not to buy this house.

But then I thought about it, people are always a little reluctant to sell a house they have lived in for many years. It seems that it is not impossible to check whether the buyer is sincere.

Besides, it's not like she's shameless, just weird.

Everyone has different personalities, which probably proves that the other person is very confident.

She was doing some mental construction for herself, and Mrs. Wang's expression gradually softened from "disgusting" to "disgusting", while she still stared at Bai Liu's face.

I don't know if I can tell anything about it.

"Mr. Wang, what are you..." I don't know how Bai Liu feels, and Li Jianguo feels uncomfortable.

But he didn't dare to speak directly, so he could only laugh to resolve the stalemate between the two sides.

"Okay, come in," Mrs. Wang said with an expressionless face and a stiff tone. After speaking, she turned around and walked inside.

Bai Liu looked at Li Jianguo, who nodded: "Let's go."

She took a deep breath and followed.

As soon as she stepped through the hanging flower door, the tension in her heart suddenly relaxed, and her previous dissatisfaction also dissipated.

In early spring in the capital, it is different from the desolation and desolation elsewhere. When you walk through the hanging flower gate, you will see a greenhouse with green vegetables growing vaguely inside.

Mrs. Wang is really particular about people.

Most of the time in winter in the north, there are only Chinese cabbage, radish and potatoes, extremely rare green vegetables, but the old lady has them here.

She said nothing and continued to follow Mrs. Wang inside with Li Jianguo.

Once you walk through and enter the courtyard, you arrive at the main courtyard.

Li Jianguo whispered: "There are three main rooms, and there are two east and west wing rooms each without a backyard. It can barely be regarded as a courtyard house, but it is not an old house. It was built during the Republic of China..."

He rambled on about the basic situation of the house. Mrs. Wang in front did not interrupt, but just led them towards the east wing.

"You guys sit down for a moment, and I'll get you a glass of water." After saying this, Mrs. Wang went into another room.

Li Jianguo lowered his voice: "Don't feel awkward. Mr. Wang is just like this. The old lady lost her mother when she was born, her father when she was young, her husband in middle age, and her son in old age. He has suffered all kinds of hardships, and now he only has himself. It’s normal to live as you please.”

"The location and layout of this yard are pretty good. I don't think you'll like it. Now I'll see if Wang Laotong doesn't agree to your purchase."

Bai Liu heard this and rubbed her index finger and thumb. She couldn't refute.

This yard is really nice. The location alone is enough to impress her, not to mention the layout of the yard that she likes even more.

Mrs. Wang's house is different from ordinary courtyard houses, with more liberal regulations and more livable conditions.

What's especially rare is that this yard is actually connected to water and electricity. As long as she adjusts it according to her living habits, it will be no worse than a building.

Bai Liu has lived in bungalows and buildings, but she still prefers bungalows and courtyards. Of course, let’s not mention bungalows. She has never lived there and can’t comment.

"How much?" She suspected that she didn't have enough money.

Li Jianguo felt a little embarrassed: "Mr. Wang just said that I would bring someone over, and the price would have to be discussed in person."

It is precisely because of this ambiguous rhetoric that people are put off and always find it amusing.

Bai Liu wanted to say something else, but Mrs. Wang had already walked over with tea.

After sitting down, Mrs. Wang first looked at Li Jianguo: "Please help me contact your leader. I will probably leave soon. It's hard to say when I will come back next time. I have some instructions for him to come."

Li Jianguo glanced at Bai Liu and hesitated: "I'll wait for a while -"

"Go now," Mrs. Wang said with emphasis, "Can I still eat her?"

Li Jianguo had no choice but to nod to Bai Liu and leave.Bai Liu is confused, so what should she do now?
Mrs. Wang took a sip of tea: "Don't worry, his leader is a student I have helped. I have decided to sell this house to you. I want to meet some old friends before leaving."

Bai Liu: ...

She seemed to have never had time to say a word from beginning to end. Why do you think she will definitely buy a house?
Face to face?
She thought so and really asked: "Mr. Wang, what if I can't afford it?"

There was confusion on Mrs. Wang's face for a moment, as if she was muttering to herself: "That shouldn't be the case. Judging from your appearance, you should be a rich and powerful person."

What a face-to-face encounter.

Bai Liu really felt that he should run, but it was not appropriate to think about it.

She took a deep breath and said helplessly: "You didn't even tell me the price. I really don't have much money."

If you really can't do it, you can only go back to your hometown and get the gold at the bottom of the box.

Mrs. Wang suddenly understood and blinked to hide her embarrassment: "Maybe I forgot, it doesn't matter, I'm selling this yard to find a suitable person, and the price is easy to negotiate."

"Then let's go with 999. Nine is the ultimate number. I like it."

It was the first time Bai Liu met someone who was less reliable than her. Is the price quoted so casual?
She didn't just come from the countryside. After a period of house viewing, she knew that houses in the capital were very affordable and few people sold their houses.

Occasionally, someone who sells a house can scare away most of the people just by opening his mouth.

She could hardly imagine buying such a yard for 99 yuan... She initially thought it would cost 5000 yuan.

The independent courtyard is located near Beijing University. The price of less than 1000 yuan is obviously unaffordable, and this number is like child's play.

"Are you serious?" Don't fool me.

The doubt in her eyes was so obvious that Mrs. Wang was a little displeased: "Can I still lie to you? I do what I say. I will be happy to buy people I like at low prices, and buy people I don't like for ten thousand gold." Not to my room.”

It all depends on her own mood.

"You are very casual." Bai Liu didn't know what to say.

This was like pie in the sky, she couldn't believe it.

Mrs. Wang looked at her surprised look with satisfaction and took a leisurely sip of tea: "Fate is important between people, and there is also fate between people and their houses. And there is no dispute over the property rights of this house, but it must... …Only those who are blessed and have a firm mind can live in peace.”

Bai Liu: Dare not speak...

"In a word, do you want to buy it or not?" Mrs. Wang glanced at her.

"Buy!" She was not stupid.

Mrs. Wang nodded happily and turned to look at her: "Have you brought any money? Let's go to the Housing Authority."

Is it so sudden?

Bai Liu touched her pocket. She came to the capital yesterday and was in a hurry to go out for a hotel today. She hadn't had time to put down the money she brought.

What a coincidence.

She followed Mrs. Wang to the housing authority in a daze, and finally woke up at the last moment.

"Write my daughter's name. She cannot study until she settles in Beijing."

Mrs. Wang glanced at Tangdou's household registration information, frowned at first, and then nodded thoughtfully.

It wasn't until she stepped into the yard again at noon that Bai Liu suddenly realized that she had actually bought a house. It was real and yet like a dream.

Mrs. Wang took her to see each room and cellar again, and finally said: "Don't change the overall layout of the house within this century. If you want to start construction, it will take a few years."

"I will move out within a week. See you again when we have the chance."

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